Awesome List Updates on Dec 19 - Dec 25, 2016
42 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Tips
Preformatted patch file.
git format-patch -M upstream..topic
2. Awesome Frege
Libraries / Android
- froid (⭐101) - Library for using Frege in Android development.
3. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x JOLT (⭐4) - JSON to JSON transformation tool based on the original bazaarvoice JOLT project. Helpful to transform different json structure into an expected json format.
4. Awesome Quantified Self
Applications and Platforms / Aggregators & Dashboards
- Apple Health - Multi-purpose tracking platform for Apple devices. Tracks activities, sleep, nutrition, mindfulness, and other metrics.
- Google Fit - Open ecosystem to store, access, and manage fitness data (Android).
- Exist - Track everything in one place (web, iOS & Android).
- Zenobase - Store, aggregate and visualize your data from multiple 3rd party sources (web).
- Validic - Cloud-based platform that connects patient-recorded data from digital health applications, devices, and wearables.
- FitnessSyncer - Joins health and fitness data into a single centralized platform.
- IoTool - Smartphone IoT platform for automation and data collection.
- Tictrac - Dashboard for health and fitness data (web).
Applications and Platforms / Automation
- Tasker - Automation and event triggering app (Android).
- If This Then That (IFTTT) - Awesome conditional automation platform.
- Zapier - Automate tasks between apps.
Applications and Platforms / Diet
- MyFitnessPal - Food tracking and diet plan app (iOS & Android).
- Fat Secret - Calorie counter and diet tracker for weight loss (iOS & Android).
Applications and Platforms / Time
- Streaks - To do list that helps you form habits and track goals (iOS).
- Toggl - Time tracker and employee timesheet software (iOS & Android).
- Timesheet - Android time tracker (Android).
- Hours Time Tracker - Awesome time tracking app (iOS).
- Rescue Time - Automatically tracks where you spend your time (Mac, Windows, Android, Linux).
- Manic Time - Automatic time tracking software which tracks computer usage (Windows).
Applications and Platforms / Heart
- Instant Heart Rate - Fast and accurate mobile heart rate monitor (iOS, Android, Windows).
Applications and Platforms / Sleep
- Sleep as Android - Full featured sleep tracker with wearable integration (Android).
- Sleep Cycle - Intelligent alarm clock and sleep tracker (iOS & Android).
- Pillow - Track your sleep from your Apple Watch or iPhone (iOS).
Applications and Platforms / Wealth
- Personal Capital - Financial software and wealth management.
- You Need A Budget (YNAB) - Personal home budget software.
- GNU Cash - Personal and small-business financial-accounting software.
- Ledger (⭐5.5k) - Simple but powerful command line accounting.
5. Awesome Qt
Official Resources
- Qt Newsletters - The best of Qt, straight to your spam filter.
- Source Code - Browse the various source trees that comprise the Qt project. Has mirrors at several GitHub organizations:
Communities / Official
- Mailing Lists - Mailing lists for users and developers of Qt alike. Arguably the best place to communicate directly with Qt's maintainers. Sees frequent activity.
Tools / Official Tools
- Qt Visual Studio Add-in 🐙 (⭐39) - If you'd rather stick to Visual Studio, this add-in will let you do that.
Tools / Third-Party Tools
- SIP 📦 - Generates Python bindings for C or C++ libraries. Has special support for Qt signals and slots, and was used to create PyQt.
Bindings in Other Languages / Third-Party Tools
- Python (via PyQt) 📦 - Arguably the most comprehensive and well-known binding of Qt to another language.
- Python (via PySide) 📦 - Another binding for Python, which has been officially adopted by the Qt project.
Libraries / Integrations
- Serves as a client for an established Web service.
- Wraps another library in a Qt-friendly manner as more than just an implementation detail (i.e. it tries to mimic the wrapped API).
- neiasound (⭐1) 🐙 (⭐1) - OpenAL wrapper designed for games, with stb_vorbis and libsndfile support.
- QtAwesome (⭐565) 🐙 (⭐565) - Add Font Awesome icons to your Qt application. Other icon sets are supported, too.
