Awesome List Updates on Jul 28, 2017
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Theravada
Videos / YouTube Channels
- Dhamma in English - Live talks and Q&A with lay visitors from around the world. (English)
- PhraSuchart Live - Live talks and Q&A with lay visitors from around the world. (Thai - ไทย)
2. Awesome Fp Js
- zen-signals (⭐53) – ☯ The simplest signal library possible
Functional Languages that Compile to JavaScript / Lenses
- ion (⭐80) - no BS JS
3. Awesome Ruby
API Builder and Discovery
- jsonapi-rb – Efficient and convenient JSON API (de)serialization library.
4. Awesome Preact
Contents / Boilerplates
- Official Boilerplate (⭐974) - Ready-to-rock Preact starter project, powered by Webpack.
- Preact Simple Starter (⭐64) - PWA Simple Starter with Preact, Preact-mdl and Webpack2.
- Preact PWA (⭐510) - PWA focused on raw performance, server side rendering, prerendering, redux, express, rollup.
Contents / Routing
- Preact Router (⭐1k) - URL router for Preact.
Contents / Components
- Preact Token Input (⭐62) - Text field that tokenizes input, for things like tags.
- Preact Virtual List (⭐224) - Easily render lists with millions of rows (demo).
- Preact Layout - Small and simple layout library.
- Preact Socrates (⭐16) - Preact plugin for Socrates (⭐580).
- Preact Flyd (⭐11) - Use flyd (⭐1.6k) FRP streams in Preact + JSX.
- Preact I18nline (⭐38) - Integrates the ecosystem around i18n-js (⭐10) with Preact via i18nline (⭐19).
- Preact Classless Component (⭐44) - Create preact components without the class keyword.
- Preact Hyperscript (⭐31) - Hyperscript-like syntax for creating elements.
- Shallow Compare (⭐34) - Simplified
- Preact Codemod (⭐40) - Transform your React code to Preact.
- Preact Helmet (⭐82) - A document head manager for Preact.
- Preact Delegate (⭐19) - Delegate DOM events.
- Preact No SSR (⭐8) - Skip Server Side Rendering of Components.
Contents / Articles
Contents / Example Apps
- Colors App (⭐98) - PWA for copying values from popular color palettes. Supports HEX, RGB, and HSL formats.
- Tracks (⭐16) - PWA for tracking things in general. Gdrive Sync.
Contents / Related Libraries
- Rax (⭐8k) - A universal React-compatible render engine.
5. Awesome Android
GUI / Navigation
- RecyclerTabLayout (⭐1.3k) - An efficient TabLayout library implemented with RecyclerView.
6. Awesome AutoHotkey
Networking / Web
- Socket.ahk (⭐51) - by GeekDude - Socket library based on Bentschi's - Forum link
- WebSocket.ahk (⭐43) - by GeekDude - Class based WebSocket library - Forum link
7. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Programming Tools / Others
- CSS Autoprefixer - A postprocessor for handling vendor prefixes in CSS. Just paste the regular CSS and get the vendor prefix handled CSS instantly.
8. Awesome Malware Analysis
Miscellaneous / Other Resources
- FLARE VM (⭐6.1k) - A fully customizable, Windows-based, security distribution for malware analysis.
9. Awesome Pentest
Side-channel Tools / Reverse Engineering Tools
- ChipWhisperer - Complete open-source toolchain for side-channel power analysis and glitching attacks.
10. Awesome Deep Learning Resources
Posts and Articles
- Predictions made by Ray Kurzweil - List of mid to long term futuristic predictions made by Ray Kurzweil.
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks - MUST READ post by Andrej Karpathy - this is what motivated me to learn RNNs, it demonstrates what it can achieve in the most basic form of NLP.
- Neural Networks, Manifolds, and Topology - Fresh look on how neurons map information.
- Understanding LSTM Networks - Explains the LSTM cells' inner workings, plus, it has interesting links in conclusion.
- Recommending music on Spotify with deep learning - Awesome for doing clustering on audio - post by an intern at Spotify.
- Announcing SyntaxNet: The World’s Most Accurate Parser Goes Open Source - Parsey McParseface's birth, a neural syntax tree parser.
