Awesome List Updates on Dec 12 - Dec 18, 2016
47 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Lua
Resources / Cryptography
- luatweetnacl (⭐13) - Bindings to tweetnacl, modern high-security cryptographic library.
2. Awesome Network Js
High level
- hyperpipe (⭐117) – Distributed input/output pipe.
3. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / HTML
4. Awesome Gbdev
Cartridges / Opcodes
- Gekkio's Game Boy cartridge types - An overview on existing cartridge types.
- Game Boy Cartridges Schematics - Schematics for MBC2 and MBC3 types.
C / Syntax highlighting packages
- Grooves Game Boy Programming (⭐86) - A complete set of lessons about implementing various game mechanics in a Game Boy game.
- GBDK Sprite - Presents a workflow for getting multiple sprites to display and animate.
- GBDK Color - Extends your knowledge of basic spriting on the Game Boy by adding colors to sprites, backgrounds and the window layer.
- GBDK Joypad - Details the use of the joypad with GBDK.
5. Awesome Talks
Software Design
- Hopelessness and Confidence in Distributed Systems Design by Camille Fournier (Strange Loop 2015) [40:35]
6. Awesome Appium
7. Awesome AutoHotkey
Integrated Development Environment / Web
- vim-AHKcomplete (⭐13) - Vim plugin to add auto-completion. (omni-completion)
8. Awesome Asyncio
Database Drivers
- asyncpg (⭐7.2k) - Fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio.
- aioes (⭐97) - Asyncio compatible driver for elasticsearch.
9. Awesome Raspberry Pi
OS Images
- Fedora - Linux Fedora distribution built for the Pi.
10. Awesome Android
- Timecon (⭐261) - Easy-to-use animated clock icon
- Audiogram (⭐457) - Lightweight audiowave progressbar
- Bubbles for Android (⭐1.5k) - Facebook like chat bubble library
11. Awesome Iot
Software / Frameworks
- Lightweight MQTT Machine Network - LWMQN is an open source project that follows part of OMA LWM2M v1.0 specification and uses the IP-base Smart Object model to meet the minimum requirements of machine network management. It provides both server-side and machine-side libraries to make full-stack IoT development possible with JavaScript and Node.js. See also: IPSO Alliance Technical Archive.
Software / Libraries and Tools
- SmartObject (⭐20) - A Smart Object Class that helps you with creating IPSO Smart Objects in your JavaScript applications. See also: IPSO Alliance Technical Archive.
12. Awesome Python
Third-party APIs
- boto3 (⭐8.8k) - Python interface to Amazon Web Services.
13. Awesome Malware Analysis
Malware Collection / Malware Corpora
- Tracker h3x - Agregator for malware corpus tracker and malicious download sites.
- VX Vault - Active collection of malware samples.
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Other Resources
- Cybercrime tracker - Multiple botnet active tracker.
- Ransomware overview - A list of ransomware overview with details, detection and prevention.
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- Malware config - Extract, decode and display online the configuration settings from common malwares.
Domain Analysis / Other Resources
- Multi rbl - Multiple DNS blacklist and forward confirmed reverse DNS lookup over more than 300 RBLs.
Miscellaneous / Other Resources
- Malware Museum - Collection of malware programs that were distributed in the 1980s and 1990s.
14. Citizen Science
Software / Lab Equipment Software
- Grafana - Create a dashboard (online if you wish) that visualizes your experimental data.
- mMass - Open-source software for mass spectrometers.
- Stellarium - Open-source planetarium software.
Software / Publishing , Collaboration and Organization
- Zotero - Open-source citation management software.
- TiddlyWiki - Easily create your own wikis to organize information.
- Evergreen ILS - Software for managing a library of books (and the loaning process).
- ISLE (⭐215) - Open-source laboratory equipment inventory management system developed by NASA.
- GanttProject - Productivity tool for scheduling tasks and making Gantt charts.
- Open Science Framework - Open-source collaborative project manager for scientific research.
- Calibre - eBook management software.
15. Awesome Less
UI/Theme Frameworks and Components
- Bootstrap 3 - Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- Material Design for Bootstrap (⭐22) - Material Design for Bootstrap is a Bootstrap V3 compatible theme; it is an easy way to use the new Material Design guidelines by Google in your Bootstrap 3 based application.
Libraries and Mixins / Grid
- Bootstrap Grid Only (⭐454) - Bootstrap's responsive grid and responsive utility classes only, without any extras. Lightweight yet still powerful. Style to taste.
Libraries and Mixins / Color
- Brand Colors - 1100+ collection of popular brand colors available in Sass, Less, Stylus and CSS.
Libraries and Mixins / Animation
- Less Burguer (⭐5) - Port of Sass Burger to Less.
Articles / Books
Videos / Books
Community / Books
16. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line apps
- lessmd - Markdown in the terminal.
