Awesome List Updates on Apr 11, 2017
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Fp Js
Resources / Articles
- Lazy, composable, and modular JavaScript – Use four new features of ES6 – iterables, generators, fat arrows, and for-of – in conjunction with higher-order functions, function composition, and lazy evaluation, to write cleaner and more modular JavaScript.
2. Nlp with Ruby
Machine Learning Libraries / Constituency Parsing
- ruby-fann (⭐451) - Ruby bindings to the Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN).
Full Text Search, Information Retrieval, Indexing / Constituency Parsing
- rsolr (⭐416) - Ruby and Rails client library for Apache Solr.
- sunspot (⭐3k) - Rails centric client for Apache Solr.
- thinking-sphinx (⭐1.6k) - Active Record plugin for using Sphinx in (not only) Rails based projects.
- elasticsearch (⭐1.9k) - Ruby client and API for Elasticsearch.
- elasticsearch-rails (⭐3k) - Ruby and Rails integrations for Elasticsearch.
Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Constituency Parsing
- 2009
- Porting the UEA-Lite Stemmer to Ruby by Jason Adams [post]
- NLP Resources for Ruby by Jason Adams [post]
Projects and Code Examples / Constituency Parsing
- Going the Distance (⭐60) - Implementations of various distance algorithms with example calculations.
- Named entity recognition with Stanford NER and Ruby (⭐17) - NER Examples in Ruby and Java with some explanations.
Needs your Help! / Constituency Parsing
- ferret (⭐280) - Information Retrieval in C and Ruby.
3. Computer Science
Congratulations / Advanced math
- Join a local developer meetup (e.g. via
4. Awesome Preact
Contents / Articles
5. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Elastic MapReduce
- Yelp/mrjob 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐2.6k) - Run MapReduce jobs on Hadoop or EMR.
6. Awesome Sass
Articles / Miscellaneous
7. Awesome Shell
Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation
8. Awesome Tensorflow
- Predict time series (⭐1.1k) - Learn to use a seq2seq model on simple datasets as an introduction to the vast array of possibilities that this architecture offers
- Sonnet (⭐9.8k) - Sonnet is DeepMind's library built on top of TensorFlow for building complex neural networks.
9. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
10. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / Frameworks
- Intervention Engine FHIR Server (⭐109) - Generic FHIR server implementation in GoLang.
- Swift-SMART (⭐129) - Swift SMART on FHIR framework for iOS and OS X.
- Prev: Apr 12, 2017
- Next: Apr 10, 2017