- Improving Inception and Image Classification in TensorFlow - Very interesting CNN architecture (e.g.: the inception-style convolutional layers is promising and efficient in terms of reducing the number of parameters).
- WaveNet: A Generative Model for Raw Audio - Realistic talking machines: perfect voice generation.
- François Chollet's Twitter - Author of Keras - has interesting Twitter posts and innovative ideas.
- Migrating to Git LFS for Developing Deep Learning Applications with Large Files - Easily manage huge files in your private Git projects.
- The future of deep learning - François Chollet's thoughts on the future of deep learning.
- Discover structure behind data with decision trees - Grow decision trees and visualize them, infer the hidden logic behind data.
Practical Resources / Librairies and Implementations
- skflow (⭐3.2k) - TensorFlow wrapper à la scikit-learn.
- carpedm20's repositories - Many interesting neural network architectures are implemented by the Korean guy Taehoon Kim, A.K.A. carpedm20.
- carpedm20/NTM-tensorflow (⭐1k) - Neural Turing Machine TensorFlow implementation.
- Deep learning for lazybones - Transfer learning tutorial in TensorFlow for vision from high-level embeddings of a pretrained CNN, AlexNet 2012.
- LSTM for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) (⭐3.1k) - Tutorial of mine on using LSTMs on time series for classification.
- Deep stacked residual bidirectional LSTMs for HAR (⭐280) - Improvements on the previous project.
- Sequence to Sequence (seq2seq) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for Time Series Prediction (⭐1k) - Tutorial of mine on how to predict temporal sequences of numbers - that may be multichannel.
- ML / DL repositories I starred - GitHub is full of nice code samples & projects.
Practical Resources / Some Datasets
- UCI Machine Learning Repository - TONS of datasets for ML.
- Cornell Movie--Dialogs Corpus - This could be used for a chatbot.
- SQuAD The Stanford Question Answering Dataset - Question answering dataset that can be explored online, and a list of models performing well on that dataset.
- LibriSpeech ASR corpus - Huge free English speech dataset with balanced genders and speakers, that seems to be of high quality.
- Awesome Public Datasets (⭐52k) - An awesome list of public datasets.
Other Math Theory / Gradient Descent Algorithms & Optimization Theory
- Yes you should understand backprop - Exposing backprop's caveats and the importance of knowing that while training models.
- Artificial Neural Networks: Mathematics of Backpropagation - Picturing backprop, mathematically.
- Deep Learning Lecture 12: Recurrent Neural Nets and LSTMs - Unfolding of RNN graphs is explained properly, and potential problems about gradient descent algorithms are exposed.
- Gradient descent algorithms in a saddle point - Visualize how different optimizers interacts with a saddle points.
- Gradient descent algorithms in an almost flat landscape - Visualize how different optimizers interacts with an almost flat landscape.
- Gradient Descent - Okay, I already listed Andrew NG's Coursera class above, but this video especially is quite pertinent as an introduction and defines the gradient descent algorithm.
- Gradient Descent: Intuition - What follows from the previous video: now add intuition.
- Gradient Descent in Practice 2: Learning Rate - How to adjust the learning rate of a neural network.
- The Problem of Overfitting - A good explanation of overfitting and how to address that problem.
- Diagnosing Bias vs Variance - Understanding bias and variance in the predictions of a neural net and how to address those problems.
- Self-Normalizing Neural Networks - Appearance of the incredible SELU activation function.
- Learning to learn by gradient descent by gradient descent - RNN as an optimizer: introducing the L2L optimizer, a meta-neural network.
Other Math Theory / Complex Numbers & Digital Signal Processing
- MathBox, Tools for Thought Graphical Algebra and Fourier Analysis - New look on Fourier analysis.
- How to Fold a Julia Fractal - Animations dealing with complex numbers and wave equations.
- Animate Your Way to Glory, Math and Physics in Motion - Convergence methods in physic engines, and applied to interaction design.
- Animate Your Way to Glory - Part II, Math and Physics in Motion - Nice animations for rotation and rotation interpolation with Quaternions, a mathematical object for handling 3D rotations.
- Filtering signal, plotting the STFT and the Laplace transform (⭐53) - Simple Python demo on signal processing.
