Awesome List Updates on Dec 26 - Jan 01, 2016
31 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Marionette
Examples and boilerplates
- Webpack-Marionette (⭐19) A small boilerplate introducing webpack and es6 features to a Marionette/Backbone application, contains a sample CRUD application of an editable Cookbook.
2. Awesome Aurelia
Aurelia Plugins / Aurelia Articles
- aurelia-keyboard-plugin (⭐6) * Simple keyboard plugin for aurelia
- aurelia-ui-framework (⭐154) * A bespoke UI Framework built on Aurelia for desktop business application
3. Awesome Rails Gem
User / Authentication
- Sorcery (⭐1.3k) - Magical Authentication for Rails. Supports ActiveRecord, DataMapper, Mongoid and MongoMapper.
4. Awesome Asyncio
Database Drivers
- peewee-async (⭐744) - ORM implementation based on peewee (⭐11k) and aiopg.
5. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Elastic Container Service
- blox 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐952) - Open source tools for building custom schedulers on ECS.
6. Awesome Tensorflow
Powered by TensorFlow
- android-yolo (⭐674) - Real-time object detection on Android using the YOLO network, powered by TensorFlow.
7. Awesome Robotics
8. Awesome Npm Scripts
Other Utilities / Utility Packs
- headr (⭐3) - Add header / banner info to a file.
9. Awesome Fp Js
- bluebird-promisell (⭐44) - A practical functional programming library for promises.
10. Awesome Sre
Monitoring & Observability & Alerting
11. Awesome Cpp
Static Code Analysis
- Infer (⭐15k) - A static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C. [BSD]
12. Engineering Blogs
Companies / P companies
13. Awesome Recursion Schemes
- Practical Recursion Schemes - Introduction to pattern functors, fix points, anamorphisms, catamorphisms, paramorphisms and hylomorphisms, requiring very little prior knowledge.
- An Introduction to Recursion Schemes - Three-part series in which you discover recursion schemes from scratch and implement a small subset of Edward Kmett's library.
- Understanding Algebras - Bartosz Milewski explains F-algebras and shows how to use them in the context of catamorphisms.
- Recursion Schemes: A Field Guide (Redux) - List of various recursion schemes with code samples.
- Catamorphisms - Definition on the Haskell Wiki.
- Catamorphisms - Short definition with code on School of Haskell by Edward Kmett.
Papers / Hylomorphisms in the Wild
- Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire, 1991, Meijer et al. - The original paper most of this is based on.
- A Duality of Sorts, 2013, Hinze et al. - Shows that many basic sorting algorithms exist as a pair, and that these pairs arise naturally out of the duality between folds and unfolds.
- Sorting with Bialgebras and Distributive Laws, 2012, Hinze et al. - Shows how paramorphisms and apomorphisms can be used for more efficient implementations of sorting algorithms.
Presentations / Hylomorphisms in the Wild
- Slidedecks by Tim Philip Williams - "Recursion Schemes by Example" and "Exotic Tools for Exotic Trades" provide concise definitions as well as practical examples of many recursion schemes.
- Unifying Structured Recursion Schemes - 12 min presentation by Ralf Hinze, Nicolas Wu, and Jeremy Gibbons.
- Recursion Schemes - Presented by Tim Williams at the London Haskell meetup.
- F-algebras or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Type System - Presented by Anthony Burzillo at the NYC Haskell User's Group.
- A Gentle Introduction to Recursion Schemes - Presented by Jean Remi Desjardins at Lambdaconf 2016.
14. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Python
15. Awesome Serverless
Professional services
- Red Badger - Agency.
16. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
17. Awesome Deep Vision
Low-Level Vision / Super-Resolution
- Iterative Image Reconstruction
18. Awesome Jvm
- Give me 15 minutes and I'll change your view of Linux tracing - Brendan Gregg.
19. Awesome Android
GUI / Navigation
- Floating-Navigation-View (⭐1.3k) - A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View.
20. Awesome Qt
Communities / Official
- IRC - For real-time chat with other Qt developers and users. The most popular channels are on Freenode, and include
, and#qt-chat
.- For a full list of Qt-related IRC channels, see here.
- Note that the linked webchat client is not a part of the Qt project, and is provided by the author of this list for convenience only. These channels can be accessed through any IRC client.
Tools / Official Tools
- Qt Installer Framework 🐙 (⭐147) - Nobody seems to talk about this, but Qt also provides a way to write an installer for your application. Does not support creation of macOS disk images, app bundles, or Linux packages, so be mindful of that when considering your project's distribution.
🐙 (⭐125) - Generates macOS application bundles for Qt projects.
- qmake 🐙 (⭐1.8k) - The bundled build system designed for Qt, though it can be used for non-Qt projects.
🐙 (⭐125) - Command-line tool that prints out a lot of information pertaining to both your Qt installation and your system in general. No link because there's no dedicated web page; just runqtdiag
on the command line. Excellent for troubleshooting.
