Awesome List Updates on Nov 28 - Dec 04, 2016
40 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome4girls
Events/Meetups / Clojure
ClojureBridge aims to increase diversity within the Clojure community by offering free, beginner-friendly Clojure programming workshops for women.
Events/Meetups / Python
An international mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community.
Initiatives/Programs / Academy/Camp
Chicas Poderosas is a community working to bring Latina women in the Americas into the forefront of digital journalism. Through events, meetups and mentoring, Chicas aims to engage more women in developing news applications, producing interactive content, and integrating new tools into their newsrooms.
Girl Develop It - Loc:
Girl Develop It is a nonprofit organization that provides affordable programs for adult women interested in learning web and software development in a judgment-free environment.
We are a national nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in the technology and engineering sectors.The Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program is a 7-week intensive computer science course that embeds classrooms in technology companies and universities.
Hackbright Academy is the leading software engineering school for women founded in San Francisco in 2012. The academy graduates more female engineers than Stanford and UC Berkeley each year.
Initiatives/Programs / Conferences/Talks
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing is the world's largest gathering of women technologists. It is produced by the Anita Borg Institute and presented in partnership with ACM.
Lesbians Who Tech is a Community of Queer Women in or around tech (and the people who love them).
The unConference for women geeks of all kinds to share, connect, network, learn, inspire and have lots of fun.
WECode - Loc:
WECode is "the largest student-run Women in Computer Science conference, held at Harvard University each February. Our mission is to expand the skills, network, and community of technical women worldwide. We bring together women over the course of two amazing days to share ideas and conversations on technology and innovation." Live at on February 27 and February 28.
WITI is the premier global organization helping tech-savvy women attain their professional goals. WITI organizes events and summits for women.
Other Initiatives / Awards
Honor. Celebrate. Inspire. We believe that open source is the future of technology—and that it's time to recognize the contributions women are making.
Other Initiatives / Content
IGNITE features stories of women and girls who are leading and innovating in science, technology, engineering and math. The project also highlights the gender gap in technology and advocates for women and girls’ increased access to and control of technologies.
Other Initiatives / Documentaries/Movies
Documentary about girls who code and develop app ideas for the Technovation Challenge address issues in their community and try to solve problems through the use of technology.
Meet five young women determined to pursue their start-up dreams. She Started It is a documentary by Nora Poggi and Insiyah Saeed following Stacey Ferreira, Thuy Truong, Brienne Ghafourifar, Sheena Allen and Agathe Molinar over the course of 2+ years, illuminating the ups and downs these entrepreneurs face in building new businesses.
2. Awesome Crystal
Database Drivers/Clients
- (⭐38) - RocksDB client
3. Awesome Ctf
- Plasma (⭐3k) - An interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS which can generate indented pseudo-code with colored syntax.
4. Citizen Science
Other Resources / Other Types of Support
- The Powercube - Some literature and workshops by community organizers for understanding power and mobilizing.
5. Awesome Talks
Software Design
- Unleash Your Domain by Greg Young (Øredev 2010) [45:20]
- 8 Lines of Code by Greg Young (QCon 2013) [54:43]
6. Vertx Awesome
Dependency Injection
- Vert.x Spring Verticle Factory (⭐7) - A Vert.x Verticle Factory that makes use of Spring to obtain and configure Verticles.
7. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Go / Phoenix
Linux / TeX
- Ten Steps to Linux Survival: Bash for Windows People - Jim Lehmer
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- SICP in Python (3.2)
Python / Pandas
- Learn Pandas - Hernan Rojas (0.18.1)
Python / Tornado
R / Tornado
- Cookbook for R - Winston Chang
- R for Spatial Analysis (PDF)
- R Language for Programmers - John D. Cook
- R Practicals (PDF)
- The caret Package - Max Kuhn
Ruby / Ruby on Rails
8. Awesome Vorpal
- launch (⭐26) - Automating meteor builds to the AppStore, TestFlight, Hockey, Google Play, and more
9. Awesome Influxdb
Reference material
- C# (⭐197) - A .NET library for efficiently sending points to InfluxDB
- Rails (⭐191) - Ruby on Rails bindings to automatically write metrics into InfluxDB
Projects / Dedicated
- Influxdb-Powershell (⭐8) - Powershell script to send Windows Performance counters to an InfluxDB Server
- vsphere-influxdb-go (⭐212) - Collect VMware vSphere, vCenter and ESXi performance metrics and send them to InfluxDB
Projects / Non-dedicated
- logary (⭐514) - High performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net
Libraries / Non-dedicated
- lua-resty-influx (⭐28) - OpenResty client for InfluxDB
Provisioning InfluxDB / Hooks
- rossmcdonald/influxdb (⭐45) - Ansible role for installing, configuring, and maintaining InfluxDB
10. Scalable Css Reading List
Authoring Frameworks & Longer Readings
- Atomic CSS, Yahoo! Inc.
11. Awesome Phalcon
- xgettext-template (⭐78) - Extract gettext messages from Volt templates using a command line program that is identical to the xgettext invocation.
12. Awesome Research
Graph Making / HTML+CSS+JS
- BoxPlotR(
): A web-tool for generation of box plots.
- On Being a Scientist: A guide to responsible conduct in research.
13. Awesome Php
Configuration / PHP Podcasts
- PHP Town Hall - A casual PHP podcast by Ben Edmunds and Phil Sturgeon.
14. Awesome Rails Gem
Debug / Omniauth
- awesome_print (⭐4k) - Awesome Print is a Ruby library that pretty prints Ruby objects in full color exposing their internal structure with proper indentation.
15. Awesome Shell
- bash - GNU Project's shell (Bourne Again SHell)
- fish - Smart and user-friendly command line shell
Customization / Directory Navigation
- base16-builder (⭐427) - Base16-Builder
Applications / Directory Navigation
- taskwarrior - A command-line TODO list manager
Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation
- bashwithnails (⭐33) - a Bash framework written just for fun with testing, dependency management & packaging
- lumberjack (⭐40) - A logging interface for shell scripts
- revolver (⭐139) - A reusable progress spinner for shell scripts
16. Awesome Ciandcd
Online Build System
- deploybot - Instantly build and ship code anywhere in one consistent process for your entire team.
- Semaphore CI — Fast and easy to use continuous integration and deployment service with native Docker support.
17. Awesome Serverless
- Going Serverless - Blog about serverless architectures and the Serverless Framework.
18. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Up and Running with the Vue.js 2.0 Framework on SitePoint
- Vue.js 2.0 Fundamentals on YouTube by DevMarketer
19. Awesome Deep Vision
Object Detection
- Speed/accuracy trade-offs for modern convolutional object detectors [Paper]
- Jonathan Huang, Vivek Rathod, Chen Sun, Menglong Zhu, Anoop Korattikara, Alireza Fathi, Ian Fischer, Zbigniew Wojna, Yang Song, Sergio Guadarrama, Kevin Murphy, Google Research, arXiv:1611.10012
20. Sublime Bookmarks
Extensions / General Purpose
- SublimeFileBrowser (⭐391) - Ditch the sidebar and browse your files in a normal tab with your keyboard, like a pro! Also, Dired lets you modify your directory structure using the powerful text editing feature that ST provides.
