Awesome List Updates on Jul 18, 2017
17 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Theravada
Forums / Audio
- Dhamma Wheel - Discussion on a wide variety of topics pertaining to Theravada Buddhism.
2. Awesome Ddd
Sample Projects / JVM languages
- Event Sourcing and CQRS Sample (⭐463) - Sample event sourced application with Command Query Responsibility Segregation
3. Awesome Android Ui
Label / Form
Name: Shimmer for Android (⭐5.1k)
License: BSD 2 License
Name: Float Labeled EditText (⭐1.1k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: GraphView (⭐2.7k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: Android PDFView (⭐2.8k)
License: GPL V3
Name: LolliPin (⭐1.6k)
License: Apache License V2
4. Awesome Python
Environment Management
- pyenv (⭐38k) - Simple Python version management.
GUI Development
- wxPython - A blending of the wxWidgets C++ class library with the Python.
HTML Manipulation
- xmldataset - Simple XML Parsing.
Job Scheduler
- APScheduler - A light but powerful in-process task scheduler that lets you schedule functions.
- TaskFlow - A Python library that helps to make task execution easy, consistent and reliable.
Package Repositories
- localshop (⭐397) - Local PyPI server (custom packages and auto-mirroring of pypi).
- Pyramid
- cornice (⭐382) - A RESTful framework for Pyramid.
- ObsPy (⭐1.1k) - A Python toolbox for seismology.
- SciPy - A Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering.
Specific Formats Processing
- PyYAML - YAML implementations for Python.
- Test Runners
- green (⭐785) - A clean, colorful test runner.
- mamba - The definitive testing tool for Python. Born under the banner of BDD.
- tox - Auto builds and tests distributions in multiple Python versions
Third-party APIs
- django-wordpress (⭐351) - WordPress models and views for Django.
5. Awesome Computer History
Websites / Announcements and Memos
- First website ever made (1990) - CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research Organisation) website
- The Amazing FishCam (1994) - The Fishcam was the second live camera on the web and is the oldest camera site still in existence
6. Dive Into Machine Learning
Supplement: Learning Pandas well / Some communities to know about!
- Another helpful tutorial: Real World Data Cleanup with Python and Pandas
7. Awesome Design
Styleguide and Branding
Conference and Festival
8. Awesome Swift
Images / Barcode
- gifu (⭐3.1k) - Highly performant animated GIF support for iOS.
9. Awesome Json
- Lawnchair (⭐2.1k) - A lightweight clientside document store. (Javascript)
- RxDB (⭐21k) - Event-driven JSON-Database with JSON-Schema, mango-Query and CouchDB-sync. (Javascript)
Format Extensions
- JSON-LD - A lightweight Linked Data format.
- JSON6 (⭐231) - JSON for Humans (ES6).
- scala-jsonapi (⭐107) - Support library for integrating the JSON:API spec with Play, Spray and/or Circe backends.
Online tools
- JSONLint - The JSON Validator.
- JSONCompare - The Advanced Version of the JSON Linter.
- JSONProxy (⭐302) - Simple HTTP proxy that enables cross-domain requests to any JSON API.
- JSON-populate (⭐153) - Tool for populating JSON data with infinitely recursive circular references. Sort of like Falcor, but for plain JSON.
- CircularJSON (⭐602) - JSON does not handle circular references. Now it does.
10. Awesome Actionscript3
Development Tools / Code Editors
- FlashDevelop - Premiere free & open-source IDE for AS3 & AIR, with code completion, debugging, and more.
- Powerflasher FDT - Commercial IDE built on the Eclipse platform for development of Adobe Flash/AIR content.
- Adobe Flash Builder - Commercial IDE for building applications on the Flex framework (with advanced debugging tools).
Development Tools / Live Debuggers
- Adobe Scout - Advanced visual profiling and debugging tool for AIR apps & games (supports Stage3D).
- De-Monster Debugger (⭐6) - Advanced tool to debug graphics and data from a live AIR application.
- De-Monster Debugger (Starling) (⭐50) - Fork of De-Monster Debugger with support for Starling Framework.
Development Tools / Asset Creators
- FlashMovieClipConverter (⭐24) - Converts a Flash MovieClip to a Starling IAnimatable Sprite.
