Awesome List Updates on Feb 15 - Feb 21, 2016
43 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Geojson
editors & viewers
- gjv (⭐75): electron app enables viewing GeoJSON locally and hack on it with turf; works offline
- metro-extracts: regional OpenStreetMap data as GeoJSON
2. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Create a GitHub File Explorer Using Vue.js on
3. Awesome Music
MIDI Tools & Libraries
- Midifile - C++ library for parsing Standard MIDI Files.
4. Awesome Cpp
- ChakraCore (⭐9.2k) -A JavaScript engine by Microsoft that can be embedded into nodejs. [MIT]
- Clang - A C compiler for LLVM. Supports C++11/14/1z C11. Developed by LLVM Team. [NCSA]
- GCC - GNU Compiler Collection. Supports C++11/14/1z C11 and OpenMP. [GNU GPL3]
5. Awesome Charting
Commercial Libraries
- amCharts - Three libraries for traditional charts, stock, and maps. Features a hand-drawn style theme option.
- CanvasJS - A tight set of chart types in a library with a small file size. Different looking default theme than other commercial libraries.
- FusionCharts - Charting library with a strong maps component.
- Highcharts - A series of charting libraries for a variety of uses. Can be compatible back to IE6.
- ZingChart - Built to render large data sets other libraries can't handle. Super customizable styling and new features added often. Everything in one modular library.
Free and Open Source Libraries
- Chart.js - Tiny library (11kb!) including core chart types.
- D3.js - Allows the user to manipulate documents based on data to render charts in SVG.
- dygraphs (⭐3k) - Interactive zoomable time series charts.
- Plottable (⭐2.9k) - Library with OOP style syntax to build charts.
- rgraph - 2D/3D javascript charts with google sheets import capabilites.
Free Libraries
- Google Charts - Maps are dialed in (of course) and some cool animation options. Extensive docs and use community (forum).
Framework-Specific Libraries / Angular
- n3-charts (⭐1.2k) - Easy to use library written with AngularJS, rendering charts with D3.
Framework-Specific Libraries / Ember
- Ember Charts - Five basic chart types ready to go in Ember.js projects.
Framework-Specific Libraries / jQuery
- Flot - A JavaScript charting library for jQuery. Contains useful chart types but looks like it may no longer be in active development.
Framework-Specific Libraries / React
- react-d3 (⭐1.8k) - Charting library that relies on React for generating SVG markup and d3 to calculate path values.
Data Visualization Resources / React
- Dataviz Catalogue - A place to go when you're wondering which chart type is best. A project by Severino Ribecca.
- Evergreen Data - Information and opinions on presenting data more effectively.
- Flowing Data - A resource on maps, visualizations, stats, and design by Nathan Yau, formerly of the New York Times.
- Junk Charts - Dataviz critic (and Columbia professor) Kaiser Fung breaks down data visualizations to identify what is wrong and recommends ways to make them better.
- Visualizing Data - Dataviz consultant Andy Kirk compiles examples, resources, and reference materials on the subject of charting and visualization.
- Well Formed Data - Thought pieces on information visualization and design by Moritz Stefaner previously of the World Economic Forum.
6. Awesome Dropwizard
Tutorials / Deployment
7. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Non-dedicated
- Riemann (⭐4.1k) - A network event stream processing system, in Clojure
8. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- k (⭐1.8k) - k is a Zsh script to make directory listings more readable, adding Git status, fileweight colors and rotting dates
9. Awesome Canvas
Libraries / To draw using canvas
- Origami.js (⭐767) - JS Lib to redesign canvas API interface
10. Awesome Dotnet
- ServiceStack (⭐5.4k) - Thoughtfully architected, obscenely fast, thoroughly enjoyable web services for all
- FluentScheduler (⭐2.7k) - Task scheduler with fluent interface that runs automated jobs from your application
- NCrontab (⭐922) - Class library for parsing & formatting crontab expressions as well as calculating occurrences of time based on a crontab schedule
11. Learn to Program
Vertabelo Academy
Free SQL courses with interactive exercises and quizzes
(SQL, database concepts)
12. Awesome Fonts
Programming fonts / Fonts
Programming fonts / Programming fonts with ligatures
JavaScript libs / Event listeners for fonts loading on a web page
13. Awesome Swift
Transition / Barcode
- BubbleTransition (⭐3.3k) - Bubble transition in an easy way.
14. Awesome Microservices
Messaging / Scala
- Aeron (⭐7.5k) - Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport.
Data Formats / Scala
- SBE (⭐263) - Simple Binary Encoding (SBE).
15. Awesome Html5
Game development / WebRTC
16. Awesome Relay
- Joseph Savona - Relay: An Application Framework For React - Conceptual overview of Relay from the Facebook team.
- Relay: Seamless Syncing For React - An overview of what Relay is, and some discussion of experience using it in production.