21. Awesome Information Retrieval
Talks / Technical Talks
- Extreme Classification: A New Paradigm for Ranking & Recommendation - Manik Verma (Microsoft Research)
22. Awesome Laravel Education
New to Laravel
- Laravel 5.1 Homestead Install Guide
Quick References
Learn From Awesome Video / Posts / Models / Eloquent
- Advanced
- Laravel Documentation: Eloquent ORM Relationships #5.4 #Eloquent
- Laravel Documentation: Eloquent ORM Collections #5.4 #Eloquent
- Laravel Documentation: Eloquent ORM Mutators #5.4 #Eloquent
- Laravel Documentation: Eloquent ORM Serialization #5.4 #Eloquent
- Laracasts: Dates, Mutators, and Scopes #Eloquent #Carbon
- Laracasts: Eloquent Relationships #Eloquent
Learn From Awesome Video / Posts / Architecture Foundations / IoC
- Advanced
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Request Lifecycle #5.4 #Architecture
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Service Providers #5.4 #Architecture
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Service Container #5.4 #Architecture
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Contracts #5.4 #Architecture
- Laravel Documentation: Architecture Foundations Facades #5.4 #Architecture
- Laracasts: The Service Container #Architecture #Ioc
Learn From Awesome Video / Posts / Front End
- Advanced
Learn From Awesome Video / Posts / Testing and Coding Standard
- Advanced
Learn From Awesome Video / Posts / Case Study
- Advanced
Tutorial / Case Study
Blogs / Case Study
Newsletters / Case Study
Open Source Laravel / Case Study
Coding Standard / Case Study
Dependency Management / Case Study
Develop Tools / Case Study
- Sublime Text
- Alignment (⭐514) - Easy alignment of multiple selections and multi-line selections
- Blade Snippets (⭐113) - Provide snippets for blade template engine
- BracketHighlighter (⭐1.7k) - Bracket and tag highlighter
- DocBlockr (⭐3.1k) - Simplifies writing DocBlock comments
- Emmet (⭐5.3k) - Improves HTML & CSS workflow
- Laravel Blade Highlighter (⭐393) - Adds syntax definitions for the Laravel 5 Blade engine
- phpfmt - Plugin to format PHP code - supports also PSR1/2
- Sidebar Enhancements (⭐2.1k) - Enhancements to Sublime Text sidebar
- SublimeCodeIntel (⭐5.1k) - Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine
- SublimeLinter (⭐1.9k) - Interactive code linting framework, you have to install SublimeLinter-php too for coding in PHP
- SublimeLinter-php (⭐203) - SublimeLinter plugin for PHP
- Syntax Highlighting for Sass (⭐291) - Syntax highlighting for both SCSS and Sass
- Trailing Spaces (⭐884) - Highlight trailing spaces and delete them
PHP Book List for Developer / Case Study
- Getting Started
- Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript With jQuery, CSS & HTML5, 4th edition ISBN:9781491918661
- Programming PHP, Third Edition ISBN:9781449361068
- Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS, 2nd Edition ISBN:9781449319267
- Head First PHP & MYSQL ISBN:9781449363581
- Head First HTML and CSS, 2nd Edition ISBN:9780596159900
- Advanced
- Laravel: From Apprentice To Artisan
- Laravel Testing Decoded
- Laravel 5.1 Beauty
- Modern PHP: New Features and Good Practices ISBN:9781491905012
- Learning PHP Design Patterns ISBN:9781449344917
- Beautiful Testing: Leading Professionals Reveal How They Improve Software ISBN:9780596159818
- PHP Master: Write Cutting Edge Code ISBN:9780987090874
- Laravel 5 Essentials: Explore the Fundamentals of Laravel, One of the Most Expressive and Robust Php Frameworks ISBN:9781785283017
- Laravel Design Patterns and Best Practices ISBN:9781783287987
- Learning Laravel's Eloquent ISBN:9781784391584
- Concept
- Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design ISBN:9780596008673
- Head First Design Patterns ISBN:0000596007124
- Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code ISBN:9780201485677
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software ISBN:9780201633610
- Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time ISBN:9781847941107
- Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship ISBN:9780132350884
- The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers ISBN:0076092046981
- Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation ISBN:9780321601919
- Beautiful Architecture: Leading Thinkers Reveal the Hidden Beauty in Software Design ISBN:9780596517984
- The Art of Readable Code ISBN:9780596802295
- Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design ISBN:9780321247148
- Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman ISBN: 9780596518387
- Quality Code: Software Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns ISBN:9780321832986
- Implementation Patterns ISBN:0785342413090
Interview / Case Study
- Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition ISBN:9780262033848
- Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions ISBN:9780984782802
- Elements of Programming Interviews: The Insiders' Guide ISBN:9781479274833
23. Awesome Pyramid
- pyramid_yosai (⭐5) - Pyramid integration with security Framework for Python applications featuring Authorization (rbac permissions and roles), Authentication (2fa totp), Session Management and an extensive Audit Trail
24. Awesome Osint
General Search
Main National Search Engines
Meta Search
- Qwant - French search engine that relies on Microsoft Bing.
