Awesome List Updates on Apr 02, 2017
4 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Creative Coding
- Processing 2: Creative Programming Cookbook - Guides you to explore the Processing environment using practical and useful recipes.
- Data-driven Graphic Design - Creative Coding for Visual Communication.
- Real-Time Rendering - Learn how to use modern techniques to generate synthetic three-dimensional images in a fraction of a second.
- Graphics Shaders: Theory and Practice - Introduction to shader programming in general, but focusing on the GLSL shading language.
- Create 3D Graphics in JS Using WebGL - Get started creating content with WebGL without any frameworks.
- Learn HTML5 Graphics and Animation - Introduction to the canvas 2D drawing API.
- Interactive 3D Graphics - Udacity course that teach you the principles of 3D computer graphics.
- Interactive Computer Graphics - Computer graphics course from Coursera.
- Kadenze Creative Coding - Selection of Kadenze courses covering p5.js, TensorFlow, Max/Jitter, and ChucK.
- Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps - Coursera course on creative coding with processing.
- Imaginary Institute - Learn how to create gorgeous interactive graphics.
- Future Learn: Creative Coding - Use computer programming as a creative discipline to generate sounds, images, animations and more.
- Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation - Use JavaScript and the ProcessingJS library to create drawings and animations.
- Advanced JS: Natural Simulations - Combine JS, ProcessingJS, and mathematical concepts to simulate nature in your programs
- Interactive Data Visualization with Processing - Learn how to read, map, and illustrate data with Processing.
Frameworks • Libraries • Ecosystems
- Processing [Cross-platform] - Computer programming language and IDE for visual arts.
- Cinder [Cross-platform] - Open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
- openFrameworks [Cross-platform] - Open source C++ toolkit for creative coding.
- C4 [iOS] - Open-source creative coding framework for iOS.
- Unity [Mac, Win] - Game engine, but useful for creative coding and installations.
- hg_sdf [Cross-platform] - GLSL library for building signed distance functions.
Visual Programming Languages
- NodeBox [Mac, Win] - Cross-platform, node-based GUI for efficient data visualizations and generative design.
- TouchDesigner [Mac, Win] - Visual development platform to create realtime projects.
- Quartz Composer [Mac] - Development tool for processing and rendering graphical data.
- Vuo [Mac] - Live interactive-media programming environment.
- Max [Mac, Win] - Visual programming language for media.
- Pure Data [Cross-platform] - Open source visual programming language for multimedia.
Sound Programming Languages
- SuperCollider [Multi-platform] - Platform for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition.
- ChucK - Strongly-timed, concurrent, and on-the-fly music programming language.
- TidalCycles - Domain specific language for live coding of pattern.
- Sonic Pi - The live coding music synth for everyone.
Projection Mapping • VJing
- MadMapper [Mac] - Video mapping projections and Light mapping.
- VDMX [Mac] - Realtime multimedia performance application.
- Modul8 [Mac] - Real time video mixing and compositing.
- Resolume [Mac, Win] - Mixing of digital video and effects in a realtime.
- CoGe VJ [Mac] - VJ software designed for realtime HD video mixing and compositing with a modular user interface.
- Shadertoy - Build and share shaders with the world and get inspired.
- GLSL Sandbox - Online shader editor and gallery.
- Shdr Editor - Online shader editor.
- CodePen - Show case of advanced techniques with editable source code.
- Shadershop - Interface for programming GPU shaders.
- Arduino - Open source microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects.
- Raspberry Pi - Small single-board computers.
- Puck.js - Open source JavaScript microcontroller you can program wirelessly.
- BeagleBoard - Low-power open source single-board computers.
- Makey Makey - Turn everyday objects into touchpads and combine them with the internet.
- Leap Motion - Sensor device that supports hand and finger motions as input.
- Structure Synth [Cross-platform] - Application for generating 3D structures by specifying a design grammar.
- F3 [Mac] - Powerful 3D design app that enables you to live code 3D form.
- ShaderTool [Win] - Modern shader IDE for programmers and FX artists.
- Syphon [Mac] - Allows applications to share frames with one another in realtime.
- MFGD - Fragment Shaders - YouTube playlist about fragment shaders.
- Shaders Laboratory - YouTube channel about shaders.