- qtruby (⭐3) 🐙 (⭐3) - Use Ruby as a scripting language within your application.
Libraries / New Functionality
- Communi 🐙 (⭐81) - Cross-platform IRC framework. We've got enough IRC clients out there already, but I suppose this could also be used to implement a chat function in your application (e.g. for community support).
- glraw (⭐61) 🐙 (⭐61) - Convert images from any Qt-supported format to OpenGL-format textures. Useful for speeding up texture loading in graphics applications.
- grantlee (⭐126) 🐙 (⭐126) - Django-inspired text templating.
- injeqt (⭐93) 🐙 (⭐93) - Dependency injection for Qt.
- KDE Frameworks 🐙 📦 - Metric ass-ton of libraries for KDE, but many of them can be used with regular Qt applications as well. Cross-platform, for the most part.
- qgexedit2 (⭐279) 🐙 (⭐279) - Embed a hex editor in your application.
- qml-material (⭐2.5k) 🐙 (⭐2.5k) - Material Design implemented in QML.
- QSimpleUpdater (⭐635) 🐙 (⭐635) - Let your application update itself.
- qt-maybe (⭐28) 🐙 (⭐28) - Fans of type theory will enjoy these sum and optional types.
- qt-mustache (⭐81) 🐙 (⭐81) - Render Mustache templates.
- QtitanRibbon - For fans of the ribbons that Microsoft uses in their software. Commercial.
- qtnotify (⭐12) 🐙 (⭐12) - Notification framework.
- QtTerminalWidget (⭐39) 🐙 (⭐39) - Make your application capable of anything.
- QtVerbalExpressions (⭐56) 🐙 (⭐56) - Create regular expressions using natural English expressions. Part of the VerbalExpressions project, which does the same thing for a wide variety of languages.
- qtwebserver (⭐59) 🐙 (⭐59) - If you need to write a web application server in Qt for some reason, this'll help you along.
- verdigris (⭐580) 🐙 (⭐580) - Experimental library to write Qt applications without using the
Blogs / New Functionality
- Planet Qt - Official aggregation of first-party and third-party Qt-related blogs.
- ICS - Qt-centric software consulting firm with a really neat blog. Specializes in graphics applications.
- Qt Tips and Tricks [1, 2] - Odds and ends that might be nice to keep in your back pocket.
- Mastering Qt File Selectors - Sometimes you need different variations of the same asset, but you won't know which ones to load until runtime. This class will decide for you.
- Some Lesser Known Qt Tools and Commands [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] - You don't find hidden gems by staying on the beaten path.
- Using Self-Signed Certificates in Qt Code - Trust nobody.
- Integrating C++ with QML - Talk to your scripting language. That's what it's there for.
- Qt and OpenGL: Loading a 3D Model with Open Asset Import Library (Assimp) [1, 2] - Assimp supports a lot of different model types; these articles will help you support all of them.
- What's new in Qt 5: QStandardPaths - This feature's been around for a few years, but it's still useful enough to warrant an entry on this list.
- What's New in Qt 5.2: QCommandLineParser - Another oldie, but still a goodie.
- Woboq - Another software consulting firm that also contributes code to Qt. They seem to specialize in Qt's core architecture.
- Moc myths debunked - The magic that Qt appears to rely in is really just a bunch of code generators. This post will bring you up to speed on the reality of the
, the most notable one. - How Qt Signals and Slots Work [1, 2, 3] - Qt's signals/slots system lets any object talk to any other object. Understanding these three articles will help you take full advantage of the feature.
- QMetaType knows your types - C++ isn't known for having good run-time type information, so Qt brings its own.
- C++11 in Qt5 - Stop writing C++ like it's 2003; learn how you can take advantage of recent C++ features in your Qt applications.
- C++14 for Qt programmers -
- QStringLiteral explained - String literals are widely used in many applications; wouldn't it be nice if you could make them faster to access?
- Nicer debug output in Qt using QT_MESSAGE_PATTERN - It's nice to be able to read your application's logs.
