Awesome List Updates on Sep 26 - Oct 02, 2016

45 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Cryptography

Haskell / Git

JavaScript / Git

Rust / Git

2. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Chapel / Non-X86

COBOL / Non-X86

F Sharp / Phoenix

Haxe / Spock Framework

Lisp / TeX

Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)

Standard ML / Play Scala

3. Awesome Deep Vision

Blogs / Question Answering

4. Awesome Tensorflow



5. Awesome Json Datasets

GitHub API

6. Bots

Tools For Building Bots


7. Awesome Hacking Locations

Portugal 🇵🇹 / Braga

Café São Martinho

Small, unknown café near the city stadium. Has a pool table, small indoor garden, a small terrace, smoker and non-smoker areas. Not the regular hacker café, but an actual place for hackers that want some quiet place to be during the day, away from the commotion of the city center.

Webpage: N/A

Wifi Power Address Open Hours
Rua de São Rosendo - nr 17, 4700-099 Braga Mon-Thu 7:30 - 21:00, Fri-Sat 7:30 - 22:00, Sun 7:30-14:00

8. Awesome Css

Style Guide Generators 🎰 / Editor's Draft ✒️

Videos 📺 / 2015

9. Amas

Ask these people anything!

10. Awesome Stock Resources

Photography / Custom License / Usage

Vector Graphics / Unspecified License

11. Awesome Wagtail

Resources / Presentations

12. Awesome Laravel

Community / Videos

13. Awesome Polymer


14. Awesome Research

Pomodoro / Enterprise Git Service

GTD-Task Manager / Enterprise Git Service

15. Awesome Web Design


16. Awesome Courses

Courses / Systems

Courses / Machine Learning

17. Awesome Sass

Articles / Miscellaneous

18. Awesome Swift


19. Awesome Crystal

Database Drivers/Clients

20. Awesome Bigdata

Time-Series Databases

21. Awesome Malware Analysis

Malware Collection / Malware Corpora

22. Awesome Javascript

Functional Programming / Runner

23. Awesome Appsec


nonfree Bulletproof SSL and TLS (2014)

Released: August 1, 2014


Supercar Showdown

How to go on the offence before online attackers do.


A portable public domain password hashing framework for use in PHP applications.

24. Awesome Ctf




25. Awesome Elixir



Cloud Infrastructure and Management


Instrumenting / Monitoring

26. Tips

Apply commit from another repository

git --git-dir=<source-dir>/.git format-patch -k -1 --stdout <SHA1> | git am -3 -k

Find common ancestor of two branches

git merge-base <branch-name> <other-branch-name>

27. Awesome Fuse

Open Source

28. Awesome R

Data Manipulation

Parallel Computing

29. Awesome Flexbox

Featured Projects / Slides and Notes

30. Awesome Redux


31. Awesome Material


32. Awesome Pokemon

Development Projects / Apps

Development Projects / Bots

33. Awesome Computer Vision

Low-level Vision / Change Detection

34. Awesome Iot

Software / Frameworks

Software / Middlewares

35. Awesome Ruby

Web Frameworks

36. Awesome


37. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In Spanish

38. Progressive Enhancement Resources

Testing Methods

39. Awesome Android


Utility / ORM

Other / Custom Dialog

Resources / Custom Dialog

40. Awesome Vue

Resources / Tutorials

41. Awesome Npm Scripts

Miscellaneous / Utility Packs

npm run Reference / Utility Packs

42. Awesome Dotnet

Code Analysis and Metrics


Image Processing



Web Browsers

43. Awesome Sre


Misc Articles

44. Awesome Aws

Open Source Repos / Elastic Compute Cloud

Open Source Repos / Kinesis

Open Source Repos / S3

45. Citizen Science

Tools and Equipment / Biology and Chemistry

Tools and Equipment / Environmental Science and Geology

Tools and Equipment / 3D Printing and Fabrication

Tools and Equipment / Electronics

Tools and Equipment / Other

Literature / Citizen Science Theory