Awesome List Updates on Jan 27, 2017
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Creative Coding
Math / Other
- Immersive Math - Fully interactive linear algebra.
2. Awesome Json
JSON Schema Resources
- Using JSON Schema - a Book and GitHub project, showing how JSON Schema can be used for a variety of tasks and in different programming contexts.
3. Awesome Postgres
Contents / High-Availability
- SkyTools (⭐248) - Replication tools, including PgQ, a queuing system, and Londiste, a replication system a bit simpler to manage than Slony.
4. Awesome Redux
Learning Material / Other
Redux's concepts
Redux official documentation does a great job at explaining Redux's core principles.
Why immutable data structures
The guide on performance of React's official documentation explains well what immutable data structures are and why they play an important role.
Side Effects
Redux Loop's readme (⭐2k) gives a good insight on Side Effects in the context of Redux.
Functional Programming - Basics
This post goes over basic concepts of functional programming while building a YouTube instant search demo app.
Reactive Programming
This introduction to Reactive Programming explains Reactive Programming with clarity.
Functional Programming - Going beyond
Well written article that talks about interesting computer science concepts implemented in functional languages and how these apply to JavaScript.
Curious about monads? Wikipedia gives a good overview on monads and this article explains monads in more details with graphics and simple examples.
5. Awesome Sre
Monitoring & Observability & Alerting
6. Awesome Wagtail
Tools / Templates & Starter Kits
- Beginner Wagtail Cookiecutter (⭐32) – A super simple implementation of Wagtail CMS.
Open-source sites / Lists
- Torchbox (⭐124) – Wagtail build of
- Made with Wagtail (⭐86) - A showcase of sites and apps made with Wagtail CMS.
- (⭐14) – The website source.
- Table Tennis Wellington Business Class (⭐5) – Website for the table tennis business league in Wellington NZ.
- Jordi Joan’s blog (⭐20) – Personal blog site using Wagtail CMS.
- Localore: Finding America (⭐19) – Wagtail-based CMS and Ansible playbooks for Localore: Finding America.
- Adventure Capitalists (⭐4) – Wagtail powered website for the world's only investment band.
- NHS.UK Content Store (⭐20) – NHS.UK content store and editing app.
- (⭐14) – City of Helsinki development site with Wagtail.
- Digital Helsinki (⭐19) – City of Helsinki Digital Helsinki Wagtail CMS.
7. Engineering Blogs
Companies / A companies
- Avenue Code
Companies / I companies
- IBM developerWorks
8. Tips
Generates a summary of pending changes
git request-pull v1.0 https://git.ko.xz/project master:for-linus
List references in a remote repository
git ls-remote git://
- Prev: Jan 28, 2017
- Next: Jan 26, 2017