Awesome List Updates on Jun 30, 2017
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Free Software
Software / Web Applications
- - Collaboration platform for freely licensed projects. (MIT)
2. Awesome Deep Learning Papers
Contents / New papers
- Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning (2017), Jonas Gehring et al. [pdf]
3. Awesome Json
Command-line tools
- jiq (⭐907) - It's
. You can drill down interactively by usingjq
filtering queries.
- jv (⭐118) - jv (for jsonviewer) helps you view your JSON.
4. Awesome Math
- BetterExplained - Maintained by Kalid Azad
- ILoveMaths - For grades 6 thru 12 in K-12 system
5. Awesome Pokemon
Development Projects / Miscellaneous
- hyper-pokemon (⭐1k) - Wondrous, tailor-made Pokémon themes for your Hyper terminal.
6. Awesome Ava
Works with AVA
- create-test-server (⭐120) - Creates a minimal Express server for testing. (Example) (⭐24)
7. Awesome Broadcasting
- opencore-amr - Audio codecs extracted from Android Open Source Project, including AAC.
Monitoring & Quality Control
- BeaqleJS (⭐87) - A framework to create browser based listening tests for subjective audio quality assessment.
- MediaInfo - A convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files.
- Photon (⭐239) - Implementation of the SMPTE Interoperable Master Format (IMF) standard.
- QCTools (⭐322) - Quality Control tools for video preservation to analyse digitized video files.
- Rotter (⭐51) - Recording of Transmissions / Audio Logger for JACK.
- silan (⭐38) - Audiofile silence analyzer.
- VMAF (⭐4.8k) - Perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion.
- Wisual (⭐20) - A web service for Visual Quality Assessment, which supports PSNR, SSIM, VQM, etc.
Radio Production
- Ardour - A digital audio workstation.
8. Awesome Creative Coding
- GlslEditor - Simple WebGL Fragment Shader Editor.
Slack / Other
- Creative Coding Club - Creative Coding Club Slack.
9. Awesome Webgl
Tutorials / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- WebGL Workshop - Interactive workshop to get you up and running with WebGL.
10. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / JavaScript
- Prev: Jul 01, 2017
- Next: Jun 29, 2017