Development Tools / SWF Obfuscators
- secureSWF - Commercial AS3/AIR obfuscator with renaming, asset encryption and automatic code optimization.
- irrFuscator - Commercial AS3 obfuscator for Flash and Flex SWF files.
File Formats / SWF
- SWFWire (⭐244) - SWF Decompiler and Inspector Tools.
- AS3abc (⭐2) - Low level library to parse, create, modify and publish ABC (Actionscript Block Code) files.
Development Tools / SWF Inspectors
- Velocity9 (⭐24) - Basic SWF Inspector.
Development Tools / SWF Decompilers
- AS3Sorcerer - Premiere AS3 decompiler with 99% decompilation accuracy (supports SWF/SWC, Alchemy opcodes).
- Sothink Decompiler - Advanced decompiler for AS2/AS3 (supports asset extraction and conversion of SWF to FLA/Flex).
Development Tools / ANE Dev Tools
- FreSharp (⭐46) - Build ANEs using C# with this C# wrapper for FlashRuntimeExtensions .
- Swift-IOS-ANE (⭐59) - ANE starter kit written in Swift 3 for iOS 10 .
Frameworks / MVC Frameworks
- PureMVC (⭐122) - Industry-standard MVC framework for Flash (multicore (⭐57)).
- Robotlegs (⭐968) - Dependency injection, module/view/command management framework for Flash.
- Apollo (⭐1) - Dependency injection and messaging framework, which can be used as the basis for MVC projects.
- Somacore (⭐21) - Lightweight event-based AS3 MVC framework.
- Kote (⭐3) - Fast and lightweight MVC framework that brings together the best of PureMVC and as3-signals.
- StarlingMVC (⭐126) - IOC Framework for Starling based games.
Frameworks / UI Frameworks
- Starling - High-performance 2D graphics engine built on Stage3D. API identical to Flash API. (github (⭐2.6k), help).
- Feathers UI - User interface components for Starling Framework (github (⭐920), help).
Frameworks / Game Frameworks
- StarlingPunk (⭐140) - Framework built on Starling to add structure and organization to your game projects.
- IsoHill (⭐104) - GPU-based Isometric engine built on Starling, with TILED map parser, layers, etc (website).
- ND2D (⭐320) - GPU-accelerated 2D game engine using Stage3D (ND2Dx (⭐34)).
- Nexus (⭐12) - GPU-accelerated 2D game engine using Stage3D.
Frameworks / 3D Frameworks
- AwayBuilder - Visual workflow tool to import, optimise and bake 3D assets from a variety of sources.
- Away3D (⭐638) - Open-source GPU-accelerated 3D engine for Flash Player 11+ (examples (⭐99)).
- Away3D OpenFL (⭐165) - Away3D for Neko, HTML5 and native CPP. (examples (⭐37)).
- AwayPhysics FP11 (⭐113) - Away Physics - 3D physics library for the Away3D FP 11 (examples (⭐58)).
- Alternativa3D (⭐366) - Alternativa3D GPU accelerated 3D engine (examples (⭐35)).
- Flare3D - Commercial 3D platform with high-performance engine and Level-editor IDE.
- Zen3D (⭐5) - High-performance 3D engine for Adobe Flash & AIR (GPU based).
Frameworks / Animation
- GreenSock GSAP - The industry-standard animation library for Flash (TweenLite, TweenMax) (github (⭐407)).
- StarlingGAFPlayer (⭐1) - Play back GAF animations using Starling (animations authored in Flash Pro).
Frameworks / Signals
- Signaller (⭐2) - Signals implementation with restricted rights for dispatching.
Frameworks / Unit Testing
- AS3unit (⭐4) - Unit testing framework for ActionScript 3.
- (⭐10) - BDD-style assertion library for ActionScript 3.
- AS3spec (⭐20) - Tiny BDD framework for AS3, inspired by Bacon and RSpec.
- ASunit (⭐49) - The only unit test framework that supports Flash Players 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
User Interface / UI Components
- MinimalComps (⭐621) - Minimal ActionScript 3.0 UI Components for Flash.
- MadComponents (⭐45) - Popular Mobile UI Framework for AS3 / AIR.
- AsWing (⭐13) - Open Source Flash ActionScript GUI framework.