Specialty Search Engines
Data and Statistics / Steam
Visual Search and Clustering Search Engines
Similar Sites Search
Document and Slides Search
Major Social Networks
- Pinterest - is an image sharing social media service used to easly discover, share and save ideas using visual representation.
Job Search Resources / Steam
Real-Time Search, Social Media Search, and General Social Media Tools
Web Monitoring / Steam
Social Media Tools / Twitter
Social Media Tools / Facebook
- Fb-sleep-stats (⭐1.6k) - Use Facebook to track your friends’ sleeping habits.
- - Looking for your Facebook profile ID / Group ID / Page ID.
Social Media Tools / Instagram
- Picodash - Find Instagram Target Audience and Influencers
Social Media Tools / Pinterest
Social Media Tools / VKontakte
Social Media Tools / Tumblr
Blog Search / Steam
Forums and Discussion Boards Search / Steam
Username Check / Steam
- Name Chk - Check over 30 domains and more than 90 social media account platforms.
- User Search - Find someone by username, email, phone number or picture across Social Networks, Dating Sites, Forums, Crypto Forums, Chat Sites and Blogs, 3000+ sites Supported!
Email Search / Email Check / Steam
- Email Address Validator - Improve deliverability, reduce bounce rates, prevent fraud and minimize funnel leaks.
- Peepmail - is a tool that allows you to discover business email addresses for users, even if their email address may not be publicly available or shared.
- Pipl - a provider of identity solutions.
- ThatsThem - Reverse Email Lookup.
- Toofr - Find Anyone’s Email Address in Seconds.
- Verify Email - The fastest and most accurate email verification tool.
Expert Search / Steam
- Academia - is a platform for sharing academic research.
Company Research / Steam
Domain and IP Research / Steam
Q&A Sites / Steam
Keywords Discovery and Research / Steam
Web History and Website Capture / Steam
Image Search / Steam
- Image Raider - is our reverse image search tool for completing individual searches. When you upload an image to this page, we'll scour the internet to find its source and all of the other pages where it has been posted.
- PicTriev - a face search engine.
Image Analysis / Steam
Video Search and Other Video Tools / Steam
- Deturl - Download a YouTube video from any web page.
- Earthcam - EarthCam is the leading network of live streaming webcams for tourism and entertainment.
Academic Resources and Grey Literature / Steam
- African Journal Online - is the world's largest and preeminent platform of African-published scholarly journals
Geospatial Research and Mapping Tools / Steam
Infographics and Data Visualization / Steam
- Leaflet - an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.
- OpenLayers - A high-performance, feature-packed library for all your mapping needs.
- jqPlot - A Versatile and Expandable jQuery Plotting Plugin.
- Listify - Turn a Google spreadsheet into a beautiful, searchable listing in seconds.
- Lucidchart - the intelligent diagramming application that brings teams together to make better decisions and build the future.
- Nodebox - a family of tools gives you the leverage to create generative design the way you want.
- Palladio - Visualize complex historical data with ease.
News / Steam
News Digest and Discovery Tools / Steam
Fact Checking / Steam
Browsers / Steam
Offline Browsing / Steam
- Cyotek WebCopy - is a free tool for automatically downloading the content of a website onto your local device.
- Offliberty - is a website that lets you access any online content without a permanent Internet connection.
Social Network Analysis / Steam
Privacy and Encryption Tools / Steam
- Qubes - a security-focused desktop operating system that aims to provide security through isolation.