- Moc myths debunked - The magic that Qt appears to rely in is really just a bunch of code generators. This post will bring you up to speed on the reality of the
- KDAB - Another consulting firm that specializes in Qt.
- GammaRay: Taking a deep look into your Qt application - Talk about GammaRay and how it can help you dissect your Qt applications. Talk given at QtCon 2016 by Volker Krause.
- Multithreading with Qt - I want to make my application do more than once thing at once. What could possibly go wrong? Talk given at QtCon 2016 by Giuseppe D'Angelo.
- Linux perf for Qt developers - How to make your Qt application faster, Linux-style. Talk given at QtCon 2016 by Milian Wolff.
Books / New Functionality
- PySide GUI Application Development - 2nd Edition, by Gopinath Jaganmohan and Venkateshwaran Loganathan - Imagine these other books, but in Python.
Software that Uses Qt / New Functionality
- Parallels Desktop - Consumer-focused virtualization.
- TeamSpeak - When gamers want to voice chat in a game that doesn't support it, they'll use this.
Other Relevant Awesome Lists / New Functionality
- Awesome C/C++ (⭐41k) - There's no reason you can't use C++ libraries that weren't designed for Qt. Sometimes they might even suit your needs better than what Qt offers.
- Awesome C (⭐2.9k) - Same goes for C libraries; might wanna brush up on those RAII techniques while you're at it.
- Awesome CMake (⭐4.4k) - If you're not using qmake for your project, you're likely using CMake instead.
- Awesome OpenGL (⭐1.7k) - Qt is commonly used for graphics applications, even providing its own wrappers around OpenGL.
6. Engineering Blogs
Companies / C companies
- Codelitt
Companies / M companies
- Moove-it
Companies / P companies
- Pluralsight
Companies / V companies
Individuals/Group Contributors / C individuals
- Carlos Becker
- Codrops
Individuals/Group Contributors / P individuals
- Philip Walton
Individuals/Group Contributors / R individuals
- Ray Wenderlich
Individuals/Group Contributors / W individuals
- William Kennedy
7. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
- SysAdvent - One article for each day of December, ending on the 25th article.
8. Awesome Bigdata
Time-Series Databases
- Beringei (⭐3.2k) - Facebook's in-memory time-series database.
9. Awesome Audio Visualization
- Musical Interactions - Some experimental ideas for playful musical interactions.
10. Awesome Elixir
Command Line Applications
- loki (⭐90) - Library for creating interactive command-line application.
- image64 - A tool for working with base64 encoded images.
11. Awesome Testing
Software / Security Testing
- OWASP ZAP (⭐13k) - Intercepting proxy for HTTP traffic manipulation, security scanning, and exploitation.
Software / Browser Extensions & Utilities
- Full Page Screenshot - Capture full-page screenshots.
- Form Filler - Auto-fill large forms with dummy data.
- ProxySwitcher - Easy proxy switching for test/prod environments.
Software / Accessibility & Usability Testing
- Colour Blindness Simulator - Simulate different types of color blindness.
Software / Performance & Load Testing
- Yslow - Analyze web page performance based on Yahoo!'s rules.
Training (Includes developer training for automation testers) / Mind Mapping & Documentation
- The Dojo - Courses and talks directly from the testing community.
- Guru99 - Learn by experience, a bit more fun than video training.
- Coursera - Online courses from top universities.
- Cybrary - Online free security training.
Others / Useful References
- Testers Rage Playlist - A collaborative playlist from testers for when the red mist descends.
12. Awesome Hacking
Other Useful Repositories
Repository: Machine Learning for Cyber Security (⭐7.4k)
Description: Curated list of tools and resources related to the use of machine learning for cyber security
13. Awesome Security
Network / IDS / IPS / Host IDS / Host IPS
- OSSEC - Comprehensive Open Source HIDS. Not for the faint of heart. Takes a bit to get your head around how it works. Performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitoring, rootkit detection, real-time alerting and active response. It runs on most operating systems, including Linux, MacOS, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX and Windows. Plenty of reasonable documentation. Sweet spot is medium to large deployments.