- GPUI (⭐67) - Tiny GUI Library based on Stage3D (GPU).
- Falcon (⭐21) - responsive/flexible mobile ui controls for Feathers.
- Flex-maps (⭐13) - Definitive solution for maps in Apache Flex.
User Interface / Starling Components
- Toaster (⭐3) - Simple feedback about an operation in a small popup. .
User Interface / Layout
- Adobe TLF (⭐26) - Adobe/Apache Flex Text Layout Framework (TLF).
- TinyTLF (⭐10) - Versatile text layout framework built on top of the Flash Text Engine for Flash/Flex.
- Argilla-Mosaic (⭐5) - Dynamic layout library.
- xrope (⭐34) - Simple layout library for native AS3 display objects.
- miglayout-as (⭐15) - Port of MigLayout, a superbly versatile Flash/Flex/FlashCocoa (SWT/Swing/JavaFX) layout manager.
User Interface / Multi Touch
- TUIO Client (⭐6) - Common framework for multi-touch hardware, supporting TUIO/FLC and TUIO/TCP (web).
- Gestouch (⭐354) - Multitouch gesture recognition library for building better Natural User Interfaces.
- Gestures.IO (⭐1) - Simplifies the way you create gesture-based Natural Interactions.
- TouchScript (⭐19) - Multitouch framework that makes handling complex gesture interactions on large touch surfaces easier.
Multimedia / Augmented Reality
- FLARToolKit (⭐14) - AS3 port of the industry standard ARToolkit library, for Flash Player 11. (website).
- FLARManager - Lightweight framework for building augmented reality apps, using FLARToolkit/flare.tracker/flare.NFT.
- EZFLAR (⭐41) - A little wrapper to ease the way AR works.
- IN2AR (⭐33) - SDK for IN2AR cross-platform Augmented Reality Engine.
Multimedia / Data Visualization
- Flextreemap (⭐22) - TreeMap data visualization component for Adobe Flex.
- GraphVisualizer (⭐4) - A Flex 3 + ActionScript 3 web software to draw dynamic graphcs.
- Weave (⭐369) - Web-based Analysis and Visualization Environment.
- Social-grid (⭐22) - Abstract Grid Visualization for Social Media.
Multimedia / Camera
- CameraDetection (⭐35) - Camera detection.
- Fluocam (⭐12) - Virtual camera for Starling applications.
Multimedia / Image
- Scale9Image (⭐13) - Optimized scale9Grid image for starling.
- ASImageLib (⭐10) - BMP/PNG decoder for actionscript.
- Async-Image-Encoders (⭐20) - Asynchronously encode BitmapData objects into image file format.
- Flip-Planes-AS3 (⭐14) - Photo slideshow effects.
- AS3-transitions-lib (⭐12) - Image Transitions Library.
- Inspirit Image (⭐1) - FFT, SURF, edge detection, fluid solver, etc.
- Inspirit GPUImage (⭐170) - Framework for GPU-based image processing.
Multimedia / Font
- Firetype (⭐103) - Parse OpenType fonts and render them using Stage3D.
- HanFont (⭐14) - AIR app for Chinese Font Embeding in ActionScript.
Multimedia / Particle
- Flint (⭐259) - Particle Engine for Flash and Flex.
- Desuade Partigen - Desuade Partigen particle generation system (github (⭐19)).
- Angulex (⭐10) - Particle Designer for the Starling framework (ActionScript 3).
- SAP (⭐45) - Particle System for Starling.
- Starling-Particles (⭐321) - Particle system for the Starling framework, compatible with the "Particle Designer" from
Multimedia / Panorama Viewer
- Pantaloons - Panoramic viewing in Flash Player.
- SaladoPlayer (⭐88) - Panorama viewer.
- PanoramicViewer (⭐1) - 3D Panoramic Viewer.
- CuTy (⭐10) - QTVR Panorama viewer based on Flash 10.
Multimedia / QR Code
- Zxing AS3 (⭐30k) - QR code detection and generation (docs).
- AS3-qrcode-encoder (⭐92) - QR code encoder in as3.
- qrcode-as (⭐29) - QR Code reader which supports webcam on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Multimedia / Sound
- Standingwave3 (⭐162) - Dynamic audio library.
- Standingwave3-addons (⭐1) - Addons for SW3.
