Awesome List Updates on Feb 10, 2017
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Jvm
Memory and concurrency
- parquet - Columnar storage format that uses the record shredding and assembly algorithm described in the Dremel paper.
2. Awesome Mqtt
Home Entertainment / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- harmony-api (⭐379) - A simple server allowing you to query/control multiple local Harmony Home Hubs over HTTP or MQTT.
3. Awesome Electronics
Development Board Retailers / Altium
- Tindie - Marketplace for electronics makers to sell low volume batches of their own designs.
4. Nlp with Ruby
Linguistic Resources / Constituency Parsing
- rwordnet (⭐88) - Pure Ruby self contained API library for the Princeton WordNet®.
- wordnet (⭐134) - Performance tuned bindings for the Princeton WordNet®.
5. Awesome Tensorflow
- AlexNet3D (⭐42) - An implementations of AlexNet3D. Simple AlexNet model but with 3D convolutional layers (conv3d).
6. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / I individuals
- Ilija Eftimov
7. Awesome Webgl
Tools/Debugging / Chrome Specific Tools/Debugger
- Webgl Insight (⭐913) - Chrome extension WebGL debugging toolkit providing a variety of capabilities.
- Prev: Feb 11, 2017
- Next: Feb 09, 2017