Awesome List Updates on Feb 28, 2017
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Deep Vision
Image and Language / Video Captioning
- TAU / USC [paper]
- Dotan Kaufman, Gil Levi, Tal Hassner, Lior Wolf, Temporal Tessellation for Video Annotation and Summarization, arXiv:1612.06950.
2. Awesome Crystal
Third-party APIs
- (⭐122) - Raven is a client for Sentry (⭐40k)
3. Citizen Science
Art and Science Spaces / Other
- STEM to STEAM - An initiative out of Rhode Island School of Design to bring more art and design into STEM education.
4. Awesome Composer
Toran Proxy / IRC
- ToranProxy (deprecated) - In addition to providing a composer repository ToranProxy acts as a proxy server for Packagist and GitHub.
5. Awesome Laravel
Starter Projects / Videos
Content Management Systems / Videos
6. Awesome Android
Logger / Field Validation
- logger (⭐13k) - Simple, pretty and powerful logger for android
- timber (⭐9.8k) - A logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.
- LoggingInterceptor (⭐1.3k) - An OkHttp interceptor which pretty logs request and response data.
7. Awesome Ava
- ava-preact-init (⭐8) - Set up AVA for Preact.
8. Awesome H2o
Blog Posts & Tutorials
9. Awesome Draft Js
Usage in Production
10. Jstips
Support the community / Let’s keep in touch
11. Awesome Bigdata
Distributed Filesystem
- Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store - HDFS-compatible storage in Azure cloud
SQL-like processing
- Pivotal HDB - SQL-like data warehouse system for Hadoop.
Machine Learning
- Azure ML Studio - Cloud-based AzureML, R, Python Machine Learning platform
- Apache Ranger - Central security admin & fine-grained authorization for Hadoop
Internet of things and sensor data
- Azure IoT Hub - Cloud-based bi-directional monitoring and messaging hub
12. Awesome Dotnet
- SecurityDriven.Inferno (⭐580) - .NET crypto library. Professionally audited.
- Prev: Mar 01, 2017
- Next: Feb 27, 2017