Awesome List Updates on Jul 17, 2017
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Cpp
- libdill (⭐1.9k) - Introduces structured concurrency in C. [MIT]
- libmill (⭐3k) - Introduces Go-style concurrency in C. [MIT]
2. Awesome Ruby
CLI Utilities
- colorls (⭐5k) - Beautifies the
command, with color and font-awesome icons.
- Chamber (⭐201) - Surprisingly customizable convention-based approach to managing your app's configuration.
Third-party APIs
- Restforce (⭐822) - A Ruby client for the Salesforce REST api.
3. Awesome Electron
Videos / Other
4. Awesome Actionscript3
User Interface / Starling Components
- TabbedApplication (⭐11) - View-based navigation model with swipe to navigate tabs.
- DataGrid (⭐7) - Displays a datagrid with column headings and smooth scrolling.
- DataTree (⭐8) - Displays hierarchical data arranged as an expandable tree.
- Canvas (⭐8) - Supports basic vector drawing functionality.
- CircleProgress (⭐6) - Displays progress using a radial progressbar.
- ZoomableControl (⭐4) - Allows a pinch to zoom using the multitouch inputs.
- Google Maps (⭐62) - Google Maps for Starling, optimized for mobile devices.
Multimedia / Data Visualization
- clearmaps (⭐63) - Mapping framework for data visualization.
Multimedia / Camera
- WebcamRecorder (⭐25) - Chromeless video/audio/still image recording from webcams.
Multimedia / Image
- AS3potrace (⭐61) - POTrace implementation, to trace bitmap images to vector.
- ATF-Encoder (⭐79) - Encode/decode ATF (Adobe Texture Format) files in pure AS3.
- AS3-klt (⭐11) - Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi feature tracker implementation.
Multimedia / Font
- (⭐4) - Library to easily include icon fonts.
Multimedia / Sound
- SoundAS (⭐138) - Modern & lightweight sound manager for AS3.
- AS3sfxr (⭐84) - Port of sfxr from C++ to AS3, using the new sound and file capabilities of Flash Player 10.
File Formats / ICAL
- AS3iCAL (⭐5) - iCal parser based on the RFC2445 specification.
File Formats / SWF
- Abc-abstraction - Allows ABC to be analyzed, manipulated, packaged back into an SWF, and run.
Networking / Data Loader
- GreenSock LoaderMax (⭐407) - Provides an easy and powerful way to load assets at runtime.
- BulkLoader (⭐271) - Bulk asset loading library for Actionscript.
- AssetLoader (⭐119) - Multi-file/asset loader for AS3 built on AS3Signals.
Networking / Sockets
- FlashSocket.IO (⭐210) - Clients connect to Socket.IO servers from AS3/AIR clients.
5. Awesome Composer
Tutorials / IRC
6. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Templates
- QuickApp (⭐1.3k) - ASP.NET Core / Angular4 startup project template with complete login, user and role management.
7. Awesome Tensorflow
- Lip Reading - Cross Audio-Visual Recognition using 3D Architectures in TensorFlow (⭐1.9k) - TensorFlow Implementation of "Cross Audio-Visual Recognition in the Wild Using Deep Learning" by Torfi et al.
- Prev: Jul 18, 2017
- Next: Jul 16, 2017