Awesome List Updates on Jun 21, 2017
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / Java SDK
2. Awesome Network Analysis
Software / Python
- hiveplot - Python utility for drawing networks as hive plots on matplotlib, a more comprehensive network visualization.
3. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Utilities
- webarchive-indexing (โญ44) - Tools for bulk indexing of WARC/ARC files on Hadoop, EMR or local file system.
4. Machine Learning with Ruby
Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Vector search
- 2012
- Machine Learning with Ruby, Part One by Vasily Vasinov [tutorial]
- Recurrent Neural Networks in Ruby by Joseph Wilk [post]
- Recommendation Engines using Machine Learning, and JRuby by Matthew Kirk [video]
- Practical Machine Learning and Rails by Andrew Cantino and Ryan Stout [video]
- 2010
- bayes_motel โ Bayesian classification for Ruby by Mike Perham [post]
- Intelligent Ruby: Getting Started with Machine Learning by Ilya Grigorik [video]
5. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Feature extraction
- audiolazy (โญ658) ๐ (โญ658) ๐ฆ - Realtime Audio Processing lib, general purpose.
- aubio ๐ (โญ3k) ๐ฆ - Feature extractor, written in C, Python interface.
- python_speech_features (โญ2.3k) ๐ (โญ2.3k) ๐ฆ - Common speech features for ASR.
Audio Related Packages / Read-Write
- audioread (โญ442) ๐ (โญ442) ๐ฆ - Cross-library (GStreamer + Core Audio + MAD + FFmpeg) audio decoding.
- pySox (โญ470) ๐ (โญ470) ๐ฆ - Wrapper for sox.
- tinytag (โญ606) ๐ (โญ606) ๐ฆ - reading music meta data of MP3, OGG, FLAC and Wave files.
Audio Related Packages / Transformations - General DSP
- AudioTK (โญ241) ๐ (โญ241) - DSP filter toolbox (lots of filters).
- Gammatone (โญ198) ๐ (โญ198) - Gammatone filterbank implementation.
- pyFFTW ๐ (โญ333) ๐ฆ - Wrapper for FFTW(3).
- MDCT (โญ44) ๐ (โญ44) ๐ฆ - MDCT transform.
- pydub ๐ (โญ7.4k) ๐ฆ - Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface.
- pytftb ๐ (โญ238) - Implementation of the MATLAB Time-Frequency Toolbox.
- PyRubberband (โญ133) ๐ (โญ133) ๐ฆ - Wrapper for rubberband to do pitch-shifting and time-stretching.
- Resampy ๐ (โญ227) ๐ฆ - Sample rate conversion.
- STFT ๐ (โญ43) ๐ฆ - Standalone package for Short-Time Fourier Transform.
Audio Related Packages / Speech Processing
- aeneas ๐ (โญ2.2k) ๐ฆ - Forced aligner, based on MFCC+DTW, 35+ languages.
- pyAudioAnalysis (โญ5.3k)ยฒ ๐ (โญ5.3k) ๐ฆ - Feature Extraction, Classification, Diarization.
- py-webrtcvad (โญ1.7k) ๐ (โญ1.7k) ๐ฆ - Interface to the WebRTC Voice Activity Detector.
- SpeechRecognition (โญ7.3k) ๐ (โญ7.3k) ๐ฆ - Wrapper for several ASR engines and APIs, online and offline.
Audio Related Packages / Music Information Retrieval
- Catchy (โญ21) ๐ (โญ21) - Corpus Analysis Tools for Computational Hook Discovery.
- Madmom ๐ (โญ1.1k) ๐ฆ - MIR packages with strong focus on beat detection, onset detection and chord recognition.
- mir_eval ๐ (โญ522) ๐ฆ - Common scores for various MIR tasks. Also includes bss_eval implementation.
Audio Related Packages / Realtime applications
- PYO ๐ (โญ1.2k) - Realtime audio dsp engine.
- python-sounddevice (โญ836) ๐ ๐ฆ - PortAudio wrapper providing realtime audio I/O with NumPy.
Audio Related Packages / Audio Dataset and Dataloaders
- beets ๐ (โญ12k) ๐ฆ - Music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger.
- medleydb ๐ (โญ157) - Parse medleydb audio + annotations.
- Soundcloud API (โญ91) ๐ (โญ91) ๐ฆ - Wrapper for Soundcloud API.
Audio Related Packages / Wrappers for Audio Plugins
- VamPy Host ๐ฆ - Interface compiled vamp plugins.
Tutorials / Wrappers for Audio Plugins
- MIR Notebooks ๐ (โญ1.1k) - collection of instructional iPython Notebooks for music information retrieval (MIR).
- Selected Topics in Audio Signal Processing (โญ56) - Exercises as iPython notebooks.
Books / Wrappers for Audio Plugins
- Python Data Science Handbook (โญ39k) - Jake Vanderplas, Excellent Book and accompanying tutorial notebooks.
- Fundamentals of Music Processing - Meinard Mรผller, comes with Python exercises.
Scientific Papers / Wrappers for Audio Plugins
- Python for audio signal processing - John C. Glover, Victor Lazzarini and Joseph Timoney, Linux Audio Conference 2011.
- librosa: Audio and Music Signal Analysis in Python, Video - Brian McFee, Colin Raffel, Dawen Liang, Daniel P.W. Ellis, Matt McVicar, Eric Battenberg, Oriol Nieto, Scipy 2015.
Other Resources / Wrappers for Audio Plugins
- Coursera Course - Audio Signal Processing, Python based course from UPF of Barcelona and Stanford University.
- Digital Signal Processing Course - Masters Course Material (University of Rostock) with many Python examples.
- Slack Channel - Music Information Retrieval Community.
6. Awesome Lockpicking
- Learn Lockpicking - Retailer of speciality practice locks, lock stands, and more.
7. Awesome Vue
Resources / Podcasts
8. Awesome Tensorflow
- TensorFlow World (โญ4.5k) - Concise and ready-to-use TensorFlow tutorials with detailed documentation are provided.
- Prev: Jun 22, 2017
- Next: Jun 20, 2017