Libraries & Packages
bindings for Relay. Greatly simplifies many local state UI uses cases.- Relay and Routing - A well-articulated walk through of
, and the problems that it solves. relay-nested-routes
- Generate nested routes that reflect nested data. Helpful for managing deep data.isomorphic-relay-router
- Server side rendering support forreact-router-relay
- Relay and Routing - A well-articulated walk through of
- Convert Flow types into Relay fragments.
- Make Relay compatible withsequelize
- Create Relay connections from MongoDB cursors.
Scala / Rails
- Writing Simple Unit Tests with Relay - An early first look at testing Relay.
17. Awesome Neo4j
- Spider (⭐24) - A simple, flexible, and beautiful graph-data abstraction for php.
18. Awesome Transit
Software for Creating APIs / Rust
- OpenTripPlanner - An open source platform for multi-modal and multi-agency journey planning, as well as returning information about a multi-modal graph (using data sources such as GTFS and OpenStreetMap).
19. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Date & Time
- periods (⭐1) - Defined time-periods constants for Javascript, in milliseconds.
Modules / Object
- is-empty-object (⭐11) - Check if an object is empty.
Modules / Semver
- semver-first-satisfied (⭐2) - Find minimum in an array of version that satisfies a semver range.
Modules / CLI
- abbrev (⭐158) - Calculate the set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings.
- glob (⭐8.1k) - Glob functionality for node.js.
Modules / Module management
- pkg-conf (⭐113) - Get namespaced config from the closest package.json.
- normalize-pkg (⭐18) - Normalize values in package.json to improve compatibility, programmatic readability and usefulness with third party libs.
20. Awesome Competitive Programming
Community / Quora
Competitive Programmers: Miguel Oliveira (mogers)
Competitive Programmers: Bohdan Pryshchenko (I_love_Tanya_Romanova)
Competitive Programmers: Cosmin Negruseri
21. Awesome Vulkan
Hardware Support
- gpuinfo - Vulkan Hardware Database by Sascha Willems
- vkcube (⭐115) - 'vkcube' sample from krh, works under X, wayland and VT console with drm/kms.
22. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Open Source System Podcast - Latest open source projects and news!
23. Awesome Jvm
Memory and concurrency
- Apache Arrow - A high-performance cross-system data layer for columnar in-memory analytics.
- derive4j (⭐543) - Algebraic data types constructors, pattern-matching, morphisms, optics and typeclasses.
- Sulong (⭐627) - LLVM IR interpreter written in Java using Truffle and Graal.
- Truffle (⭐18k) - Framework for implementing languages as simple interpreters.
24. Awesome Bitcoin
JavaScript Libraries
25. Awesome Laravel
Videos / Third-party Service Integration
26. Awesome AutoIt
- AutoItMonkey (⭐16) - The AutoItMonkey is an UDF that runs on your Android emulator or device and generates pseudo-random streams of user events such as clicks, touches, or gestures, as well as a number of system-level events.
Misc / OpenOffice
- AutoItAppveyor (by KyleChamberlin) (⭐0) - This library contains functions for integrating your AutoIt scripts and programs with Appveyor CI.
- Micro Unit Testing Framework (by KyleChamberlin) (⭐5) - Micro is a xUnit style testing framework design for use with AutoIt.
27. Awesome Courses
Courses / Misc
- CS 108 Object Oriented System Design Stanford
- Software design and construction in the context of large OOP libraries. Taught in Java. Topics: OOP design, design patterns, testing, graphical user interface (GUI) OOP libraries, software engineering strategies, approaches to programming in teams.
28. Awesome Python
- NIPY - A collection of neuroimaging toolkits.
29. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / S3
- mumrah/s3-multipart 🔥 (⭐162) - Parallel upload/download to S3 via Python.
30. Awesome Unity
Tips and Tricks
- Unity Tips - Short videos showing some handy tips when using Unity.
31. Awesome Json
- JSON-java (⭐4.5k) - A reference implementation.
- PL/JSON (⭐440) - A generic JSON object written in PL/SQL.
JSON Schema Frontend components
- angular-schema-form (⭐2.5k) - Generate forms. (AngularJS)
32. Awesome Elixir
- goth (⭐301) - OAuth 2.0 library for server to server applications via Google Cloud APIs.
Third Party APIs
- stripity_stripe (⭐1k) - An Elixir Library for Stripe.
- atom-iex (⭐15) - Run an IEx session in Atom.
33. Awesome Security
Network / Fast Packet Processing
- PFQ (⭐523) - PFQ is a functional networking framework designed for the Linux operating system that allows efficient packets capture/transmission (10G and beyond), in-kernel functional processing and packets steering across sockets/end-points.
- PF_RING - PF_RING is a new type of network socket that dramatically improves the packet capture speed.
- netmap - netmap is a framework for high speed packet I/O. Together with its companion VALE software switch, it is implemented as a single kernel module and available for FreeBSD, Linux and now also Windows.
34. Awesome Machine Learning
Rust / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- rusty-machine (⭐1.3k) - a pure-rust machine learning library.