Network / Honey Pot / Honey Net
- awesome-honeypots (⭐8k) - The canonical awesome honeypot list.
14. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Widgets
- Wagtail-Geo-Widget (⭐137) - Google Maps widget for the GeoDjango PointField field in Wagtail.
15. Awesome Dotnet
Functional programming
- Optional (⭐907) - A robust option type for C#
- Hyperion (⭐276) - A high performance polymorphic serializer for the .NET framework.
Source Generator
- Weekly C# Digest - Weekly email newsletter with manually curated top 5 links from the .NET community.
16. Awesome Json
Command-line tools
- gron (⭐13k) - Convert a JSON file into discrete assignments that are greppable.
- circe (⭐2.5k) - Yet another JSON library for Scala.
17. Awesome Cl
HTTP Servers
- woo (⭐1.3k) - A fast non-blocking HTTP server on top of libev. MIT.
Web frameworks / Clack plugins
- Caveman (⭐785) - A powerful web framework. LLGPL. Example projects: Quickdocs
Javascript / Isomorphic web frameworks
- JSCL (⭐897) - A CL-to-JS compiler designed to be self-hosting from day one. Lacks CLOS, format and loop.
18. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Zach Leatherman (⭐0) - I have a beard sometimes.
19. Awesome Selenium
Tools / Javascript
- Karma - Brings a productive testing environment to developers for unit testing (mostly AngularJS).
- Protractor - Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications.
Tools / Ruby
- Selenium with Ruby - Selenium Ruby bindings
Tools / Python
- Selenium with Python - Selenium Python bindings
Tools / Java
- Selenium with Java - Selenium Java bindings
Tools / C#
- Selenium with C# - Selenium C# bindings
CSS Regression Testing / Dart
- WebdriverCSS (⭐613) - Regression testing tool for WebdriverIO (currently deprecated, please use wdio-screenshot for the time being).
Driver / Desktop (browsers)
- Firefox (⭐31k) - Firefox driver (for FF < v48) is included in the selenium-server-standalone.jar available in the downloads.
- Geckodriver (⭐7.3k) - Firefox driver (for FF > v48), supported with Selenium >= v3
- Edgedriver - Microsoft Webdriver server for Edge
- Safari (⭐31k) - The SafariDriver is implemented as a Safari browser extension. The driver inverts the traditional client/server relationship and communicates with the WebDriver client using WebSockets (only supported for Safari <= v9, all new Safari version comming with macOS Sierra come with an integrated SafariDriver that is closed source by Apple).
20. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Date and Time
- Yasumi (⭐1.1k) - A library to help you calculate the dates and names of holidays.
21. Awesome Appium
- WinAppDriver - WinAppDriver - Test any app with Appium's Selenium-like tests on Windows
22. Awesome Ctf
- Nipe (⭐1.5k) - Nipe is a script to make Tor Network your default gateway.
23. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Topic-specific
- Network Analysis Literacy. A Practical Approach to the Analysis of Networks, by Katharina A. Zweig (2016).
24. Awesome Osint
OSINT Videos / Steam
25. Awesome Fp Js
Resources / Videos
- Anjana Vakil: Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript - JSUnconf 2016 - A simple and understandable introduction of functional proramming in javascript.
26. Awesome Vulkan
Hardware Support
- Vulkan Device-Generated Commands
- Getting Vulkan Ready For VR
- GPU-Driven Rendering
- GDC 16 - High-performance, Low-Overhead Rendering with OpenGL and Vulkan
- GDC 16 - Vulkan and NVIDIA – The Essentials
- Engaging the Voyage to Vulkan
- Vulkan Shader Resource Binding
- Vulkan Memory Management
- OpenGL like Vulkan
- Transitioning from OpenGL to Vulkan
- Siggraph 15 talk - Vulkan on NVIDIA GPUs
- Intel
- Siggraph
- An overview of next-generation graphics APIs - covers Vulkan, D3D12 etc.
- nvpro-samples - NVIDIA DesignWorks Samples. [LICENSE (⭐157)]
- gl_vk_chopper (⭐202) - Simple vulkan rendering example.