- Soundtouch-as3 (⭐60) - AS3 Port of the SoundTouch Sound Processing Library.
- SeiON (⭐8) - Sound Management Library.
- AS3-Sound-Manager (⭐17)- Upgraded version of the Sound Manager Class from Matt Przybylski.
- AS3-audio (⭐6) - Audio Management in Actionscript.
- SiON (⭐104) - Flash Software Synthesizer.
- FlashWavRecorder (⭐240) - Recording audio and saving as a WAV.
- Jukebox (⭐2) - Music manager for Actionscript 3 projects.
- Flod (⭐45) - Amiga SoundTracker (MOD) and FastTracker (XM) Replay Library.
Multimedia / Video Player
- Flowplayer (⭐279) - Flowplayer Flash, the video player for the Web.
- Goplayer (⭐18) - Modern open-source video player written in ActionScript 3.
- OSFlashVideoPlayer (⭐103) - Open source flash video player.
- F4player (⭐116) - Open Source AS3 Flash Video Player.
- dashas (⭐104) - MPEG-DASH player written in ActionScript.
- hlsplayer (⭐60) - HLS player for OSMF flash framework.
- vgaplayer (⭐28) - Open source player for Adobe Flash Media Server streams (RTMP).
Database / SQLite
- AS3Query (⭐2) - Another SQLite ORM and query DSL for ActionScript.
- AIRdb (⭐34) - AIR ORM for using client-side SQLite within AIR and Flex apps. Supports ActiveRecord style models, migrations and associations.
- Flexine (⭐4) - SQLite ORM for AIR.
- AIR-sqlite (⭐75) - Utilities for working with SQLite databases in AIR.
File Formats / BSON
- MongoAS3 (⭐74) - MongoDB Driver which includes BSON I/O.
- ActionBSON (⭐11) - BSON data encoder/decoder.
Database / MongoDB
- ActionMongo (⭐1) - MongoDB driver.
Database / CouchDB
- AS3couchdb (⭐40) - Client-side API for interacting with a CouchDB instance.
Database / MySQL
- AS3mysql (⭐12) - Driver for the MySQL open source database.
Database / PostgreSQL
- Pegasus (⭐16) - Driver for the PostgreSQL open source database.
Database / DynamoDB
- AWS-dynamodb (⭐1) - Driver for accessing Amazon's AWS DynamoDB.
Database / Redis
- AS3redis (⭐4) - Driver for Redis.
File Formats / Archives
- Untar-Worker (⭐9) - TAR extraction using AS3 Workers (background threads).
File Formats / 3D Formats
- AsCollada (⭐8) - Parse COLLADA 3D model files (fork (⭐1)).
- AsBlender (⭐38) - Parse Blender .BLEND files.
- AS3-bvh-parser (⭐5) - Parse BVH files.
File Formats / CSV
- CSV4AS3 (⭐4) - CSV library ported from Apache Commons CSV.
- Csvlib (⭐7) - CSV parser.
File Formats / CSS
- Fcss (⭐84) - Flash Cascading StyleSheet Library.
- Sass4as (⭐4) - Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets for ActionScript 3.
File Formats / EXIF
- AS3-exif-lib (⭐6) - Parse JPEG EXIF data.
- Exif-as3 (⭐19) - Parse JPEG EXIF data.
File Formats / FXG
- Fxg-as3-lib (⭐8) - Pure AS3 FXG rendering library (both runtime rendering and mxml supported).
- Fxg2as3 (⭐2) - Converting FXG markup into executable Actionscript 3 code.
File Formats / GIF
- AS3gif (⭐24) - Play and encode Animated GIFs.
- GIF Player (⭐57) - Play Animated GIFs in Flash.
- Async-gif-decoder (⭐12) - Asynchronous GIF decoder & player.
File Formats / JSON
- Actionjson (⭐125) - Faster, more advanced ActionScript 3 JSON library.
- Jameson (⭐14) - JSON Document Object Mapper.
- Serialkiller (⭐4) - JSON & XML serialization library.
- JsonMapper (⭐3) - Typed JSON parser.
- JSONTools (⭐16) - JSON errors, the speed of the JSWoof JSON library, and E4X style queries dubbed E4J.
File Formats / Markdown
- - Port of showdown.js.