- cost-of-modules (⭐2.8k) - Find out which dependencies are slowing you down.
- localtunnel (⭐20k) - Expose your localhost to the world.
Packages / Text
- unhomoglyph (⭐41) - Normalize visually similar unicode characters.
17. Tools
18. Awesome Dotnet
- FastColoredTextBox (⭐1.2k) - Fast Colored TextBox is text editor component for .NET. Allows you to create custom text editor with syntax highlighting. It works well with small, medium, large and very-very large files.
19. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Translations
- wagtailtrans (⭐104) - A Wagtail add-on for supporting multilingual sites.
20. Awesome Cakephp
- Xeta (⭐52) - A resource to help people starting with CakePHP.
21. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Event
- Broadway (⭐1.5k) - An event source and CQRS library.
22. Awesome Elixir
Other Awesome Lists
- Awesome Elixir by LibHunt - A curated list of awesome Elixir and Erlang packages and resources.
23. Awesome Tensorflow
24. Typography
Font Combinations
25. Awesome Influxdb
Projects / Dedicated
- gopherwx (⭐21) - a service that pulls live weather data from a Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 station and stores it in InfluxDB
- marathon-event-metrics (⭐1) - a tool for reporting Marathon events to InfluxDB
26. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Lambda
- chalice 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐9.8k) - Python Serverless Microframework.
- kubek2k/lambdoku 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐572) - Heroku-like experience when using Lambda.
- Miserlou/Zappa 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐12k) - Serverless WSGI Python Web Apps with AWS Lambda + API Gateway.
27. Awesome Crystal
- crystal-binary_parser (⭐18) - Binary parser
28. Awesome Fuse
29. Awesome Beacon
- RABeaconManager (⭐7) RABeaconManager is an easy to use library that allows you to detect Bluetooth Beacons and iBeacons in the foreground and background.
Beacon Development
- reelyactive-ble-android-sdk (⭐14) This SDK allows you to scan beacons and advertise as a beacon.
30. Awesome Javascript Learning
Articles & Tutorials / Single Topics
- Pure functions - Answers the question »What is a Pure Function?« epicly.
Videos / Single Topics
- Promises Are So Passé - Talk that shows where async goes next, why it matters, and what you need to do to put it into practice today.
- Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript - Talk containing the best explanation of map/reduce.
Interactive learning / Single Topics
- Functional programming - Learn basic principles of functional programming in an interactive way by using map, filter, concatAll, reduce and zip.
31. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Stacer (⭐8.8k) - Ubuntu system optimizer.
32. Awesome Serverless
- Foobar Tech - Blog about serverless architectures and programming in general.
33. Awesome Hacking
Other Useful Repositories
Repository: Infosec Getting Started (⭐592)
Description: A collection of resources, documentation, links, etc to help people learn about Infosec
34. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
35. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Mail
- MailBody (⭐158) - Create transactional email with a fluent interface (.NET).
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- AngleSharp (⭐5.1k) - The ultimate angle brackets parser library. It parses HTML5, MathML, SVG and CSS to construct a DOM based on the official W3C specification. Comparable to beautifulsoup4 of python.
36. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Seth Holladay (⭐0) - A human seeking a full stack of pancakes and software, bug free.
- Sitesh Shrivastava (⭐0) - About Technology, Quantitative Finance, Products & Extreme Sports.
37. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: MIT-2014-2015-YEARBOOK (⭐3)
Description: E-YearBook for 2014/2015 UNILAG MIT students
Name: docue (⭐10)
Description: Document Management System With React Frontend
Name: MERNMAP (⭐10)
Description: An interactive map for MERN(MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS) Stack Developers
38. Awesome Laravel
Tutorials & Blogs / Third-party Service Integration
- Laraveles (ES)
Starter Projects / Videos
Community / Local User Groups
39. Awesome Jvm
- A Crash Course in Modern Hardware - Cliff Click
40. Tips
Show a Git logical variable.
git var -l | <variable>
41. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Tutorials
42. Awesome Broadcasting
- imscJS (⭐85) - JavaScript library for rendering IMSC1 Text and Image Profile documents to HTML5.
43. Nlp with Ruby
Pipeline Generation
- composable_operations (⭐47) - Definition framework for operation pipelines.
44. Awesome Tmux
Tools and session management
- tat (⭐39) Tab completion for tmux sessions
Books / Development and testing
45. Awesome Draft Js
Blog Posts & Articles
46. Awesome Android Ui
Label / Form
Name: Tab Digit (⭐596)
License: Apache License V2
47. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Date & Time
- timeago.js (⭐5k) - A tiny(~1.7kb) library used to format date with
*** time ago
- Prev: Dec 19 - Dec 25, 2016
- Next: Dec 05 - Dec 11, 2016