Awesome List Updates on Apr 26, 2017
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Npm Scripts
- Why we should stop using Grunt & Gulp - Blog post by Keith Cirkel.
- Why I Left Gulp and Grunt for npm Scripts - Article by Cory House.
2. Awesome Ava
Works with AVA
- p-event (⭐391) - Promisify an event. (Example) (⭐224)
3. Awesome Cli Apps
Files and Directories / Directory Navigation
- PathPicker (⭐5.1k) - After parsing the output from a command, PathPicker presents you with a nice UI to select which files you're interested in.
4. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Date and Time
- Exceptionless.DateTimeExtensions (⭐237) - DateTimeRange, Business Day and various DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeSpan extension methods.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Logging
- Exceptionless (⭐550) - Exceptionless .NET Client
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Queue and Messaging
- Foundatio (⭐1.9k) - A common interface with in memory, redis and azure implementations.
5. Machine Learning with Ruby
Heroku buildpacks / Vector search
Related Resources / Vector search
6. Awesome Gideros
Related Awesome Lists / Plugins
7. Awesome Cl
URI and IP handling / Isomorphic web frameworks
- cl-slug (⭐25) - a small library to make slugs, mainly for URIs, transform in CamelCase, remove accentuation and punctuation, for english and beyound. LLGPL.
Other scripting utilities / Third-party APIs
- Parinfer - Parinfer is a way to edit lisp code that helps to keep both the indentation and the parenthesis balanced. It is easy to start with and yet it offers advanced features à la Paredit. It is available on many editors (Emacs, Vim, Neovim, Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, LightTable, CodeMirror,…).
8. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Let's Vue! - OpenLecture 2017.01 in Russian on YouTube by Illya Klymov (@xanf)
9. Awesome Shell
Shell Package Management / Directory Navigation
- dotdrop (⭐1.7k) - Save your dotfiles once, deploy them everywhere
10. Awesome Wagtail
Open-source sites / Lists
- RTEI (⭐16) – Right to Education Index website (OKFN).
11. Awesome Perl
Network / NoSQL Databases
- Net::SSH::Perl - SSH client implemented in Perl.
- Net::OpenSSH - Run commands remotely using the OpenSSH client.
- Net::OpenSSH::Parallel - Run remote commands in parallel using the OpenSSH client.
- Net::SSH::Any - Run remote commands using any module or binary client available.
- Net::SFTP::Foreign - SFTP client for remote file access.
- Object::Remote - Run Perl code on remote machines.
- Net::CLI::Interact - Automates interactive programs.
- Net::Appliance::Session - Automates interaction with appliances.
12. Awesome ad Free
Alternatives / Utilities
- ProtectedText - Online encrypted notepad with storage and no sign up.
- Prev: Apr 27, 2017
- Next: Apr 25, 2017