Awesome List Updates on Apr 10, 2017
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Esolangs
- Suzy (⭐8) - 3D language inspired in Befunge.
2. Awesome Phalcon
- yarak (⭐27) - Laravel inspired Phalcon devtools
- phalcon-demo (⭐42) - A modified Phalcon INVO Application to demonstrate basics of Codeception testing.
3. Awesome Osint
Fact Checking / Telegram
4. Awesome Deep Learning Papers
Contents / Convolutional Neural Network Models
- Spatial transformer network (2015), M. Jaderberg et al., [pdf]
Contents / Natural Language Processing / RNNs
- Conditional random fields as recurrent neural networks (2015), S. Zheng and S. Jayasumana. [pdf]
- Memory networks (2014), J. Weston et al. [pdf]
- Neural turing machines (2014), A. Graves et al. [pdf]
- Generating sequences with recurrent neural networks (2013), A. Graves. [pdf]
Contents / Appendix: More than Top 100
- Region-based convolutional networks for accurate object detection and segmentation (2016), R. Girshick et al.
5. Awesome Neuroscience
Programming / Python
- expyriment (⭐104) - Platform-independent lightweight Python library for designing and conducting timing-critical behavioural and neuroimaging experiments.
6. Awesome Dev Fun
Browser extensions
- NonAd Block - Blocks any content that is not an ad.
7. Nlp with Ruby
Articles, Posts, Talks, and Presentations / Constituency Parsing
- 2016
- Quickly Create a Telegram Bot in Ruby by Ardian Haxha [tutorial]
- Deep Learning: An Introduction for Ruby Developers by Geoffrey Litt [slides]
- How I made a pure-Ruby word2vec program more than 3x faster by Kei Sawada [slides]
- Dōmo arigatō, Mr. Roboto: Machine Learning with Ruby by Eric Weinstein [slides | video]
8. Jstips
Support the community / Let’s keep in touch
- 64 - 3 Array Hacks
- 60 - Three useful hacks
- 59 - ES6, var vs let
- 57 - Comma operator in JS
- 56 - Copy to Clipboard
- 53 - Get File Extension
- 47 - Basics: Declarations
- 40 - Using JSON.stringify
- 39 - Advanced Properties
- 37 - Deduplicate an Array
- 35 - Assignment Operators
- 22 - Empty an Array
- 21 - Shuffle an Array
- 11 - Hoisting
- 09 - Template Strings
9. Awesome Crystal
- crz (⭐90) - Functional programming library
10. Awesome Creative Coding
Quick References • Cheatsheets / Other
- 3D Maths Cheat Sheet - Math cheatsheet by Anton Gerdelan, from his OpenGL book.
- Easings - Interactive easing functions cheatsheet.
Machine learning • Computer Vision • Ai / Other
- Machine Learning (⭐953) - Coding Train repo with links to machine learning resources.
11. Awesome Vulkan
- vulkan (⭐489) - Ultimate Python bindings for Vulkan generated with CFFI. [Apache Licence 2.0]
12. Awesome Dotnet
Code Analysis and Metrics
- NsDepCop (⭐185) - Static code analysis tool to enforce namespace dependency rules in C# projects.
- dnSpy (⭐26k) - open-source .NET assembly browser, editor, decompiler and debugger
- Prev: Apr 11, 2017
- Next: Apr 09, 2017