- gl_vk_threaded_cadscene (⭐157) - OpenGL and Vulkan comparison on rendering a CAD scene using various techniques and the blog about it.
- gl_vk_bk3dthreaded (⭐84) - Vulkan sample rendering 3D with 'worker-threads'.
- gl_vk_supersampled (⭐63) - Vulkan sample showing a high quality super-sampled rendering.
- Vulkan-Forward-Plus-Renderer (⭐653) - VFPR - a Vulkan Forward Plus Renderer. [MIT]
27. Awesome Laravel Education
Quick References
- bestmomo/laravel5-3-example (⭐225) - A good example of how to use Laravel 5.3 to build an web application.
28. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Neural Networks
- Data Driven Code (⭐30) - Very simple implementation of neural networks for dummies in python without using any libraries, with detailed comments.
29. Awesome AutoIt
Syntax Highlighter / OpenOffice
- AutoIt - Visual Studio (⭐57) - AutoIt extension for Visual Studio.
30. Awesome Markdown
CMS / Blogs
- Ghost - Publishing platform for professional bloggers.
- Grav - Modern Flat-File CMS.
- Svbtle - Blogging platform designed to help you think.
Tools / Linters
- Markdownlint (⭐668) - Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
Resources / Documentation
- The text/markdown Media Type (RFC7763) - This document registers the
media type for use with Markdown, a family of plain-text formatting syntaxes.
31. Nlp with Ruby
Pipeline Generation
- ruby-spark (⭐224) - Spark bindings with an easy to understand DSL.
32. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
33. Guitarspecs
Strings / Active Pickups Electronics
- Construction (Flat Wound/Round Wound)
- Material (Steel/Nickel) and
Scale Length / Active Pickups Electronics
- quick response, crisp attack
- transparent sound with well-defined basses and heights
- larger finger spread
- higher string tension at constant gauge
- warmer
- more sustain and longer decay
34. Awesome Angular
Documentation tools / Google Developer Experts
- Compodoc (⭐4k) - The missing documentation tool for your Angular application.
35. Awesome Cpp
- backward-cpp (⭐3.9k) - A beautiful stack trace pretty printer for C++. [MIT]
- nana - Nana is a cross-platform library for GUI programming in modern C++ style. [Boost]
- Blackhole (⭐200) - Attribute-based logging framework, which is designed to be fast, modular and highly customizable. [MIT]
36. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- docfx (⭐4k) - Tools for building and publishing API documentation for .NET projects
37. Awesome Ruby
- Themis (⭐1.9k) - crypto library for painless data security, providing symmetric and asymmetric encryption, secure sockets with forward secrecy, for mobile and server platforms.
Coding Style Guides
- Fundamental Ruby (⭐473) - Fundamental programming ruby with examples. Threads, design patterns, data structures, OOP SOLID principle, algorithms.
38. Awesome Courses
Courses / Programming Languages / Compilers
- CS 75 Principles of Compiler Design Swathmore College
- Modelled after the influential paper on incremental approach to compiler design, this course teaches how to build a compiler in OCaml
- Course on Github
- Notes (⭐37)
- CS 91 Introduction to Programming Languages Swathmore College
39. Awesome Information Retrieval
- Introduction to Information Retrieval - C.D. Manning, P. Raghavan, H. Schütze. Cambridge UP, 2008. (First book for getting started with Information Retrieval).
- Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice - Bruce Croft, Don Metzler, and Trevor Strohman. 2009. (Great book for readers interested in knowing how Search Engines work. The book is very detailed).
- Language Modeling for Information Retrieval - W.B. Croft, J. Lafferty. Springer, 2003. (Handles Language Modeling aspect of Information Retrieval. It also extensively details probabilistic perspective in this domain, which is interesting).
- Information Retrieval: A Survey - Ed Greengrass, 2000. (Comprehensive survey of Conventional Information Retrieval, before Deep Learning era).
Datasets / Standard IR Collections
- TREC Collections - TREC is the benchmark dataset used by most IR and Web search algorithms. It has several tracks, each of which consists of dataset to test for a specific task. The tracks along with suggested use-case are:
- Blog - Explore information seeking behavior in the blogosphere.
