Awesome List Updates on Feb 08 - Feb 14, 2016
35 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Rails Gem
Plugins / Omniauth
- Airbrussh (⭐509) - Airbrussh pretties up your SSHKit and Capistrano output
File Uploading / Omniauth
- Carrierwave (⭐8.7k) - Carrierwave is a classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks.
- carrierwave_backgrounder (⭐724) - Offload CarrierWave's image processing and storage to a background process using Delayed Job, Resque, Sidekiq, Qu, Queue Classic or Girl Friday.
- CarrierWave Crop (⭐94) - Carrierwave extension to crop uploaded images using Jcrop plugin with preview.
- CarrierWave ImageOptimizer (⭐210) - This gem allows you to simply optimize CarrierWave images via jpegoptim or optipng using the image_optimizer gem.
View Helper / Omniauth
- i18n Country Code Select (⭐25) - I18n Country Code Select Form Helper for Rails 3 & 4.
- Subdivision Select (⭐19) - A Rails plugin to populate a state/province select box from country_select.
2. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Readings
- The world beyond batch: Streaming 101 by Tyler Akidau.
3. Sublime Bookmarks
Fun stuff / Themes
- Comfort (⭐2) — A wonderful theme for sublime Text!.
4. Awesome Groovy
- GPars (⭐235) - The GPars concurrency and parallelism framework for the JVM
5. Awesome Android
- EntryScreenManager (⭐41) - Intro/Entry/Walkthrough/Starting Screens.
Other / Custom Dialog
- AudioPlayerView (⭐87) - A view that loads audio from an url and have basic playback tools.
6. Awesome Ocaml
Developer Tools
- OCaml Yeoman Generator (⭐22) – Yeoman generator to scaffold OCaml modules.
7. Awesome Laravel
Books / Videos
- Writing APIs With Lumen by Paul Redmond
- The Laravel Survival Guide by Tony Lea
- Laraboot: Laravel 5 For Beginners by Bill Keck
8. Awesome Haskell
- Happy Learn Haskell Tutorial - Pain-free, Gradual Haskell Tutorial with cartoon robots!
9. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Ariya Hidayat (⭐29) - VP of Engineering Shape Security, Author of Esprima and PhantomJS.
10. Awesome Rest
JavaScript Clients
- raml-client-generator (⭐121) - Generates static client libs for js.
Python / Symfony2
- Ramses - Makes RAML files executable by generating production-ready APIs from them at runtime.
Documentation / Symfony2
- raml2html (⭐1.1k) - Generates HTML documentation from a RAML file.
11. Awesome Swift
UI / Barcode
- Reel search (⭐2.5k) - Option list managed as a reel.
12. Awesome Cpp
- blaze - high-performance C++ math library for dense and sparse arithmetic. [BSD]
13. Awesome Github
Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users
- HubPress (⭐2.8k) - A web application to build your Blog on GitHub
14. Awesome Ruby
Markdown Processors
- word-to-markdown (⭐1.5k) - Gem to convert Microsoft Word documents to Markdown.
15. Awesome Text Editing
Rich-text editors using contenteditable
- CKEditor - Started back in 2003. Has both iframe and inline style rich-text editing
- ProseMirror - From the maker of CodeMirror
- Scribe (⭐3.5k) - From the Guardian team
- Quill - Quill is a free, open source WYSIWYG editor built for the modern web
- Etherpad - Open Source online editor providing collaborative editing in really real-time
- Froala - A simple to use rich text editor, with mobile support, lots of examples, high performance and inline editing
- Redactor - Advanced, clean and smooth, Redactor Rich Text Editor offers an excellent immersive user experience
- Ritzy (⭐895) - Collaborative web-based rich text editor
- Aloha Editor - Open Source browser based html5 enabled rich text editor
- WYMeditor - Open Source XHTML editor focusing on semantic markup
- Dijit Editor - a Dojo-based rich text editor component
- YUI Rich Text Editor - a Yahoo! rich text editor component
- KindEditor (⭐1.8k) - Open Source HTML editor
Code editors
- CodeMirror - CodeMirror is a versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser
- Ace - Ace is an embeddable code editor written in JavaScript
- Behave.js - lightweight library for adding IDE style behaviors to plain text areas
Heuristic for contenteditable rich-text editors
- Be stable
- Be open source
- Handle soft breaks
- Be able to manipulate styles on block level elements
- Be able to manipulate styles on inline level elements
- Be able to manipulate classes on block level elements
- Be able to manipulate classes on inline level elements
- Be able to alter custom attributes on block level elements
- Be able to alter custom attributes on inline level elements
- Cache the selection
- Have iframing capabilities as well as inline mode capability
- Change the tag type of nodes
- Clear the format
- Have a concise api
- Support various module loaders
- AMD & Common.js
- Should have an organization backing the service and have a potential paid support plan
- Should copy & paste from Microsoft word
16. Awesome Pcaptools
Traffic Analysis/Inspection
- potiron (⭐81): Normalizes, indexes, enriches and visualizes network captures.
