Awesome List Updates on May 03, 2017
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Vue
Resources / Books
- Vue.js 2 Cookbook by Andrea Passaglia, Packt. (May 2017)
2. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Media
- Wagtail FilePreviews (⭐22) - Extend Wagtail's Documents with image previews and metadata from
3. Awesome Indie
Specific topics / Other
- 'how to get ideas'
- 'how to find betatesters'
- 'how to find my first 100 users'
- 'how to validate my idea'
- 'where to advertise my project'
- 'what paid ads work better'
- 'types of digital products'
4. Awesome Sre
Misc Articles
- Increment - A digital magazine about how teams build and operate software systems at scale.
5. Awesome Clojure
Webdriver automation
6. Awesome Python Scientific Audio
Audio Related Packages / Perceptial Models - Auditory Models
7. Awesome Ssh
Apps / SSH keys / Authentication
- kr (⭐1.6k)
- Kr agent that route access request to the paired mobile phone where Kryptonite is installed.
8. Awesome Unity
Augmented & Virtual Reality
- ARToolKit - Augmented Reality SDK that includes libraries, utilities, and examples.
- Vuforia - Augmented Reality SDK with image and object recognition, smart terrain and extended tracking features.
Character Controllers
- CharacterController2D (⭐1.1k) - A 2D controller that behaves very similarly to Unity's CharacterController component.
9. Awesome Ciandcd
- mesosphere-dc/os As a datacenter operating system, DC/OS is itself a distributed system, a cluster manager, a container platform, and an operating system.
10. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks
- protoactor-dotnet (⭐1.7k) - Ultra fast distributed actors for Golang and C#
Books / Workflow
11. Awesome Vulkan
12. Awesome Webgl
Blog Series
- Codeflow - Many blogs on different tricks and techniques.
- Professional WebGL Programming by Andreas Anyuru - Everything you need to know about developing hardware-accelerated 3D graphics with WebGL.
- WebGL Insights (⭐38) by Patrick Cozzi - Presents real-world techniques for intermediate and advanced WebGL developers by assembling contributions from experienced WebGL engine and application developers, GPU vendors, browser developers, researchers, and educators.
- WebGL Programming Guide: Interactive 3D Graphics Programming with WebGL by Kouichi Matsuda and Rodger Lea - WebGL Programming Guide will help you get started quickly with interactive WebGL 3D programming, even if you have no prior knowledge of HTML5, JavaScript, 3D graphics, mathematics, or OpenGL.
GLSL Editors
- Fractal Lab - Online fractal explorer allowing you to explore 2D and 2D fractal.
- SHDR Editor - Live GLSL shader editor, viewer and validator.
- Google Project ANGLE (⭐3.6k) - Default WebGL backend for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on Windows platforms.
- WebGL Source Code (⭐2.7k) - Source code to both view and contribute.
- WebGL Report - Way to view the details of what your browser supports for WebGL.
Tutorials / Firefox Specific Tools/Debugger
- Getting Started with WebGL - Mozilla Foundation guide to getting started with WebGL.
- Learning WebGL - Tutorials from the author of WebGL Up and Running.
- WebGL Academy - Simplified online IDE with automatic indentation, syntax highlighting for HTML, Javascript, GLSL and Python. You can run your code and download your projects.
- WebGL Fundamentals - Series of online tutorials with code samples and live demonstrations.
- Prev: May 04, 2017
- Next: May 02, 2017