- Makin' Stuff Look Good - YouTube channel about shaders case studies.
- Fun with WebGL 2.0 - YouTube playlist about WebGL 2.0.
- There is also canvas - Bruno Imbrizi go through the use of canvas for creative coding at WebExpo 2016. Interactive slides here.
- OpenGL 3D Game Tutorials - Beginners tutorial series about creating 3D games OpenG.
Articles • Tutorials / Shaders • OpenGL • WebGL
- Introduction to shaders - Part 1 of an introduction to shaders using threejs.
- Three.js 101 - Introduction to three.js from a creative coder perspective.
- lwjgl: Shaders (⭐1.9k) - Shader tutorial in the context of lwjgl-basics.
- WebGL Beyond Dom (⭐16) - Greg Tatum explain the basic of WebGL using Regl.
- FBO particles - Article about FBO/GPGPU particles by @nicoptere.
- Ray marching (with THREE.js) - Article about ray marching with three.js by @nicoptere.
- Custom shaders with Three.JS - Introduction to custom shaders, uniforms, textures and lighting in three.js.
- An intro to modern OpenGL - First part of an introduction to modern OpenGL.
- Modern OpenGL Series (⭐811) - Good introduction to some of the OpenGL terms.
- Volumetric rendering - Explains how to create complex 3D shapes inside volumetric shaders.
- Real-time Rendering - Book, blog and collection of resources regarding real-time rendering.
- OpenGL 4 Shaders - Short and sweet introduction to OpenGL shaders by Anton Gerdelan.
- On ray casting, ray tracing, ray marching and the like - The title says it all. Introduction by Adok.
Articles • Tutorials / Canvas
- HTML Canvas Deep Dive - Profound introduction to the canvas API.
- 31 days of Canvas tutorials - Collection of canvas tutorials by Seb Lee-Delisle.
Articles • Tutorials / Other
- Cat Like Coding - In depth tutorials on math, algorithms and Unity.
- Fun Programming - Learn creative coding writing simple programs.
- Visualizing Algorithms - Looks at the use of visualization to understand, explain and debug algorithms.
- Amit’s Game Programming Information - Collection of resources on stuff like path-finding, Ai, math etc.
Quick References • Cheatsheets / Other
- The Book of Shaders Glossary - Shader glossary by theme.
- WebGL Cheatsheet - WebGL 1.0 API reference card.
- Glossary of Computer Graphics - Glossary of terms relating computer graphics.
- GLSL Reference Guide - OpenGL Shading Language quick reference guide.
- docs.GL - Improvement of the official OpenGL documentation.
- OpenGL Shading Language - Khronos Group GLSL wiki.
- OpenGL 4.3 Reference Card - PDF Reference Card for the OpenGL 4.3 API.
Subreddits / Other
- r/creativecoding - Sharing and discussing the use of computer programming as a creative discipline.
- r/raytraycing - Subreddit on raytracing.
- r/opengl - News and discussion about OpenGL on all platforms.
- r/graphicsprogramming - Subreddit on graphics programming.
- r/processing - Subreddit on Processing.
- r/shaders - Subreddit on shaders.
- r/proceduralgeneration - Subreddit on procedural generation.
Other / Other
- The Creative Coding Podcast - Iain and Seb discuss the ins and outs of creative coding.
- - Real Time VFX Community.
Math / Other
- Vector Math for 3D Computer Graphics - Tutorial on vector algebra and matrix algebra from the viewpoint of computer graphics.
Machine learning • Computer Vision • Ai / Other
- Keras.js - Run Keras models (tensorflow backend) in the browser, with GPU support.
- Tesseract.js - Pure Javascript Multilingual OCR.
- Google ML - Cloud machine learning by Google.
- TensorFlow - Open source software library for machine intelligence.
- ConvNetJS - Deep Learning in your browser.
- Wekinator - Allows anyone to use machine learning.
Inspiration / Other
- Raven Kwok - Tumblr by visual artist Raven Kwok.
- P5Art - Really good collection of experiments in Processing.
- Echophon - Tumblr with visual inspiration.
- Bees & Bombs - Tumblr with gifs by Dave.
- DevArt - Celebration of art made with code by artists that push the possibilities of creativity.