- Actiondown (⭐2) - Port of Javascript Showdown.
- Markdownlib (⭐5) - Implementation of Markdown.
File Formats / MP3
- AS3id3lib (⭐1) - Parse MP3 ID3 data.
File Formats / PDF
- PurePDF (⭐139) - Complete PDF library, port of Java iText.
- HalcyonPDF (⭐3) - OpenStreetMap PDF renderer.
- PDFCase (⭐3) - PDF Library.
- PDFView (⭐7) - PDF viewer built from scratch.
File Formats / PSD
- AS3-psd-parser (⭐35) - Parse Photoshop PSD files and render as BitmapData objects.
File Formats / SVG
- AS3SVGRenderer (⭐106) - SVG Renderer for Flash Player.
- SVGParser (⭐16) - SVG parser and renderer to FIVe3D and HTML5 canvas.
File Formats / XML
- XMLSerializer (⭐3) - Library which allows data serialisation from ActionScript to XML and from XML to ActionScript.
- Nudge (⭐1) - Framework to serialize/deserialize objects as XML.
File Formats / XLSX
- AS3-xlsx-reader (⭐41) - Parse Open XML Excel (.XLSX) or Open Office spreadsheets.
Networking / Hardware
- AS3midilib (⭐7) - Work with MIDI files and MIDI input/output devices.
- AS3glue - Communication for Arduino boards.
- AS3-arduino (⭐45) - Connecting Arduino Prototyping board to Adobe AIR.
- AIRkinect (⭐113) - ANE for integrating with Microsoft Kinect. (examples (⭐46)).
- KinectGate (⭐13) - KinectSDK to AS3 socket gate.
- Kinect-Gestures (⭐51) - AIR Kinect Gesture Library.
AIR Native Extensions / Hardware ANE
- LeapMotionAS3 (⭐307) - ANE for LeapMotion sensor (provides Gestures, Image, Skeleton/Bone @ 210 FPS).
- GPS (⭐15) - Get current device GPS location as fast as possible by automatically checking the best available provider.
- GoogleVR (⭐16) - Google Virtual Reality SDK available to AIR developers.
- Joystick-ANE (⭐18) - ANE Joystick Library.
- AIROUYAController (⭐21) - ANE for the OUYA Controller.
- AIRKinectv2 (⭐51) - ANE for Microsoft Kinect v2 for Windows SDK.
- Serial/MIDI/DMX (⭐45) - AIRBonjour, NativeSerial, NativeDMXController, NativeMIDI, VirtualMIDI, ExtendedMouse.
Networking / Servers
- AIR-Server (⭐45) - Socket Server library for Adobe AIR.
Networking / OAuth
- Actionscript-oauth2 (⭐109) - Interfacing with OAuth 2.0 services.
- oauth-flex (⭐7) - plugin for Apache Flex/ActionScript.
- oauth-as3 - Mavenized, RSL version of oauth-as3 library - OAuth for ActionScript 3.
Networking / HTTP
- Hendrix-HTTP (⭐12) - Lightweight HTTP library for ActionScript 3 (as3) inspired by Square's OkHttp.
- Amazon Web Services (⭐24) - AS3 API for AWS.
Networking / P2P
- P2Plocal (⭐25) - Local RTMFP connections.
- Android-Flash-P2P (⭐16) - P2P Communication between a Client.swf and an Android Device with AIR.
- NetGrouper (⭐25) - Wrapper for NetGroup and RTMFP Multicasting abilities to create quick P2P multiplayer games over local networks or Adobe Cirrus.
- HydraP2P (⭐94) - Simplifies the peer-to-peer API introduced in Flash Player 10.1.
- GroupP2P (⭐2) - P2P-based netgroup.
- HLS-P2P (⭐86) - Flash OSMF based hybrid cdn&p2p hls solution.
- P2Pmessaging (⭐1) - Simple messaging framework for doing P2P in Flash.
- ArcusNode (⭐173) - RTMFP Rendevouz Service For Peer Assisted Networking With Adobe Flash on Node JS.
Networking / Sockets
- AS3WebSocket (⭐245) - WebSocket client implementation for the final WebSocket Draft RFC6455.
- (⭐35) - Socket.IO Actionscript 3 client.
