Awesome List Updates on May 10, 2017
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Creative Coding
- Programming Data Visualizations: A Coding Toolkit for Processing - Join information designer Nicholas Felton in the world of Processing.
- Introduction to Data Visualization - Join Nicholas Felton for a smart, comprehensive, and inspiring intro to data visualization.
- Programming Graphics I, 2, 3 - Learn generative art and Processing with art with Joshua Davis.
Inspiration / Other
- Folds2d - Tumblr with curves, surfaces, scalar and vector fields.
2. Awesome Progressive Web Apps
Must Reads
- Building Progressive Web Apps - O'Reilly Media - A deep dive into progressive web apps, service workers, push notifications, background sync, IndexedDB, offline first and much more.
Learning Resources
- Google Developers - Your First Progressive Web App - A step-by-step guide to building a progressive web apps using the app shell pattern.
Web Share APIs / App Icons
- Introducing the Web Share API - High level introduction to the Web Share API.
- Web Share API explainer (⭐337) - An explanation of the API, along with some examples. Part of the proposal doc.
- Web Share Target API (⭐181) - The proposal for the Web Share Target API, as well as a high level explainer (⭐181).
Awesome Performance / App Icons
- Web Fundamentals - Performance - Google's performance learning portal, containing a wealth of knowledge on optimizing your web apps for perfomance.
- Introducing RAIL: A User-Centric Model For Performance - The seminal introduction to RAIL by the Gang of Pauls.
- Website Performance Optimization - A free Udacity course on optimizing websites for speed.
- Browser Rendering Optimization - A free Udacity course helping you create web apps that maintain jank-free 60fps performance.
- The PRPL Pattern - A new pattern for structuring and serving Progressive Web Apps, with an emphasis on performance.
- Browser Rendering Performance - Understand how HTML, JavaScript and CSS is handled by the browser, and how to optimize your page accordingly.
3. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Static site generation
- Wagtail-bakery (⭐184) - A set of helpers for baking your Django Wagtail site out as flat files.
4. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Libraries
- Meyda (⭐1.4k) - Audio feature extraction library including a variety of widely used audio features.
Packages / Apps
- Learning Music - Learn the basics of music making.
5. Awesome Indie
Communities [$] focuses on helping software developers launch successful side projects. Being part of the community gives access to case studios, bi-weekly webinars and live mentoring. Run by Justin Vincent. $19.99 per month.
Communities / Other
- Bootstrapped Slack (invite here invite link currently dead, working on it!) - Slack that probably originated from the forum. Not really moderated.
- r/SideProject - Quite active
Specific topics / Other
- 'legal aspects'
- 'typical mistakes'
6. Awesome Less
GUIs, Editors and Plugins / Go
- Diamond - Dependency management built for Sass, Less, and CSS.
7. Awesome Crystal
- cltk (⭐73) - A crystal port of the Ruby Language Toolkit
8. Awesome Jvm
Nix tools
- tiptop - Like top but also shows instructions per cycle (IPC).
- CPU Utilization is Wrong - Measure instructions per cycle (IPC) for CPU utilization. Brendan Gregg.
9. Awesome Shell
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- tag (⭐593) - Instantly jump to your ag matches.
10. Awesome Ios
Utility / Collection View Layout
- App-Update-Tracker (⭐26) - Easily detect and run code upon app installation or update.
- Prev: May 11, 2017
- Next: May 09, 2017