Events / Other
- OFFF Festival - Digital design festival (Online Flash Film Festival).
- Gray Area Festival - Creative coding, art and technology festival.
- Signal Festival - Showcase of light art and emerging technologies in Prague, the Czech Republic.
- Eyeo Festival - Bring together creative coders, data designers and creators working at the intersection of data, art and technology.
- Mutek - Organization dedicated to digital creativity in sound, music, and audio-visual art.
- Node - An open platform for the exchange on culture, arts and technology.
Related / Other
- Awesome webgl (⭐1.4k) - Curated list of awesome WebGL libraries, resources and much more.
- Awesome visualization research (⭐934) - Curated list of recommended research papers and other readings on data visualization.
- Awesome graphics (⭐1.1k) - Curated list of computer graphics tutorials and resources.
- Graphics resources (⭐1.8k) - Curated list of graphic programming resources.
- Magic tools (⭐14k) - Curated list of game development resources to make magic happen.
- Hanecci’s link collection - Link collection of ray marching on the GPU.
- Awesome public datasets (⭐61k) - Curated list of public available datasets, mostly free resources.
- Link collection of ray marching on the GPU - Curated list from 2013.
2. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Python / Django
- Django Official Documentation (PDF) (1.10)
3. Awesome Webgl
Community / Particles
4. Awesome Opengl
- (2014) Ray tracing with OpenGL Compute Shaders (⭐419) by Kai Burjack - Detailed tutorial series about ray tracing using OpenGL (LWJGL).
- (2014) Things that drive me nuts about OpenGL by Rich Geldreich - Constructive (or not) criticism of GL API.
- (2010) What is OpenGL? by Joe Groff - Brief introduction to the building blocks of OpenGL.
- A Trip Down the Graphics Pipeline by Jim Blinn - Popular book that contains wealth information about the graphics pipeline, and of the best sources to learn the core concepts of Computer Graphics.
- OpenGL Insights by Patrick Cozzi, Christophe Riccio - Rich and comprehensive resource to learn techniques and tips, covering several advanced topics of OpenGL.
- OpenGL Programming Guide by Dave Shreiner, et al. - It does a good job covering the basics and providing clear reference of the API.
- OpenGL Shading Language by Randi J. Rost, et al. - Very clear and well written book about Shading Language. Also, it provides several explanations of writing shaders.
- OpenGL SuperBible by Richard S. Wright, et al. - It covers the basic concepts of computer graphics and provides clear examples using OpenGL. Definitely, it is a must for beginners.
- Real-Time Rendering by Tomas Akenine-Moller, Eric Haines and Naty Hoffman - It does a good job at explaining concepts for game engine, basis for game client programming as well as the necessary knowledge for understanding DirectX and OpenGL.
- GL-SL Debugger - Tool for debugging OpenGL programs.
- GLIntercept (⭐481) - OpenGL function call interceptor for Windows.
- NVIDIA® Nsight™ - Development platform for graphics applications.
GLSL Editors
- GLSLbin - Fragment shader sandbox supporting glslify (⭐2.1k).
- freeGLUT - Mature library that allows to create/manage windows containing OpenGL contexts.
- GLFW - Modern library for creating/interact windows with OpenGL contexts.
- glm - Mathematics library for graphics software based on the GLSL specifications.
- Magnum (⭐4.5k) - It is a 2D/3D graphics engine for modern OpenGL.
- MathFu - C++ math library developed primarily for games focused on simplicity and efficiency.
- Newton - It is a cross-platform life-like physics.
- OGLplus - Collection of libraries which implement an object-oriented facade over OpenGL.
- SDL - Designed to provide low level access to multimedia and graphics hardware.
- SFML - Simple interface to ease the development of games and multimedia applications.
Profile Loaders
- gl3w (⭐666) - Simple OpenGL core profile loader.
- glad (⭐3.2k) - Multi profile loader-generator based on the official specs.
- glbinding (⭐791) - Profile loader leveraging C++11 features to provide type safety.
- GLEW - Mature cross-platform library to load OpenGL extensions.
- docs.GL - It is an alternative documentation for OpenGL.
- OpenGL Wiki - Official OpenGL wiki.
- Prev: Apr 03, 2017
- Next: Apr 01, 2017