Awesome List Updates on May 16, 2017
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Iot
Software / Programming languages
- ELFE - ELFE is a very simple and small programming language. While it is a general-purpose programming language, it is specifically tuned to facilitate the configuration and control of swarms of small devices such as sensors or actuators.
Software / Libraries and Tools
- Luvit - Luvit implements the same APIs as Node.js, but in Lua! While this framework is not directly involved with IoT development, it is still a great way to rapidly build powerful, yet memory efficient, embedded web applications.
2. Awesome Android
GUI / Animations
- Rebound (⭐5.5k) - Rebound is a Java library that models spring dynamics.
GUI / Loading Images
- Glide (⭐33k) - An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling, Recommended by Google.
GUI / Media Picker
- MediaPicker (⭐265) - Android Library that lets you to select multiple images, video or voice for Android
Crash monitoring / Field Validation
- Splunk MINT - Monitoring, Crash Reports, Real time data, Statistic.
Database / Field Validation
- Realm Asset Helper (⭐29) - Copies a realm database from the apk assets folder. Efficiently handles versioning of read-only realm databases.
Tracking / ORM
- CleverTap - Analytics platform and user-engagement platform with 1 million free events
Chat & Messaging / Custom Dialog
- MediaRecorderDialog (⭐74) - Custom Dialog to record audio, store it and play it in your phone.
Kotlin / Custom Dialog
- Kotterknife (⭐2.2k) - Android view injection written in Kotlin based on ButterKnife
- Android Kotlin Samples (⭐297) - Some basic Android code samples written in Kotlin.
3. Nlp with Ruby
Multipurpose Engines / On-line APIs
- google-cloud-language (⭐1.2k) - Google's Natural Language service API for Ruby.
4. Awesome Codepoints
For Funsies / Breaking and Gluing other characters
- U+2800 BRAILLE PATTERN BLANK - A Braille pattern that has zero of its six or eight dots filled in. According to the standard: “* while this character is imaged as a fixed-width blank in many fonts, it does not act as a space” Essentially it is rendered as white-space, but since it is designated as not white-space it isn't matched by white-space-validating regular expressions. This can be used to bypass all kinds of validation that disallows or trims white-space.
5. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Soft Skills Engineering - Weekly advice podcast for software developers. It takes more than great code to be a great developer.
6. Awesome Npm Scripts
Cross-platform Utilities
- rimraf (⭐4.9k) - Delete files or directories; like
rm -rf
- mkdirp - Create a directory, creating parent directories if needed; like
mkdir -p
- cpy-cli (⭐279) - File/directory copying/renaming.
- copyfiles (⭐345) - Copy a list of files into a directory.
- sync-files (⭐42) -
-like directory syncing with watch mode.
- clear-cli (⭐46) - Clear the terminal.
- ntee (⭐23) - Utility that reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files; like Unix
- catw - Print a file to stdout, with optional watch mode; sorta like Unix
Cross-platform Utilities / Utility Packs
- shx (⭐1.4k) - Collection of common Unix utilities implemented in Node.js; example usage:
shx rm somefile
7. Awesome Osint
Username Check / Steam
- Name Checkr - checks a domain and username across many platforms.
8. Awesome Elixir
Command Line Applications
- firex (⭐25) - Firex is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from an elixir module.
- accent (⭐42) - Plug for handling the conversion of JSON API keys to different cases.
- versionary - API versioning for Elixir Plug and Phoenix.
9. Machine Learning with Ruby
Machine Learning Libraries / Frameworks
- weka (⭐65) - JRuby bindings for Weka, different ML algorithms implemented through Weka.
- ai4r (⭐713) - Artificial Intelligence for Ruby.
- classifier-reborn (⭐554) - General classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications. [dep: GLS]
Machine Learning Libraries / Neural networks
- neural-net-ruby (⭐127) - Neural network written in Ruby.
- ruby-fann (⭐498) - Ruby bindings to the Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN).
- cerebrum (⭐36) - Experimental implementation for Artificial Neural Networks in Ruby.
- tlearn-rb (⭐96) - Recurrent Neural Network library for Ruby.
- brains (⭐60) - Feed-forward neural networks for JRuby based on brains (⭐0).
Machine Learning Libraries / Bayesian methods
- linnaeus (⭐38) - Redis-backed Bayesian classifier.
- naive_bayes (⭐49) - Simple Naive Bayes classifier.
- nbayes (⭐153) - Full-featured, Ruby implementation of Naive Bayes.
Machine Learning Libraries / Linear classifiers
- liblinear-ruby-swig (⭐83) - Ruby interface to LIBLINEAR (much more efficient than LIBSVM for text classification).
- liblinear-ruby (⭐83) - Ruby interface to LIBLINEAR using SWIG.
Projects and Code Examples / Vector search
- Wine Clustering (⭐0) - Wine quality estimations clustered with different algorithms.
10. Awesome Laravel Education
Interview / Case Study
11. Citizen Science
Tools and Equipment / Biology and Chemistry
- DremelFuge - A biology centrifuge that takes the form of a dremel attachment.
12. Awesome Vulkan
- vulkantoy (⭐32) - Shadertoy image shader test app with Vulkan. [MIT]
- Prev: May 17, 2017
- Next: May 15, 2017