Awesome List Updates on Jan 25, 2017
6 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Typography
Font Combinations
2. Awesome AutoHotkey
GUI / General
- CGUI (⭐17) - by ChrisS85 - An object-oriented GUI library for AutoHotkey. Forum thread: link
Networking / Web
- WinSCP.ahk (⭐17) - by Lipkau - Lib allows the use of WinSCP in AHK
Maths / Web
- Unit Converter - unit converter that has most common English and scientific units and most common quantities from length to density to thermal conductivity. Also includes a section for physical and mathematic constants.
Others / Web
- GoToTilla - Addon which allows jumping to tokens within AHK source code.
3. Awesome Android
- Spring for Android - Rest Template (⭐712) - A Rest Client for Android.
Resources / Custom Dialog
- Developing for Android - A series of articles from Googler Chet Hasae and others, answering most commonly asked question: "What are some of the important rules to keep in mind when developing Android applications?".
4. Awesome Decentralized
- Bitmessage: P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages to another person or to many subscribers.
- I2P: Anonymous network, exposing a simple layer that applications can use to anonymously and securely send messages to each other.
- MaidSafe: Decentralized internet and app infrastructure which rewards users for participating in the network.
- Blockstack: The new decentralized internet. Platform for application development with built in decentralized DNS.
- okTurtles: DNSChain = Secure Blockchain Access and BlockchainID = decentralized web login.
5. Engineering Blogs
Companies / H companies
- HomeAway
Companies / N companies
- Novoda
Companies / S companies
- Sqreen
6. Awesome Ruby
CLI Utilities
- Terminal Table (⭐1.5k) - Ruby ASCII Table Generator, simple and feature rich.
- Prev: Jan 26, 2017
- Next: Jan 24, 2017