Awesome List Updates on Mar 02, 2017
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / CC0-license
- Barn Images - Barn Images offers you a collection of free high-resolution non-stock photography.
- Negative Space - Stock photos added every week.
- Skitter Photo - Public domain pictures and stock photos for commercial use.
Photography / Custom License / Usage
- Picography - ©️ Free hi-resolution photos. Use them however you like.
- Split Shire - ©️ Real photos for commercial use with no copyright restrictions and a real look.
Photography / Attribution Required licenses
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory - ©️ Graphics and photos of space and spaceflight.
Illustration / Unspecified License
- Old Book Illustrations - ©️ A massive collection of illustrations from old books.
Vector Graphics / Unspecified License
Patterns / Unspecified License
- UI Gradients - Nice, subtle linear gradients to use in your designs.
Icons / Icon Fonts
Paid Resources / Icons Packages and Collections
- Fotolia - Photos, Illustrations, Vectors, Videos.
- Shutterstock - Photos, Vectors, Editorial, Footages, Music.
2. Awesome Php
Configuration / PHP Books
- Functional Programming in PHP - This book will show you how to leverage these new PHP5.3+ features by understanding functional programming principles
3. Awesome Choo
Contents / Elements
- choo-chartist (⭐8) - A little component for using Chartist with the choo framework.
Contents / Projects using choo
- (⭐3) - Website for CiviCDR.
- nekocafe (⭐16) - Web chat room 🐱 💬.
4. Awesome Framer
- Cloudstitch Framer Module (⭐15) - Module lets you load data from Google Spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel directly into your Framer projects.
5. Awesome Ocaml
- slap (⭐88) - A linear algebra library in OCaml with type-based static size checking for matrix operations.
6. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Settings management
- Wagtail-Flags (⭐83) - Feature flags for Wagtail sites.
Apps / Content Management
- Wagtail Sharing (⭐53) – Easier sharing of Wagtail drafts.
Resources / Articles
7. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Tutorials
Researchers / Datasets
- Flickr Data 100 Million Yahoo dataset
8. Awesome Netherlands Events
- React Amsterdam - React Amsterdam is a Meetup group and a full day conference (April 21) on all things React.
9. Awesome Vue
Resources / Community
10. Awesome Opensource Apps
React Native
Name: Yahoo Finance (⭐2k)
Description: iOS's Stocks App clone written in React Native for demo purpose (available both iOS and Android). Data is pulled from Yahoo Finance.
Link: App on Play Store
Name: Pokemon Go Clone (⭐13)
Description: Pokemon Go in React Native.
Link: Demo
Name: BBC News (⭐205)
Description: An unofficial basic implementation of the BBC News app built using React Native.
Name: FC Barca App
Description: FC Barcelona in React Native.
Link: Demo
Name: AirBnb Clone
Description: An Airbnb Clone in React Native.
Link: Demo
Name: Assemblies (⭐360)
Description: A developer-focused Meetup clone built with React Native.
Name: 21mobile (⭐163)
Description: Cinema 21 movie schedule app built with react native, graphql, redux
Name: Dribbble (⭐2k)
Description: Dribbble app built with React Native
Name: Snapchat Clone
Description: SnapChat clone written with React Native
Link: Demo
11. Awesome Spark
Resources / Books
- Advanced Analytics with Spark - Useful collection of Spark processing patterns. Accompanying GitHub repository: sryza/aas (⭐1.5k).
- Mastering Apache Spark - Interesting compilation of notes by Jacek Laskowski. Focused on different aspects of Spark internals.
- Spark in Action - New book in the Manning's "in action" family with +400 pages. Starts gently, step-by-step and covers large number of topics. Free excerpt on how to setup Eclipse for Spark application development and how to bootstrap a new application using the provided Maven Archetype. You can find the accompanying GitHub repo here (⭐273).
Resources / MOOCS
- Data Science and Engineering with Apache Spark (edX XSeries) - Series of five courses (Introduction to Apache Spark, Distributed Machine Learning with Apache Spark, Big Data Analysis with Apache Spark, Advanced Apache Spark for Data Science and Data Engineering, Advanced Distributed Machine Learning with Apache Spark) covering different aspects of software engineering and data science. Python oriented.
Resources / Workshops
- AMP Camp - Periodical training event organized by the UC Berkeley AMPLab. A source of useful exercise and recorded workshops covering different tools from the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack.
Resources / Projects Using Spark
- Oryx 2 (⭐1.8k) - Lambda architecture platform built on Apache Spark and Apache Kafka with specialization for real-time large scale machine learning.
Resources / Miscellaneous
- Spark with Scala Gitter channel - "A place to discuss and ask questions about using Scala for Spark programming" started by @deanwampler.
- Prev: Mar 03, 2017
- Next: Mar 01, 2017