Awesome List Updates on Jun 22, 2017
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome ad Free
Resources / Ad Blockers
- uBlock Origin (⭐33k) - General-purpose blocker that removes ads and privacy-invading trackers by default.
2. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Misc
- Notice (⭐26) - An eslint rule that checks the top of files and fixes them too!
3. Awesome Typescript
Web / Playground
- 🐙 React-UWP (⭐1.2k) - React Components that Implement Microsoft's UWP Design & Fluent Design.
4. Awesome Creative Coding
Articles • Tutorials / Shaders • OpenGL • WebGL
- The Spaces of WebGL - Brief overview over the different coordinate systems through out the 3D graphics pipeline.
Other / Other
- Data Stories - Podcast on data visualization.
Math / Other
- Gene Kogan: Perlin Noise - introduction to 2D and 3D perlin noise.
- Matrix Math and You - High level introduction to matrices.
- Mathematical Symbols - List of all mathematical symbols and signs.
5. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / API
- halcyon (⭐81) - HAL implementation for ASP.NET.
6. Awesome Swift
- Umbrella (⭐615) - Analytics abstraction layer.
- SwiftyXML (⭐103) - The most swifty way to deal with XML.
Images / Barcode
- FlexibleImage (⭐826) - A simple way to play with images.
Text / Barcode
- MarkdownView (⭐2k) - iOS Markdown view.
Menu / Barcode
- KWDrawerController (⭐157) - Drawer view controller that easy to use.
Template / Barcode
- SwiftCssParser (⭐279) - Extensible CSS parser.
TextField / Barcode
- CBPinEntryView (⭐189) - Easy to use, very customisable pin entry.
7. Awesome Math
Foundations of Mathematics / Surreal Numbers
- 📝 Surreal Numbers - How two ex-students turned on to pure mathematics and found total happiness - D. E. Knuth
- 📝 Conway names, the simplicity hierarchy and the surreal number tree - Philip Ehrlich
8. Jquery Tips Everyone Should Know
Disable Right-Click
If you want to disable right-click, you can do it for an entire page...
$(document).ready(function () {
$(document).bind("contextmenu", function (e) {
return false;
...and you can also do the same for a specific element:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#submit").bind("contextmenu", function (e) {
return false;
Current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, and IE11.
- български (⭐4.3k)
- Español (⭐4.3k)
- Français (⭐4.3k)
- Magyar (⭐4.3k)
- 한국어 (⭐4.3k)
- Português do Europe (⭐4.3k)
- Pусский (⭐4.3k)
- 简体中文 (⭐4.3k)
- 繁體中文 (⭐4.3k)
9. Awesome Javascript Learning
Articles & Tutorials / Overall Topics
- - A modern tutorial from the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations.
10. Awesome Web Design
- Timing: Automatic time and productivity tracking for Mac.
Slack Teams
- Designer Hangout: A place where UXers from around the world discuss user experience.
- Design Talks: A community for UI/UX design, web design, freelancing, design critiques, etc.
- TheDesignerShip: A community of over 1,500+ designers and founders.
11. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Authentication & Authorization
- Laratrust (⭐1.9k) - Roles, Permissions and teams
- Prev: Jun 23, 2017
- Next: Jun 21, 2017