Awesome List Updates on Jul 25, 2017
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ruby
- graphql-batch (⭐1.4k) – A query batching executor.
- graphql-client - A library for declaring, composing and executing GraphQL queries.
- graphql-guard (⭐470) - A simple field-level authorization.
- graphql-ruby (⭐5.4k) - Ruby implementation of GraphQL.
2. Awesome Lua
Resources / Implementations, Interpreters, and Bindings
- lua.vm.js (⭐829) - Lua VM on the web; a direct port of the C interpreter via LLVM, emscripten, and asm.js.
Resources / Package Managers
- LuaRocks - De-facto tool for installing Lua modules as packages called "rocks", plus public rock repository and website. Much like npm or pip.
Resources / IDEs and Plugins
- Lua Development Tools - Eclipse plugin which provides code completion, debugging, and more. Built on Metalua.
- ZeroBraneStudio - Lightweight, customizable, cross-platform Lua-dedicated IDE with code completion and analysis, written in Lua. Has broad debugging support for numerous Lua engines.
Resources / Utility Belts
- Lua Fun (⭐1.8k) - High-performance functional programming library designed for LuaJIT.
Resources / Game Engines
- Corona SDK - Development platform for iOS and Android. Proprietary, but used by numerous top games and apps, totaling over 150 million downloads.
Resources / Other Lists
- awesome-love2d (⭐2.5k) - A list like this one, but focused on game dev and the LÖVE platform.
Resources / Game Development
- moaifiddle - Edit and share short scripts for the MOAI game engine and run them in the browser using WebGL.
Resources / Web/Networking Platforms
- OpenResty - A fast and scalable web application platform created by extending Nginx with Lua. Today's de-facto Lua web platform, used heavily by Cloudflare, Taobao, Tencent, and others.
- turbo - Event-driven, non-blocking, LuaJIT-based networking suite and framework, inspired by Tornado.
- Kepler Project - A collection of web-oriented projects using a common set of standards and components.
- Pegasus.lua (⭐309) - Pegasus.lua is a http server to work with web applications written in Lua language.
Resources / Documentation
- Locco - Lua port of Docco, the "quick-and-dirty, hundred-line-long, literate-programming-style documentation generator".
Resources / Digital Signal Processing
- LuaFFT (⭐37) - An easy to use Fast Fourier Transformation package in pure Lua.
Resources / Math and Scientific Computing
- lhf's Lua Tools - Assorted libraries and tools, many math- or data-related.
Resources / Data Stores
- LuaSQL - Simple interface for connecting to ODBC, ADO, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL.
Resources / Scriptable by Lua
- AwesomeWM - A highly configurable and extensible window manager for X, scripted and configured by Lua.
- Textadept - Extremely lightweight, customizable, cross-platform editor, written (mostly) in (and scripted by) Lua.
Resources / Articles
- Embedding Lua in C - An introductory walkthrough of embedding Lua in a C program. A bit dated, but still a great walkthrough.
3. Awesome Dotnet
- SharpNetSH (⭐75) - A simple netsh library for C#.
4. Awesome Hacking
Awesome Repositories
Repository: Vulnerability Research (⭐1.2k)
Description: List of resources about Vulnerability Research
5. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Templating
- Smarty - A template engine to complement PHP.
- Twig - A comprehensive templating language.
Table of Contents / Email
- SwiftMailer - A mailer solution.
Table of Contents / Dependency Injection
- Pimple - A tiny dependency injection container.
6. Awesome No Login Web Apps
Audio and Video
- Filelab Audio Editor - Audio editor with basic features like trim, merge, cut audio.
- YOU.DJ - Online music mixer, DJ software sourcing music from SoundCloud.
Drawing / Others
- ScribbleMaps - Create custom google maps.
Graphics, Image and Design / Others
- Online Logo Maker - Make logos online. Extra user account feature to save creations.
- ezGIF - GIF images editor (cropping, scaling, optimizing and more).
- IcoMoon - A platform that helps you in finding vector icon packs, hosting icons as SVGs or fonts and to generate SVG + PNG + icon fonts of selected icons.
Internet Downloaders / Others
- Bitport
- Torrent downloader. Limited to 1 torrent of 1gb per day in free account.
Music, Radio and Podcasts / Others
- Jango Radio - Free Internet radio, listen to hundreds of genre stations or create your own with your favorite music.
Notepads and Notebooks / Others
- Notepad - Offline capable Notepad PWA.
Privacy, Security and Cryptography / Others
- 10 Minute Mail - A temporary fully functional email address for 10 minutes (extendible).
Programming Editors and IDEs / Others
- - Playground for front end web development.
Programming Tools / Others
- CSS Minifier - Minifies CSS by removing whitespace and comments.
- Website Speed Test | Pingdom - Feature-rich website tester.
- Google Structured Data Testing Tool - Test a webpage for structured data and SEO.
- Regulex - JavaScript regular expression visualizer.
Search Engines / Others
- Iconfinder - Download all your favourite icons in one place.
- Emoji Search Online - Intelligent emoji search engine.
- Google Fonts - Collection of open-source fonts by google.
Utilities (uncategorized) / Others
- TallTweets - Send tweets longer than 140 characters.
Miscellaneous / Others
- followupthen - Easiest way to setup email reminders.
7. Awesome Nextjs
8. Awesome Android
- ShimmerLayout (⭐2.5k) - Memory efficient shimmering effect for Android applications.
Resources / Custom Dialog
- Android Hive Tutorials - Very good tutorials for beginners.
9. Awesome Cl
Markdown / Third-party APIs
- 3bmd (⭐83) - a markdown -> html converter. MIT.
10. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- Castle.Core (⭐2.2k) - Castle Core, including Castle DynamicProxy, Logging Services and DictionaryAdapter
11. Awesome Javascript
Templating Engines / Runner
- Pug (⭐22k) - Robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for nodejs. (formerly known as Jade)
12. Awesome Rust
Development tools / IDEs
- gnome-builder - native support for rust and cargo since Version 3.22.2
13. Awesome Swift
- ChainPageCollectionView (⭐791) - Fancy two-level collection view layout and animation.
- Prev: Jul 26, 2017
- Next: Jul 24, 2017