Awesome List Updates on Feb 15, 2017
16 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Security
Operating Systems / Online resources
- Security @ Distrowatch - Website dedicated to talking about, reviewing and keeping up to date with open source operating systems
2. Awesome Javascript Learning
ES6 and above / Single Topics
- Practical ES6 (⭐3.1k) - eBook with practical examples and advices.
3. Awesome Hacking
Online resources / Other
- Best Linux Penetration Testing Distributions @ CyberPunk - Description of main penetration testing distributions
4. Awesome Cpp
Coding Style
5. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Composer-Patches (⭐1.6k) - The plugin applies a patch from a local or remote file to any required package.
6. Awesome Ruby
Presentation Programs
- Slide Show (S9) (⭐186) - Write your slides / talks / presentations in plain text with markdown formatting conventions and generate (static) web pages; template packs incl. deck.js, impress.js, reveal.js, shower, s6, s5 and more.
7. Nlp with Ruby
Language Identification / On-line APIs
- scylla (⭐34) - Language Categorization and Identification.
8. Awesome Creative Coding
Web Programming • Libraries
- Pixi.js - HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback.
9. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Serialization
- ZeroFormatter (⭐2.4k) - Fast binary (de)serializer for .NET.
10. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- ng (⭐45) - Search through the documentation.
11. Awesome Laravel
Community / Local User Groups
12. Awesome Ant Design
13. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Text Editors
- Vimr - Refined Vim Experience for OS X.
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- Beyond Compare - Compare files and folders with powerful commands.
Developer Tools / Version Control
- Tower2 - The most powerful Git client for Mac and Windows.
Developer Tools / Databases
- RedisDesktopManager - Cross-platform GUI management tool for Redis.
Design and Product / Design Tools
- Affinity Designer - Professional graphic design software for Mac.
- Affinity Photo - Professional image editing software for Mac.
- Blender - Free and open 3D creation software.
Design and Product / Prototyping and Mind-Mapping Tools
- Mockplus - Prototype faster, smarter and easier.
Design and Product / Other Tools
- Image2icon - Create and personalize icons from your pictures.
Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools
- WeeChat - The extensible command-line chat client.
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- Audio Hijack - Record any application's audio, including VoIP calls from Skype, web streams from Safari, and much more.
- ScreenFlow - Screencasting and video editing software.
- Shotcut - Free open-source video editor.
Cloud Storage / Audio Record and Process
- Mega - Free cloud service, offers 50GB free storage.
- Seafile - Reliable and High Speed File Sync and Share.
Mac App Download Sites / Genuine Sites
14. Awesome Ctf
- Hashcat - Password Cracker
- libformatstr (⭐332) - Simplify format string exploitation.
- OWASP ZAP - Intercepting proxy to replay, debug, and fuzz HTTP requests and responses
15. Awesome Deep Learning Papers
Contents / Reinforcement Learning / Robotics
- Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-Learning (2016), H. Hasselt et al. [pdf]
Contents / Appendix: More than Top 100
- Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks (2017), A. Esteva et al. [html]
- Professor Forcing: A New Algorithm for Training Recurrent Networks (2016), A. Lamb et al. [pdf]
- What makes for effective detection proposals? (2016), J. Hosang et al. [pdf]
- Trust Region Policy Optimization (2015), J. Schulman et al. [pdf]
16. Engineering Blogs
Companies / C companies
- Curalate
- Prev: Feb 16, 2017
- Next: Feb 14, 2017