25. Awesome Creative Coding
Math / Other
- Learning Maths again (⭐193) - Collection of JS and GLSL math snippets.
26. Awesome Fortran
Graphics Libraries
- VTKFortran (⭐116) - Pure Fortran (2003+) library to write and read data conforming the VTK standard.
XML Manipulation
- xml-fortran - an all-Fortran solution for reading and writing XML files.
Date and time manipulation
- datetime-fortran (⭐118) - A Fortran 2003 date and time manipulation library, modeled after Python's datetime library.
- FRUIT - FORTRAN Unit Test Framework, written in FORTRAN 95
- pFUnit - Unit testing framework for Fortran with MPI extensions by developers from NASA and NGC TASC. Uses parallel codes and object-oriented design.
Portability enabling
- PENF (⭐38) - Pure Fortran (2003+) library for ensuring codes portability.
- Unoficial Image - docker image provided by @baekjoon
27. Awesome Sre
Misc Articles
28. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Chris 'Freddy' Getsfred (⭐0) - Black hoodie aficionado, full-stack developer, JavaScript lover, new open source contributer, former script nerd, former technology instructor.
Ask these organizations anything!
- Ansible Taiwan (⭐33) - Helping Ansible users in Taiwan with any questions.
29. Nlp with Ruby
Language Aware String Manipulation / Constituency Parsing
- active_support (⭐52k) -
gem has various string extensions that can handle case.
Books / Constituency Parsing
- Miller, Rob. Text Processing with Ruby: Extract Value from the Data That Surrounds You. Pragmatic Programmers, 2015. [link]
- Watson, Mark. Practical Semantic Web and Linked Data Applications. Lulu, 2010. [link]
Community / Constituency Parsing
30. Awesome Ant Design
Boilerplates / Themes
- React SPA (⭐514) - Building SPA with React, Router, ES6, Fetch, Babel, Webpack, Npm, MockJs, FontAwesome, AnimateCSS, Ant Design, LESS and jQuery.
- React Antd Starter (⭐105) - This project is designed to develop website/web apps using Ant Design and Redux.
- React Redux Antd Starter (⭐89) - Front-end boilerplate built with React, Redux and Ant Design.
- Koa (⭐65) - Example app to build Admin UI built with React, Ant Design and Koa.
- Star Admin (⭐76) - Demo app built with React, Ant Design, Redux, React-router, Webpack and Babel.
- React Start Kit (⭐109) - SPA Boilerplate built with React, Webpack, ES6+, Redux, Router, Babel, Express, Ant Design.
- React Boilerplate (⭐19) - React Admin front-end boilerplate built with Ant Design.
31. Awesome Tensorflow
- Tensorflow and deep learning - without at PhD - by Martin Görner
32. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Web Socket
- SignalR Server (⭐2.4k) - Real-time web functionality for web apps, including server-side push.
Articles / Workflow
- Configuration and deployment
- .NET project structure
- Adding Travis CI builds to a .NET Core app
- ASP.NET Core 1.0 - Configure ApplicationInsights
- haproxy, nginx, Angular 2, ASP.NET Core, Redis and Docker
- Project.json to MSBuild conversion guide
- Publishing a .NET project with Appveyor and NuGet
- The New Configuration Model in ASP.NET Core
- Testing
33. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Job queues
- idoit (⭐77) - Redis-backed job queue engine with advanced job control.
34. Awesome Courses
Courses / Machine Learning
- CS246 Mining Massive Data Sets Stanford University
- The course will discuss data mining and machine learning algorithms for analyzing very large amounts of data. The emphasis will be on Map Reduce as a tool for creating parallel algorithms that can process very large amounts of data.
- Lecture Videos
- Assignments
- Lecture notes
- Readings
35. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / DynamoDB
- channl/dynamodb-lambda-autoscale 🔥🔥 (⭐312) - Autoscale DynamoDB provisioned capacity using Lambda.