🐙 (⭐146) - Lets you make easing curves suitable for QML, though if you understand the underlying math there's no reason you couldn't use the resulting numbers elsewhere.
Tools / Third-Party Tools
- moc-ng (⭐185) 🐙 (⭐185) - Alternative implementation of
that's binary-compatible with Qt's version.
- Qt-Inspector (⭐350) 🐙 (⭐350) - Inspection tool with similar goals to GammaRay, though much simpler.
Bindings in Other Languages / Third-Party Tools
- Mono/.NET languages (via QtSharp) (⭐557) 🐙 (⭐557) - Experimental wrapper for Qt that allows it to be used by .NET-based languages such as C#. Young, but active.
Libraries / Integrations
- QScintilla 📦 - Absurdly versatile and customizable text editor widget that provides syntax highlighting, code completion, code folding, recordable macros, and much more. Built around Scintilla. Created by the same company that developed PyQt.
Libraries / New Functionality
- DOtherSide (⭐175) 🐙 (⭐175) - Binding for QML in C, primarily designed as an API for other languages to support QML.
- QNodeView (⭐186) 🐙 (⭐186) - Widget that lets you create and edit nodes in a graph similar to the kind provided by Unreal Engine, Substance Designer, or PureData.
- Qtilities 🐙 (⭐123) - Powerful set of libraries that provide GUI, logging, testing, configuration, and project functionality (among other things) for your application.
- QtitanChart - Chart generation framework. Commercial.
Books / New Functionality
- Game Programming Using Qt: Beginner's Guide by Witold Wysota and Lorenz Haas - Good place to start learning how to program games with QML.
- Application Development with Qt Creator - 2nd Edition, by Ray Rischpater - Beginner's guide to Qt, with a lot of focus on Qt Creator and its associated tools.
- Qt 5 Blueprints, by Symeon Huang - Seems to be about the overall structure of a Qt project.
- Mastering Qt 5, by Guillaume Lazar and Robin Penea 🐙 (⭐189) - Not your daddy's Qt. Tips and tricks for the experienced. The source code used in the book is available for free.
- Qt5 Cadaques 🐙 (⭐2.4k) - Free book that focuses on QML, named for this town in northeastern Spain that the authors vacationed to once.
Software that Uses Qt / New Functionality
- RUBE - Level design tool for any game that uses the Box2D physics engine.
21. Awesome Network Analysis
Professional Groups / Research Groups (USA)
- Northeastern University Center for Complex Network Research - Led by Albert-László Barabási.
Professional Groups / Research Groups (Other)
Software / Julia
- EcologicalNetwork.jl (⭐69) - Package to compute measures of ecological network structures.
- MatrixNetworks.jl (⭐109) - A method to handle graph/matrix/network structures.
- NetworkFlows.jl (⭐3) - Package of network flows algorithms.
- PhyloNetworks.jl (⭐159) - Package to manipulate, analyze and visualize phylogenetic networks.
- TikzGraphs (⭐78) - Package to create graph layouts using the TikZ graphics language.
Varia / Tutorials
- Network Map of Knowledge and Art - DBPedia-derived networks of who-was-influenced-by-whom directed ties, using SPARQL and Gephi.
22. Awesome Mqtt
Home Entertainment / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- chromecast-mqtt-connector (⭐40) - Control your Google Chromecast devices using MQTT.
23. Awesome Music
Music Notation
- Lyp (⭐75) - the Lilypond swiss army knife - easily install packages, manage multiple versions of Lilypond, and other tools for power users.
24. Awesome R
Natural Language Processing
- tidytext - Implementing tidy principles of Hadley Wickham to text mining.
25. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Templates
- JavaScriptServices (⭐3k) - Microsoft ASP.NET Core JavaScript Services.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- roslyn (⭐19k) - The .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") provides open-source C# and Visual Basic compilers with rich code analysis APIs.
- Sprache (⭐2.3k) - Tiny C# Monadic Parser Framework.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Mathematics
- UnitConversion (⭐180) - Expansible Unit Conversion Library for .NET Core and .NET Framework.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Queue and Messaging
- emitter - Free open source real-time messaging service that connects all devices. This publish-subscribe messaging API is built for speed and security.
26. Awesome Javascript Learning
Free eBooks / Single Topics
- Speaking JavaScript - In-depth guide beginning with the basics.
27. Awesome Polymer
28. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- qex (⭐34) - Wraps
, with improved API andInspect
protocol implementations.
Date and Time
- cronex (⭐48) - Cron like system you can mount in your supervision tree.
29. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Date
- cctz (⭐59) - Fast parsing, formatting, and timezone conversation for dates.
30. Awesome Clojurescript
Awesome ClojureScript / JavaScript Interoperability
- Purnam – A ClojureScript library designed to provide better clojurescript/javascript interop, testing and documentation tools.
31. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Keyboard Maestro (⭐408) - Execute Keyboard Maestro macros from Alfred.
- Prev: Jan 09 - Jan 15, 2017
- Next: Dec 19 - Dec 25, 2016