- Chemical IR - Address challenges in building large chemical testbeds for chemical IR.
- Clinical Decision Support - Investigate techniques to link medical cases to information relevant for patient care.
- Confusion - Study Known Item Searching problem.
- Contextual Suggestion - Investigate search techniques for complex information needs (context and user interests based).
- Crowdsourcing - Explore crowdsourcing methods for performing and evaluating search.
- Enterprise - Study search over the organization data.
- Entity - Perform entity-related search (find entities and their properties) on Web data.
- Filtering - Binarily decide retrieval of new incoming documents given a stable information need.
- Federated Web Search - Study merge performance for results from various search services.
- Genomics - Study retrieval efficiency of genomics data and corresponding documentation.
- HARD - Obtain High Accuracy Retrieval from Documents by leveraging searcher's context.
- Interactive Track - Study user interaction with text retrieval systems.
- Knowledge base acceleration - Study algorithms that improve efficiency of human Knowledge Base.
- Legal Track - Study retrieval systems that have high recall for legal documents use case.
- Medical Track - Explore unstructured search performance over patients record data.
- Microblog Track - Examine satisfaction of real-time information need for microblogging sites.
- Million Query Track - Explore ad-hoc retrieval over large set of queries.
- Novelty Track - Investigate systems' abilities to locate new (non-redundant) information.
- Question Answering Track - Test systems that scale beyond document retrieval, to retrieve answers to factoid, list and definition type questions.
- Relevance Feedback Track - For deep evaluation of relevance feedback processes.
- Robust Track - Study individual topic's effectiveness.
- Session Track - Develop methods for measuring multiple-query sessions where information needs drift.
- SPAM Track - Benchmark spam filtering approaches.
- Tasks Track - Test if systems can induce possible tasks, users might be trying to accomplish for the query.
- Temporal Summarization Track - Develop systems that allow users to efficiently monitor the information associated with an event over time.
- Terabyte Track - Test scalability of IR systems to large scale collection.
- Web Track - Explore information seeking behaviors common in general web search.
Talks / Technical Talks
- The next web - Tim Berners-Lee (Ted Talk) [Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. He leads the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), overseeing the Web's standards and development].
- Internet Privacy - Dr. Alma Whitten (Google Brussels Tech Talk).
Talks / Philosophical Talks
- The case for anonymity online - Christopher "moot" Poole" (Ted Talks) [Christopher "moot" Poole is founder of 4chan, an online imageboard whose anonymous denizens have spawned the web's most bewildering and influential subculture].
40. Awesome R
- Leaflet - One of the most popular JavaScript libraries interactive maps.
- CRAN Task View: Analysis of Spatial Data- Spatial Analysis related resources.
- ggmap (⭐770) - Plotting maps in R with ggplot2.
- REmap (⭐257) - R interface to the JavaScript library ECharts for interactive map data visualization.
- sp - Classes and Methods for Spatial Data.
- rgeos - Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source
- rgdal - Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
- maptools - Tools for Reading and Handling Spatial Objects
- gstat (⭐196) - Spatial and spatio-temporal geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation.
- spacetime (⭐74) - R classes and methods for spatio-temporal data.
- RColorBrewer - Provides color schemes for maps
- spatstat (⭐198) - Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests
- spdep - Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics and Models
HTML Widgets
- wordcloud2 (⭐396) - R interface to wordcloud2.js.
Books / Paid
- Learning R Programming - Learning R as a programming language from basics to advanced topics.
41. Awesome AutoHotkey
Integrated Development Environment / Web
- Sublime 4 AutoHotkey - Sublime 4 AutoHotkey is a patch for Sublime Text text editor which adds support for AutoHotkey. - (discontinued)
42. Awesome Talks
Software Design
- Therapeutic Refactoring by Katrina Owen (Cascadia Ruby Conf 2012) [26:04]
- Prev: Dec 26 - Jan 01, 2016
- Next: Dec 12 - Dec 18, 2016