Awesome List Updates on Jan 26, 2017
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Network Analysis
Courses / Topic-specific
- Social Networks, by Dennis M. Feehan (University of Berkeley, 2017).
Review Articles / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- The Social and the Sexual: Networks in Contemporary Demographic Research (PSC Working Paper Series, 2013).
Selected Papers / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Revisiting the Foundations of Network Analysis, by Carter T. Butts - On choosing the right network representation to frame a research problem.
Varia / Network Science
- The Emergence of Network Science - Video documentary, featuring Steven H. Strogatz and many others.
- A Twenty-First Century Science - Essay by Duncan J. Watts.
2. Awesome Bigdata
Key-value Data Model
- Edis (⭐467) - is a protocol-compatible Server replacement for Redis.
Data Ingestion
- Kestrel (⭐6) - distributed message queue system.
3. Awesome Robotics
4. Awesome Microservices
Node.js / Scala
- FeathersJS - An open source REST and realtime API layer for modern applications.
5. Awesome Sre
Monitoring & Observability & Alerting
6. Awesome Remote Job
Articles & Posts
Job boards
- Jobspresso * High-quality remote positions that are open and legitimate *
Companies with "remote DNA"
- Avallain - Education Technology and Digital Publishing. We have the tools and processes to achieve the positive impact on human potential that technology enhanced education can provide
- Collabora - Open source software-based consulting.
- Ghost - Publishing platform.
Tools / Communication
- – Browser-based multi-user live code sharing with optional video chat.
- Skype – Video calls.
Tools / Others
- Noisli - Noisli has a list of diferent ambient sounds that can be combined to boost creativity and focus.
Others / Others
- Hacker Spaces - List of hacker spaces.
7. Awesome Fuse
- Blog - The official Fuse blog on Medium
8. Engineering Blogs
Companies / C companies
- Capgemini
9. Awesome Rails Gem
Database / Security
- rails_db (⭐1.4k) - Rails Database Viewer and SQL Query Runner
10. Awesome Dotnet
- - Cloud logging for .NET web applications using ELMAH. Find bugs before you go live. Powerful search, API, integration with Slack, GitHub, Visual Studio and more. [Free for OSS] [$]
11. Awesome Testing
Software / Make your life easier
- Bug Magnet - Suggests values based on the field type.
Suggested Awesome Lists / Must Read
- Falsehoods (⭐25k) - A funny and educational list of why nothing in Software Development is ever easy. Think you can store a marriage in a DB?
- Naughty Strings (⭐47k) - This is the famous list of Naughty Strings. If you're doing some field validation, look no further for inspiration.
- Unicode (⭐920) - A great resource for learning how unicode works and the issues it can cause.
Suggested Awesome Lists / Useful References
- The Original (⭐342k) - The awesome list of awesome lists.
- Application Security (⭐6.4k) - Incredibly extensive, but you'll find something to fit the bill.
- Selenium (⭐1k) - Better than searching Google if you know what you want.
- Security (⭐13k) - This is mostly focused on Infrastructure, but if you're testing a series of systems, this is very useful.
12. Awesome Algorithms
Online Courses
- Algorithms: Divide and Conquer, Sorting and Searching, and Randomized Algorithms - The primary topics are: asymptotic ("Big-oh") notation, sorting and searching, divide and conquer, and randomized algorithms.
- Algorithms: Graph Search, Shortest Paths, and Data Structures - The primary topics are: data structures, graph primitives, and their applications.
- Algorithms: Greedy Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, and Dynamic Programming - The primary topics are: greedy algorithms and dynamic programming.
- Algorithms: Shortest Paths Revisited, NP-Complete Problems and What To Do About Them - The primary topics are: shortest paths, NP-completeness and what it means for the algorithm designer, and strategies for coping with computationally intractable problems.
- Algorithms, Part II - Part II focuses on graph- and string-processing algorithms.
13. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Cerebro (⭐8.3k) - Launcher with inline previews.
Samples / Other
- Electron API usage (⭐3.9k) - Sample apps illustrating usage of Electron APIs.
- Screen Recorder (⭐410) - WebRTC screen recorder.
14. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- Chessie (⭐188) - Railway-oriented programming for .NET
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Serialization
- Wire (⭐378) - Binary serializer for POCO objects.
15. Awesome AutoHotkey
GUI / Edit
- Edit v2.0 - by jballi - Library for the lightweight and surprisingly powerful default Edit control for displaying and editing text. Forum thread: link
- Prev: Jan 27, 2017
- Next: Jan 25, 2017