Appendix of Core Services / Compute Services
- Auto Scaling - Launches or terminates EC2 instances based on policies, schedules, and health checks.
- Batch - Run batch jobs at scale.
- Blox - Open source projects for building custom schedulers on ECS.
- EC2 Container Service (ECS) - Supports Docker containers on EC2 instances.
- EC2 Systems Manager - Easily configure and manage EC2 and on-premises systems.
- Elastic Beanstalk - Provides quick deployment and management of applications in the cloud.
- Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) - Provides scalable virtual private servers using Xen.
- Lambda - Runs code in response to events and automatically manages EC2 instances.
Appendix of Core Services / Networking Services
- Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) - Automatically distributes incoming traffic across multiple EC2 instances.
- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) - Creates a logically isolated set of EC2 instances which can be connected to an existing network using a VPN connection.
- Direct Connect - Provides dedicated connections to AWS for faster and cheaper data throughput.
- Route 53 - Provides a highly available and scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service.
Appendix of Core Services / Enterprise Applications
- WorkDocs - Provides a fully managed, secure enterprise storage and sharing service.
- WorkMail - Provides managed email and calendaring service.
- WorkSpaces - Provides a cloud-based desktop experience to end-users.
- Workspaces Application Manager (WAM) - Simplifies deployment and management of WorkSpaces.
Appendix of Core Services / Analytics Services
- Data Pipeline - Provides workload management by processing and moving data between services.
- Elastic MapReduce (EMR) - Hosts a Hadoop and Spark framework running on EC2 and S3.
- Elasticsearch Service (ES) - Managed Elasticsearch, a popular open-source search and analytics engine.
- Glue - Prepare and load data to data stores.
- Kinesis - Provides real-time data processing over large, distributed data streams.
- Kinesis Analytics - Write standard SQL queries on streaming data without having to learn any new programming skills.
- Kinesis Firehose - Captures and automatically loads streaming data into S3 and Redshift.
- Quicksight - Provides cloud-powered business intelligence for 1/10th the cost of traditional BI solutions.
Appendix of Core Services / Databases
- Redshift - Provides petabyte-scale data warehousing with columnar storage and multi-node compute.
- Aurora - MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible relational database with improved performance.
- DynamoDB - Provides a scalable, low-latency NoSQL online Database Service backed by SSDs.
- ElastiCache - Provides in-memory caching for web apps (Memcached, Redis).
- Relational Database Service (RDS) - Provides a scalable database server with MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB support.
- Schema Conversion Tool - App that helps you convert your database schema from an Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server database, to an RDS MySQL DB instance or an Aurora DB cluster.
- SimpleDB - Allows developers to run queries on structured data.
Appendix of Core Services / Management Tools
- CloudFormation - Provides a file-based interface for provisioning other resources.
- CloudTrail - Provides logs of all activity.
- CloudWatch - Provides monitoring for AWS cloud resources and applications, starting with EC2.
- Config - Provides a detailed view of all resources.
- Management Console (AWS Console) - A web-based interface to manage all services.
- OpsWorks - Provides configuration of EC2 services using Chef.
- Service Catalog - Service Catalog allows IT administrators to create, manage, and distribute portfolios of approved products to end users, who can then access the products they need in a personalized portal.
Appendix of Core Services / Developer Tools
- Command Line Interface (CLI) - Provides a CLI to manage all services.
- CodeCommit - Hosted Git version control service.
- CodeDeploy - Provides automated code deployment to EC2 instances.
- CodePipeline - Continuous delivery service.
- X-Ray - Analyze and debug your applications.
Appendix of Core Services / Security and Identity Services
- Certificate Manager - Lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy SSL/TLS certificates for use with AWS services.
- CloudHSM - Helps meet corporate, contractual and regulatory compliance requirements for data security by using dedicated Hardware Security Module (HSM) appliances within the AWS cloud.
- Directory Service - A managed service that allows you to connect your resources with an existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory or to set up a new, stand-alone directory in the AWS Cloud.