- AMFsocket (⭐11) - Bi-directional RPC library for high performance network communication.
- Sockpuppet (⭐2) - Complete Ruby/ActionScript socket client/server with AMF.
- (⭐45) - Communication to Socket.IO v.0.8+ servers.
- ws-flash-client - Reliable minimalistic WebSocket client (uses Adobe Flash where native WebSocket is not available).
Networking / Protocols
- GIT (⭐6) - Client-side implementation of Git.
- AIRplay (⭐22) - Client-side implementation of Apple's Airplay.
- TeaTime (⭐14) - AS3/Erlang implementation of the Croquet project's TeaTime protocol.
- XMPP (⭐9) - Client-side implementation of XMPP library.
- XMPP (⭐2) - Lightweight implementation of XMPP library.
- AMQP (⭐42) - Client-side implementation of the 0-8 version of AMQP.
- NTP (⭐6) - Client-side implementation of NTP Client (Network Time Protocol).
- FUDI (⭐1) - Client-side implementation of the Puredata FUDI protocol.
- BDD Cucumber (⭐26) - A BDD Cucumber wire protocol implementation for Flash ActionScript.
Networking / Email
- AIRXMail (⭐5) - Complete client-side email library supporting SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4.
- AS3Mailer (⭐8) - Sends email using server script or invokes a mailto.
Utilities / Artificial Intelligence
- FiniteStateMachine (⭐3) - Finite State Machine for AI bot/agent.
- N-GramPredictor (⭐3) - n-Gram predictor for AI bot/agent.
- Naive-BayesPredictor (⭐2) - Naive-Bayes predictor for AI bot/agent.
- HierarchicalStateMachine (⭐2) - Hierarchical State Machine for AI bot/agent.
- Godmode-as3 (⭐27) - Behavior tree implementation (artificial intelligence).
- DecisionTree (⭐3) - Binary decision tree for AI bot/agent.
- FuzzyStateMachine (⭐2) - Fuzzy State Machine (FuSM) for AI bot/agent.
- SmartKid - Powerful AI engine for 2D & 3D games.
Utilities / Async
- EasyAS-Worker (⭐45) - Simplified wrapper for AIR Workers.
- Worker-from-class (⭐77) - Create Workers from Class definitions.
Utilities / Crypto
- AS3Crypto (⭐88) - Fork of Henri Torgemane's excellent cryptography library (patched (⭐15)).
Utilities / Geometry
- Coral (⭐44) - High-performance classes for 3D mathematics (Point, Vector, Matrix, Quaternion).
- (⭐8) - Constructive Solid Geometry on 3D meshes.
Utilities / Math
- AS3LinAlg (⭐13) - Linear Algebra library (Jacobi SVD, Eigen Vectors/Values, Cholesky LU, etc).
- Performance Primitives - High-performance math modeled on the Intel Performance Primitives.
- FlexibleMatrix (⭐3) - A multi purpose Matrix class.
- AS3eval - Packages the Tamarin ESC compiler to work within Flash Player. (alternate (⭐12)).
Runtimes / Emulators
- NES Emulator (⭐532) - Emulator of NES, Super Nintendo, Sega Mega Drive, GameBoy video consoles.
- Commodore 64 Emulator (⭐65) - A low level Commodore 64 emulator written in Actionscript 3.
- 8080 Emulator (⭐6) - An actionscript 3 space invaders emulator based on the intel 8080 processor.
- 8-bit VM (⭐5) - An eight bit virtual machine written in actionscript.
Runtimes / Interpreters
- JS (⭐8) - RhinoJS, Port of Mozilla's Rhino JavaScript interpreter.
- Simple JS (⭐18) - AS3-based Javascript interpreter.
- MIL (⭐2) - A MIL language VM and interpreter written in ActionScript.
- TALES (⭐2) - TALES interpreter for ActionScript.
- Scheme (⭐1) - Scheme interpreter in ActionScript.
- CannonML (⭐3) - keim's CannonML (shmup scripting language) interpreter.
AIR Native Extensions / Audio ANE
- VolumePro (⭐4) - Control native music stream volume and you can listen to the volume changes.
AIR Native Extensions / Multimedia ANE
- AVANE (⭐60) - For building video encoding applications using FFmpeg.