17. Tips
Grab a single file from a stash
git checkout <stash@{n}> -- <file_path>
git checkout stash@{0} -- <file_path>
Untrack files without deleting
git rm --cached <file_path>
git rm --cached -r <directory_path>
Restore file to a specific commit-hash
git checkout <commit-ish> -- <file_path>
Dry run. (any command that supports dry-run flag should do.)
git clean -fd --dry-run
18. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Job queues
- bull (⭐15k) - Persistent job and message queue.
19. Awesome Fuse
Open Source
- Syncano (⭐5) - Simple example of integration Syncano with Fuse.
20. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Books
21. Awesome Lua
Resources / Game Engines
- Drystal - Open source, games can run on Linux or on any platform with a recent web browser.
- Amulet - Open source, audio/visual toolkit suitable for small games and experimentation. It runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, HTML5 and iOS.
22. Awesome Jvm
- Java Profiling from the Ground Up - Nitsan Wakart.
23. Awesome Refinerycms
Backoffice extensions
- refinerycms-redactor (⭐2) - WYSIWYG editor with Redactor
- refinerycms-snoods (⭐1) - Creating download pages and sending leads to Salesforce
24. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Array
- map-array (⭐4) - Map object keys and values into an array.
Modules / Object
- flatten-obj (⭐20) - Converts an object literal with deeply nested nodes to a simple key/value object.
Modules / Function
- identity-function - Always return the input argument.
- mem (⭐1k) - An optimization technique used to speed up consecutive function calls by caching the result of calls with identical input.
25. Awesome Dotnet
- ELMAH - Official ELMAH site
26. Awesome Phalcon
Authentication & OAuth
- phalcon-authmiddleware (⭐27) - Add middleware events to the dispatcher. Generic design that's compatible with ACL or a custom auth library.
27. Awesome Javascript
Modals and Popups / Other
- SweetAlert (⭐22k) - An awesome replacement for JavaScript's alert.
28. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- exconstructor (⭐285) - An Elixir library for generating struct constructors that handle external data with ease.
- mail (⭐385) - An RFC2822 implementation in Elixir, built for composability.
29. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Queue
- PHP AMQP (⭐4.4k) - A pure PHP AMQP library.
Table of Contents / Data Structure and Storage
- Ginq (⭐192) - Another PHP library based on .NET's LINQ.
Configuration / Development Environment
- Ansible - A radically simple orchestration framework.
30. Awesome Pyramid
- Try Pyramid - The Start Small, Finish Big, Stay Finished Framework. Official website.
31. Awesome R
Graphic Displays
- gganimate (⭐1.9k) - Create easy animations with ggplot2.
32. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Kinesis
- amazon-kinesis-connectors 🔥🔥 (⭐328) - Libary to integrate with other AWS and non-AWS services.
33. Awesome Computer History
Videos / Old recordings
- The Computer Chronicles (1983-2002) - All episodes 8.6/10. A few of the notable episodes are:
- Simulator Software (1983)
- Artificial Intelligence (1985)
- The Internet (1993)
- Net Cafe (1996-2002) - All episodes ?/10. A few of the notable episodes are:
- Hackers (1996) - Looks at the hacker culture and their influence on the early growth of the internet
- Politics on the Web (1996) - Institute for Global Communications, Cyperpunks and Anarchists Press
Videos / Documentaries
- The Internet: Behind the Web (2000) - Documentary about development of internet from 1950-60's to 21st century.
- The Codebreakers (2006) - Documentary about how poor countries are using free and open source software (FOSS) for development purposes.
Videos / Talks & Lectures
- Computers From The Inside Out (1985) - Richard Feynman Computer Heuristics Lecture. Not about computer history per se, but about how computers work
- The Origins of Linux - Linus Torvalds (2001) - Linus Torvalds tells the story of how he went from writing code as a graduate student to become an icon for open source software.
- The Secret History of Silicon Valley (2008) - Talk by Steve Blank at the Computer History Museum
Texts / Folklore
- The Humble Programmer (1972) - Dijkstra's overview of the programming universe as he saw it in 1972
- The Conscience of a Hacker (1986) - The Hacker Manifesto
34. Awesome Vscode
- gnu-global-tags - Provide Intellisense for C/C++ with the help of the GNU Global tool.
Haskell / More
Other extensions / Smarty Template Support
- phpcs - PHP CodeSniffer for Visual Studio Code
35. Awesome Npm
Command aliases
npm i -D
→npm install --save-dev
- Prev: Feb 15 - Feb 21, 2016
- Next: Feb 01 - Feb 07, 2016