- Identity and Access Management (IAM) - An implicit service, the authentication infrastructure used to authenticate access to the various services.
- Inspector - An automated security assessment service that helps improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on AWS.
- Key Management Service (KMS) - A managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data.
- WAF - A web application firewall service that monitors and manages CloudFront distributions.
Appendix of Core Services / Internet of Things Service
- IoT - Enables secure, bi-directional communication between internet-connected things (such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, or smart appliances) and the AWS cloud over MQTT and HTTP.
Appendix of Core Services / Application Services
- API Gateway - Service for publishing, maintaining and securing web service APIs.
- Simple Notification Service (SNS) - Provides a hosted multi-protocol "push" messaging for applications.
- AppStream - Flexible, low-latency streaming service for apps and games.
- CloudSearch - Provides basic full-text search and indexing of textual content.
- DevPay - Provides billing and account management.
- Elastic Transcoder (ETS) - Provides video transcoding of S3 hosted videos.
- Flexible Payments Service (FPS) - Provides an interface for micropayments.
- Simple Email Service (SES) - Provides bulk and transactional email sending.
- Simple Queue Service (SQS) - Provides a hosted message queue for web applications.
- Simple Workflow (SWF) - A workflow service for building scalable, resilient applications.
- Step Functions - Coordinate components of distributed applications.
Appendix of Core Services / Mobile Services
- Cognito - Provides user identity and data synchronization.
- Device Farm - App testing service for iOS, Android and Fire OS apps on physical devices.
- Mobile Analytics - Service for collecting, visualizing, and understanding app usage data.
- Mobile Hub - Provides an integrated console that helps you build, test, and monitor your mobile apps.
Appendix of Core Services / Storage and Content Delivery Services
- CloudFront - A content delivery network (CDN) for distributing objects to locations near the requester.
- Elastic Block Store (EBS) - Provides persistent block-level storage volumes for EC2.
- Elastic File System (EFS) - A file storage service for EC2 instances.
- Glacier - Provides a low-cost, long-term storage option, intended for archiving data.
- Import/Export - Accelerates moving large amounts of data into and out of AWS using portable storage devices for transport.
- Simple Storage Service (S3) - Provides Web Service based storage.
- Storage Gateway - An iSCSI block storage virtual appliance with cloud-based backup.
Appendix of Core Services / Miscellaneous Services
- Fulfillment Web Service - Provides a programmatic web service for sellers to ship items to and from Amazon using Fulfillment by Amazon.
- Mechanical Turk - Manages small units of work distributed among many persons.
- Partner Network (APN) - Provides partners with the technical information and sales and marketing support to increase business opportunities.
- Product Advertising API - Provides access to product data and electronic commerce functionality.
36. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Software-specific
- Data Science and Complex Networks: Real Case Studies with Python, by Guido Caldarelli and Alessandro Chessa (2016).
37. Awesome Elixir
- countriex (⭐31) - A pure elixir country data provider containing various information for every country in ISO 3166.
- grpc-elixir (⭐1.4k) - The Elixir implementation of gRPC.
- nvim (⭐27) - Neovim host for writing plugins in Elixir.
- christopheradams/elixir_style_guide (⭐4.4k) - A community-driven style guide for Elixir.
- lexmag/elixir-style-guide (⭐521) - An opinionated Elixir style guide.
38. Awesome Postgres
Resources / Blogs
- Planet PostgreSQL - Blog aggregation service for PostgreSQL.
39. Awesome Hacking
Awesome Repositories
Repository: OSINT (⭐20k)
Description: List of amazingly awesome Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) tools and resources
Other Useful Repositories
Repository: Security List (⭐1.8k)
Description: Great security list for fun and profit
40. Awesome Appium
- GraphWalker - GraphWalker is a open source Model-based testing tool for test automation. It's designed to make it easy to design your tests using graphs
- Prev: Dec 05 - Dec 11, 2016
- Next: Nov 21 - Nov 27, 2016