- PDF (⭐6) - Lets you open PDF files from your AIR mobile apps. Supported on Android and iOS.
- SurfaceVideoPlayer (⭐11) - SurfacePlayer ANE helps you play video files inside your air mobile projects.
- Speech (⭐13) - Convert strings to voice files and vice versa fully in the background.
- QR-zbar (⭐85) - ANE for QR Code Reader.
- Barcode (⭐13) - Scan almost any barcode type with this super fast barcode scanner ANE.
- Bullet (⭐40) - Bullet physics simulation library.
AIR Native Extensions / File System ANE
- FileChooser (⭐15) - Enable users to select a file from the device filesystem.
- ZipManager (⭐11) - Zip or unzip large zip archives super fast using native process on Android and iOS.
- Spotlight (⭐2) - Integrate with iOS 9 Spotlight Search, to index search items and user generated content.
AIR Native Extensions / Networking ANE
- BitTorrent (⭐22) - For building BitTorrent enabled applications.
AIR Native Extensions / System ANE
- TaskbarProgress (⭐12) - Display taskbar progress on OSX & Windows 7/8/10 .
- DesktopToast (⭐28) - Display interactive toast notifications in Windows 8/10 and OSX.
- AlarmManager (⭐5) - Run a scheduled task even if your AIR app is closed.
- InAppPayments (⭐21) - Identical in-app-billing and in-app-purchase ANE for Android and iOS.
- PermissionCheck (⭐12) - Check and request for permissions in your Adobe Air app.
- RateMe (⭐3) - Ask your users to rate your app in the most efficient way.
- Statusbar (⭐4) - Control the Statusbar in your AIR apps in runtime.
- Badge (⭐0) - Control the iOS badge value.
AIR Native Extensions / Social ANE
- Facebook (⭐30) - Integrate Facebook SDK into your AIR apps.
- GCM (⭐2) - Use Google Cloud messaging on Android and iOS. .
- Baidu - Baidu ANE for for iOS and Android.
AIR Native Extensions / Analytics ANE
- Admob (⭐12) - Admob ANE.
- GameServices (⭐4) - Google Game Services for Android+iOS.
- MoPub - ANE for MoPub advertising.
- UMAnalytics (⭐11) - ANE for UMAnalytics SDK (iOS and Android).
- Localytics (⭐10) - Localytics analytics for mobile Adobe AIR applications (iOS & Android).
- Testflight (⭐26) - Apple TestFlight ANE.
11. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization
- AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server (⭐560) - OpenID Connect/OAuth2 server framework for OWIN/Katana and ASP.NET Core.
12. Awesome Sre
13. Awesome Laravel
Codebases for Reference / Videos
- Antvel (⭐645) - Ecommerce platform
14. Awesome Robotics
15. Awesome Keycloak
Example Projects
16. Awesome Pentest
Reverse Engineering / Reverse Engineering Tools
- PyREBox (⭐1.7k) - Python scriptable Reverse Engineering sandbox by Cisco-Talos.
17. Awesome Nextjs
- Next Simple Starter (⭐948) - Simple PWA boilerplate with Next.js and Redux.
- NextJS Starter (⭐1.4k) - Starter project for Next.js with and email and oAuth authentication.
- Next Simple Blog (⭐557) - Simple Markdown based blog built with Next.js with static exports.
- NextJS GOT (⭐33) - Simple Next.js application that showcases Game of Thrones Characters.
- Relate (⭐333) - Mindfulness community - React, GraphQL, Next.js.
- Password (⭐120) - One password, right way.
- Next Todos (⭐129) - Todo list written in Next.js.
- Hacker News (⭐47) - Another Hacker News written in Next.js.
- Jet Chat (⭐10) - Jet and Next.js powered Chat demo.
- Nextgram (⭐51) - Sample Next.js v2 app for showing off its capabilities.
- Rauchg Blog (⭐1.3k) - Blog built by a Next.js core maintainer.
- Next JPH (⭐35) - JsonPlaceholder sample app made with Next.js.
- Mailto (⭐210) - HTML mailto's made easy.
- Plate (⭐49) - The task management app to rule them all.
- Dashboard (⭐1.3k) - Create your own team dashboard with custom widgets.
- Prev: Jul 19, 2017
- Next: Jul 17, 2017