35. Awesome Robotics
36. Awesome Rxjava
- RxPartialApplication (⭐30) - Simple partial application for FuncN and ActionN on RxJava.
- RxCurrying (⭐38) - Simple currying for FuncN and ActionN on RxJava.
- RxEither (⭐91) - Either type for RxJava.
37. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Adium - Adium workflow to chat with people on your list.
- caniuse (⭐405) - workflow to query HTML / CSS support.
- CDN (⭐66) - Check which CDNs a package is hosted on.
- Colors - Convert color formats & access the OS X color panel.
- Font Awesome (⭐809) - Quickly look up font awesome icons and add the desired one to your clipboard.
- Package Managers (⭐700) - Package Repo Search.
- VagrantUP (⭐40) - List and control Vagrant environments with Alfred2.
- Copy Paths to Clipboard (⭐95) - Copy Current File Paths to Clipboard as POSIX, HFS, or File URLs.
- Network Info - Display ip addresses or mac addresses for all network interfaces.
Other Lists
- Packal - The biggest place to find Workflows.
38. Awesome Ruby
- Redis-Objects (⭐2.1k) - Redis Objects provides a Rubyish interface to Redis, by mapping Redis data types to Ruby objects, via a thin layer over the redis gem.
Spreadsheets and Documents
- Docsplit - Gem to convert Microsoft Word (and other) documents into images, pdf, pages or text.
39. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Data validation
- property-validator (⭐158) - Easy property validation for Express.
40. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Rob Thomas (⭐0) - VoIP Developer, IPv6 and Security Evangelist, DevOps proponent. Currently at Sangoma.
Ask these organizations anything!
- HackCU - A collegiate hackathon at the University of Colorado that operates a free bi-annual event for students to learn coding or push their skills building things.
41. Awesome Pyramid
Caching & Session
- pyramid_redis_sessions (⭐44) - Pyramid web framework session factory backed by Redis.
- pyramid_debugtoolbar_dogpile (⭐2) - dogpile caching support for pyramid_debugtoolbar
42. Awesome Lumen
- Documentation - Lumen 5
Packages and Middleware
- Lumen Cors (⭐46) - A simple lumen CORS
- Alternative Lumen Cors (⭐103) - CORS Middleware for Lumen micro-framework
- Phpspec Lumen (⭐0) - Test your Lumen app with phpspec
- Understand Lumen (⭐6) - Laravel Lumen service provider for
- Badge Poser (⭐6) - Lumen Badge Generator
- Cors Illuminate (⭐48) - CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) support for Laravel and Lumen
- Jwt Artisan (⭐142) - JWT auth for Laravel and Lumen
- Facebook SDK (⭐698) - Facebook SDK for Laravel and Lumen
- Lumen Generators (⭐349) - A collection of generators for Lumen and Laravel 5.
- Dingo API (⭐9.3k) - A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.
- Lumen Tinker (⭐112) - An interactive shell to Lumen framework
- Lumen Maintenance Mode (⭐24) - Define Lumen Application Maintenance Mode
- Lumen Vendor Publish (⭐208) - Vendor publish command for Lumen framework.
- Lumen Make (⭐22) - Ports most of the make commands from Laravel to Lumen.
- Lumen File Manager (⭐40) - File manager module for the Lumen PHP framework.
Made With Lumen
- Slack Invitator (⭐56) - A Slack Invitator made with Lumen Framework
- Email Microservice (⭐74) - Microservice for sending emails with Lumen
- Lissandra (⭐15) - API for Laracasts Feed built with Lumen.
- Lumen Solder (⭐3) - An implementation of Solder in Laravel's Lumen Framework.
- Contribute some ;)
Contributing / Guidelines
- Make sure what you are adding is not already on the list
- Make a separate pull request for each addition
- Use the format:
* [Name](Link) - Description if needed
- Add it to the bottom of the section, not top or middle
- Check your spelling and grammar
- Feel free to create or improve a category
- Make sure there is no trailing whitespace
- Last, Make sure it is awesome!
43. Engineering Blogs
Companies / A companies
Companies / H companies
- Hashrocket
Companies / I companies
- Instacart
Companies / J companies
- Jane Street
Companies / O companies
Companies / P companies
- Postmark
Companies / Q companies
Companies / S companies
- Sky Betting & Gaming
- Stitch Fix
Companies / T companies
- TrueCar
Companies / W companies
- WyeWorks
Individuals/Group Contributors / A individuals
- Addy Osmani
Individuals/Group Contributors / B individuals
- Blundell's Android Tutorials
Individuals/Group Contributors / H individuals
- High Scalability
Individuals/Group Contributors / J individuals
- Josh Sherman
Individuals/Group Contributors / R individuals
- Robin Ward
- Ruslan Spivak
Individuals/Group Contributors / S individuals
- Sam Saffron
Individuals/Group Contributors / Z individuals
- Zach Holman
Products/Technologies / R technologies
- RocksDB
- Prev: Feb 22 - Feb 28, 2016
- Next: Feb 08 - Feb 14, 2016