Awesome List Updates on Sep 05 - Sep 11, 2016
38 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Github
Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users
- Zappr (⭐532) - A free/open-source GitHub integration that removes bottlenecks around pull request approval and helps dev teams to painlessly abide by compliance requirements.
2. Awesome Talks
Functional Programming
- Types are like the Weather, Type Systems are like Weathermen by Matthias Felleisen [1:15:18]
3. Awesome Malware Analysis
Open Source Threat Intelligence / Tools
- Fileintel (⭐115) - Pull intelligence per file hash.
- Hostintel (⭐258) - Pull intelligence per host.
4. Awesome Computer Vision
Links / Image Deblurring
5. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / CloudWatch
- cloudwatch-logs-subscription-consumer 🔥🔥 (⭐397) - Kinesis stream reader.
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- jvehent/haproxy-aws 🔥🔥 (⭐279) - Documentation on building a HTTPS stack with HAProxy.
6. Awesome Dotnet
- Yessql (⭐1.2k) - A .NET document database working on any RDBMS
- Streams (⭐384) - A lightweight F#/C# library for efficient functional-style pipelines on streams of data.
Source Generator
- Awesome .NET Performance (⭐3.2k) - A curated list of awesome .NET Performance books, courses, trainings, conference talks, blogs and most inspiring open source contributors.
- awesome-ddd (⭐11k) - A curated list of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing, and Event Storming resources
7. Awesome Erlang
Web Frameworks
- Nitrogen (⭐906) - Framework to build web applications (including front-end) in pure Erlang.
Web Framework Components
- simple_bridge (⭐106) - An abstraction layer providing a unified interface to popular Erlang web servers (Cowboy, Inets, Mochiweb, Webmachine, and Yaws).
Build Tools
- sync (⭐724) - On-the-fly recompiling for Erlang.
ORM and Datamapping
- epgsql (⭐374) - PostgreSQL Driver for Erlang.
- Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers - Introduction to Erlang and Elixir in the context of functional concepts by Wolfgang Loder (2016)
8. Awesome Aurelia
Aurelia Tools
- aurelia-debugger (⭐5) * Visual debug tool for Aurelia
Aurelia Plugins / Aurelia Articles
- aurelia-resize (⭐17) * aurelia plugin to observe DOM-element resize events
9. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- Cocos Creator - Game editor for creating web and native games for Cocos2D-x.
10. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
11. Github Cheat Sheet
Keyboard Shortcuts / Compare Branches across Forked Repositories
- Pressing
when looking at a file (e.g.,
) will change your URL to one which, in effect, freezes the page you are looking at. If this code changes, you will still be able to see what you saw at that current time.
Git Grep / GitHub Talks
The next parameter is the pattern (e.g., regex)
12. Awesome Iot
Software / Middlewares
- Losant - Losant is an easy-to-use and powerful developer platform designed to help you quickly and securely build complex connected solutions. Losant uses open communication standards like REST and MQTT to provide connectivity from one to millions of devices. Losant provides powerful data collection, aggregation, and visualization features to help understand and quantify vast amounts of sensor data. Losant's drag-and-drop workflow editor allows you to trigger actions, notifications, and machine-to-machine communication without programming.
13. Awesome Choo
Contents / Elements
- dom-notifications (⭐108) - Atom-inspired notifications component.
- choodown (⭐14) - A simple markdown component for choo.
Contents / Projects using choo
- tic-tac-choo (⭐6) - Progressive tic tac toe game, made with choo.
14. Awesome Swift
Switch / Barcode
- Switch (⭐145) - A switch control with full Interface Builder support.
15. Awesome Cryptography
Articles / Hash functions
16. Awesome Android
- Snap RecyclerView Utils (⭐73) - Populate Single or multiple Layout RecyclerView without creating an Adapter.
Utility / ORM
- Secure Preference Manager (⭐73) - Secure Preference Manager for android. It uses various Encryption to protect your application's Shared Preferences.
Resources / Custom Dialog
- Future Studio - Extensive Android tutorials on Retrofit, Picasso, Glide & Gson.
17. Awesome Projects Boilerplates
- CherryPy + Mako + Formish + OOOP boilerplate (⭐5) Targets publishing of OpenERP content to the web.
18. Awesome Educational Games
Art & Design
- Pixactly - A pixels test to quiz your knowledge.
- Screeps - The world's first MMO strategy sandbox game for programmers.
- WarriorJS (⭐8.8k) - Using JavaScript, program a warrior to climb a tall tower, fight monsters and rescue captives.
19. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Language bindings
- Common Lisp: Postmodern (⭐395)
- Elixir: postgrex (⭐1.1k)
20. Awesome Npm Scripts
Task Runners
- script-runner (⭐25) - Simple task runner with a terse syntax.
- npm-run-all (⭐5k) - Fully featured task runner.
File Watchers
- onchange (⭐775) -
onchange <glob> -- <command>
- watch (⭐1.2k) -
watch <command> <directory>
Cross-platform Utilities
- echo-cli (⭐6) - Cross-platform
with JS escape sequence support.
Other Utilities / Utility Packs
- hashmark (⭐194) - Take contents of a file and output as new file with a hash in the name.
npm run
Reference / Utility Packs
- Run just
npm run
to print a list of scripts.
- Running
npm run script
is the name of your script) will runprescript
, andpostscript
; in that order.- You can't nest
hooks (i.e.preprescript
won't work).
- You can't nest
- Running
npm test
is the same as runningnpm run test
. The same applies tonpm start
andnpm stop
21. Awesome Chess
- - Repository of information about programming computers to play chess.
22. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Chinese
- Teahour - A podcast hosted by Terry Tai, Dingding Ye and Daniel Lv, Most topics are about software development, startups, etc.
23. Awesome Math
Learn to Learn
24. Awesome Deep Vision
Low-Level Vision / Other Applications
- Colorful Image Colorization Richard Zhang, Phillip Isola, Alexei A. Efros, ECCV, 2016 [Paper], [Code] (⭐3k)
- Ryan Dahl, [Blog]
- Feature Learning by Inpainting[Paper][Code] (⭐819)
- Deepak Pathak, Philipp Krahenbuhl, Jeff Donahue, Trevor Darrell, Alexei A. Efros, Context Encoders: Feature Learning by Inpainting, CVPR, 2016
Semantic Segmentation / Other Applications
- SEC: Seed, Expand and Constrain
- Alexander Kolesnikov, Christoph Lampert, Seed, Expand and Constrain: Three Principles for Weakly-Supervised Image Segmentation, ECCV, 2016. [Paper] [Code] (⭐241)
Other Topics / Question Answering
- Human Gaze Estimation
25. Awesome Gbdev
C / Syntax highlighting packages
- How to Write a Simple Side Scrolling Game - Old (but still relevant) tutorial.
Related projects / Syntax highlighting packages
- fpgaboy (⭐95) - Implementation Nintendo's Game Boy console on an FPGA.
26. Awesome Design
Icon and Logo
Styleguide and Branding
Conference and Festival
27. Awesome Salesforce
Table of Contents / Developer Utilities
- Salesforce IDs converter- Convert IDs on 15 characters to IDs on 18 characters.
28. Awesome Rest
Ruby Clients
- raml-ruby-client-generator (⭐1) - Auto generate API client from a RAML file.
Go Clients
- resty (⭐10k) - Simple HTTP and REST client for Go inspired by Ruby rest-client.
29. Awesome Crystal
Template Engine
- teeplate (⭐16) - A library for rendering multiple template files
Editor Plugins
- Spacemacs
- crystal-spacemacs-layer (⭐12) - Spacemacs contribution layer for Crystal
30. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- Humanizer (⭐8.6k) - Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / ORM
- Limebean - Hybrid-ORM, designed to be simple to use and not totally hide SQL, while having all the nice things you expect from an ORM. Inspired by RedBeanPHP.
- SqlFu (⭐229) - Fast and versatile Micro-ORM.
31. Awesome Fuse
- SwiftFuse - Tutorial on how to use Swift with Fuse.
32. Awesome Vehicle Security
Miscellaneous / Episodes
- Carloop - Open source development kit that makes it easy to connect your car to the Internet. Lowest cost car hacking tool that is compatible with SocketCAN and can-utils. No OBD-II to serial cable required.
Libraries and Tools / C
- vircar (⭐148) - a Virtual car userspace that sends CAN messages based on SocketCAN
Libraries and Tools / Go
- CAN Simulator (⭐65) - A Go based CAN simulator for the Raspberry Pi to be used with PiCAN2 or the open source CAN Simulator board (⭐176)
33. Citizen Science
Educational / Graphs and Visualization
- OpenWetWare - A site that maintains a list of bio lab protocols as well as an electronic lab notebook for team use.
Citizen Science Spaces and Projects / Other
- Farm Hack - A project for producing open farm tools.
34. Awesome Hacking Locations
Germany 🇩🇪 / Hamburg
Café inside the faculty of Computer Science of the Dresden University of Technology; always filled with friendly and helpful people, no matter the topic
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
(eduroam only) | ✔ | Nöthnitzerstr. 46, 01187 Dresden | Mon-Thu 9:00-17:00; Fri 9:00-15:00 |
Netherlands 🇳🇱 / Amsterdam
Big beautiful and friendly cafe. Incredibly fast wifi and tons of seating. Very good food and high-quality coffee drinks.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | Weesperzijde 23, 1091 EC Amsterdam, Netherlands | Sun-Thu 8AM-1AM, Fri-Sat 8AM-2AM |
35. Awesome Network Analysis
Professional Groups / Research Groups (Other)
- Network Dynamics - Research Lab at McGill University, led by Derek Ruths
Software / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Vizster - Cross-platform Java program to visualize online social networks.
Software / JavaScript
Software / Python
- metaknowledge - Python package to turn bibliometrics data into authorship and citation networks.
Varia / Tutorials
- Periodic Table of Network Centrality - Interactive periodic table of centrality indices.
36. Awesome Elixir
- confex (⭐304) - Helper module that provides a nice way to read environment configuration at runtime.
- rsa_ex (⭐38) - Library for working with RSA keys.
- ansible-elixir-stack (⭐297) - 1-command setup & deploys to servers, with first-class support for Phoenix apps.
- bottler (⭐39) - Bottler is a collection of tools that aims to help you generate releases, ship them to your servers, install them there, and get them live on production.
- edeliver (⭐2k) - Deployment for Elixir and Erlang.
- exdm (⭐12) - Deploy Elixir applications via mix tasks.
- gatling (⭐496) - Collection of mix tasks to automatically create a exrm release from git and launch/upgrade it on your server.
- heroku-buildpack-elixir (⭐815) - Heroku buildpack to deploy Elixir apps to Heroku.
- silent_video (⭐21) - Convert GIFs and videos to silent videos, optimized for mobile playback.
37. Awesome Cpp
Image Processing
- CImg - A small, open source, C++ toolkit for image processing. [Own LGPL or GPL]
38. Awesome AutoIt
Videos / OpenOffice
- Advanced AutoIt Tutorials by Juno_okyo [Subscribe].
- Prev: Sep 12 - Sep 18, 2016
- Next: Aug 29 - Sep 04, 2016