Papers / Recurrent Neural Networks
- Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview - You_Again's summary/overview of deep learning, mostly about RNNs.
- Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks - Better classifications with RNNs with bidirectional scanning on the time axis.
- Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks - 4 stacked LSTM cells of 1000 hidden size with reversed input sentences, and with beam search, on the WMT’14 English to French dataset.
- Exploring the Limits of Language Modeling - Nice recursive models using word-level LSTMs on top of a character-level CNN using an overkill amount of GPU power.
- Exploring the Depths of Recurrent Neural Networks with Stochastic Residual Learning - Basically, residual connections can be better than stacked RNNs in the presented case of sentiment analysis.
- Pixel Recurrent Neural Networks - Nice for photoshop-like "content aware fill" to fill missing patches in images.
Papers / Convolutional Neural Networks
- What is the Best Multi-Stage Architecture for Object Recognition? - Awesome for the use of "local contrast normalization".
- ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks - AlexNet, 2012 ILSVRC, breakthrough of the ReLU activation function.
- Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks - For the "deconvnet layer".
- Fast and Accurate Deep Network Learning by Exponential Linear Units - ELU activation function for CIFAR vision tasks.
- Going Deeper with Convolutions - GoogLeNet: Appearance of "Inception" layers/modules, the idea is of parallelizing conv layers into many mini-conv of different size with "same" padding, concatenated on depth.
- Highway Networks - Highway networks: residual connections.
- Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift - Batch normalization (BN): to normalize a layer's output by also summing over the entire batch, and then performing a linear rescaling and shifting of a certain trainable amount.
- Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition - Very deep residual layers with batch normalization layers - a.k.a. "how to overfit any vision dataset with too many layers and make any vision model work properly at recognition given enough data".
- Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning - For improving GoogLeNet with residual connections.
- WaveNet: a Generative Model for Raw Audio - Epic raw voice/music generation with new architectures based on dilated causal convolutions to capture more audio length.
- Learning a Probabilistic Latent Space of Object Shapes via 3D Generative-Adversarial Modeling - 3D-GANs for 3D model generation and fun 3D furniture arithmetics from embeddings (think like word2vec word arithmetics with 3D furniture representations).
- Accurate, Large Minibatch SGD: Training ImageNet in 1 Hour - Incredibly fast distributed training of a CNN.
YouTube and Videos / Other
- Attention Mechanisms in Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) - IGGG - A talk for a reading group on attention mechanisms (Paper: Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate).
- Tensor Calculus and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces - Generalize properly how Tensors work, yet just watching a few videos already helps a lot to grasp the concepts.
- Deep Learning & Machine Learning (Advanced topics) - A list of videos about deep learning that I found interesting or useful, this is a mix of a bit of everything.
- Signal Processing Playlist - A YouTube playlist I composed about DFT/FFT, STFT and the Laplace transform - I was mad about my software engineering bachelor not including signal processing classes (except a bit in the quantum physics class).
- Computer Science - Yet another YouTube playlist I composed, this time about various CS topics.
- Siraj's Channel - Siraj has entertaining, fast-paced video tutorials about deep learning.
- Two Minute Papers' Channel - Interesting and shallow overview of some research papers, for example about WaveNet or Neural Style Transfer.
Misc. Hubs & Links / Other
- Hacker News - Maybe how I discovered ML - Interesting trends appear on that site way before they get to be a big deal.
- DataTau - This is a hub similar to Hacker News, but specific to data science.
- Naver - This is a Korean search engine - best used with Google Translate, ironically. Surprisingly, sometimes deep learning search results and comprehensible advanced math content shows up more easily there than on Google search.
- Arxiv Sanity Preserver - arXiv browser with TF/IDF features.
11. Awesome Swift
- Gemini (⭐3.3k) - Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework.
12. Awesome Tensorflow
13. Awesome ad Free
Alternatives / Publications
- Ello - Media platform for creators and artists that does not sell user data.
- RealSport - Fans write articles on football, basketball, cricket, e-sports, motorsports, and most other sports out there. This site is committed to maintaining an experience free of pop-ups, fake news, click-bait, and ads.
- Prev: Jul 29, 2017
- Next: Jul 27, 2017