Awesome List Updates on Aug 29 - Sep 04, 2016
38 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Mqtt
- mqtt-wall (â40) - Subscription only web-based client â like Twitter wall for MQTT.
2. Awesome Wagtail
Resources / Recipes
- Oscar Wagtail demo project (â20) - A Django recipe for integrating Oscar E-commerce into a Wagtail CMS application.
3. Awesome Fp Js
Libraries / Data Structures
- imlazy (â103) â Library for creating and manipulating lazy iterables using the ES2015 iteration protocols.
4. Awesome Android
Testing / ORM
- Green Coffee (â227) - Run your Cucumber tests in your Android instrumentation tests.
5. Awesome Ionic
Open Source Projects
6. Awesome Cpp
- Brotli (â14k) - Brotli compression format. Developed by Google. [MIT]
- FiniteStateEntropy (â1.4k) - New generation entropy codecs : Finite State Entropy and Huff0.
- LZFSE (â1.8k) - LZFSE compression library and command line tool. Developed by Apple.
- zstd (â24k) - Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm. Developed by Facebook. [BSD]
Build Systems
- Ninja - A small build system with a focus on speed.
7. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Vue.js from Scratch Series in Russian on YouTube by .dev
8. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / S3
- minio/minio đĨđĨđĨđĨđĨ (â39k) - Object storage server compatible with S3.
9. Awesome Github
Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users
- Noteit (â11) - Manage your notes at CLI with GitHub Gists.
10. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Cryptography
- sfackler/rust-native-tls (â496) - Bindings for native TLS libraries
11. Awesome Serverless
- Serverless Blog - Official blog of the Serverless Framework.
- Serverless Stories - Medium publication from the team behind the Serverless Framework.
12. Engineering Blogs
Companies / H companies
Individuals/Group Contributors / J individuals
- John Wittenauer
13. Awesome Aurelia
Experts on personal blogs
Material Design / Aurelia Articles
- aurelia-mdl-plugin (â19) * Material Design Lite plugin for Aurelia
Aurelia Plugins / Aurelia Articles
- aurelia-filter (â7) * A plugin for aurelia to populate search/filter criteria. Works well with aurelia-orm
- aurelia-charts (â12) * Graphs plugin for aurelia. Supports all libraries
- aurelia-view-manager (â10) * A view manager for aurelia plugins. Add support for overriding views, and multiple frameworks
Aurelia Implementation / Aurelia Articles
- aurelia-datatable (â32) * A 100% aurelia based data table component
14. Awesome Salesforce
Table of Contents / Developer Utilities
- JSON to Apex- Generate an Apex class from a JSON string.
Table of Contents / Git Ignore for Salesforce
- GitIgnore for Salesforce (â29)- Reusable .gitIgnore file for Salesforce or Projects
15. Awesome Audio Visualization
- DJi - Clean music visualizer from SoundCloud or self uploaded.
Libraries Audio
- Octavian (â174) - Utilities for reasoning about musical notes, frequencies, and intervals
16. Awesome Music
Music Programming
- OpenMusic - a visual programming language based on Lisp.
17. Awesome Ddd
Video Collections
- SkillsCasts by SkillsMatter - Searching DDD returns various talks given by Greg Young, Alberto Brandolini, and Dan North, etc.
Community Resources
- DDD/CQRS Google Group - An active mailing list and an excellent resource to ask questions and learn fine-grained details about DDD/CQRS.
18. Awesome Elixir
Errors and Exception Handling
- exceptional (â294) - Helpers for happy-path programming & exception handling.
- happy (â45) - Happy path programming, alternative to elixir
- geoip (â120) - Find geolocation for a given IP, hostname or
- thumbnex (â75) - Create thumbnails from images and video screenshots.
Instrumenting / Monitoring
- elixometer (â827) - A light Elixir wrapper around exometer.
- erlang-metrics (â70) - A generic interface to different metrics systems in Erlang.
- exometer (â527) - Basic measurement objects and probe behavior in Erlang.
- folsom_ddb (â6) - DalmatinerDB backend to store folsom metrics.
- instream (â225) - InfluxDB driver for Elixir.
- instrumental (â10) - An Elixir client for Instrumental.
- prometheus (â346) - monitoring system and time series database client in Erlang.
- spotify_ex (â147) - An Elixir wrapper for the Spotify Web API.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Paasaa (â116) - Natural language detection for Elixir.
ORM and Datamapping
- ecto_shortcuts (â29) - Shortcuts for common operations in ecto.
- SMPPEX (â3) - SMPP 3.4 protocol and framework implementation in Elixir.
- numerix (â188) - A collection of useful mathematical functions with a slant towards statistics, linear algebra and machine learning.
- expug (â82) - Pug templates for Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- ui_faces (â1) - UIFaces API client for Elixir applications.
- retry (â448) - Simple Elixir macros for linear retry, exponential backoff and wait with composable delays.
- exop (â216) - A library that allows to encapsulate business logic and validate params with predefined contract.
- ffmpex (â229) - FFmpeg command line wrapper.
19. Awesome Draft Js
Blog Posts & Articles
20. Awesome Stock Resources
Sounds & Music / Icons Packages and Collections
- Sound Image - Šī¸ Over 1000 tracks of free music and sound effects for your projects by Eric Matyas.
21. Awesome Clojure
Pattern Matching
22. Papers We Love
Info / Applications/Ideas built around Papers We Love
- Love a Paper - @loveapaper
23. Awesome Static Website Services
Forms / Really Simple Forms
- MailThis - Simple form submissions via email with optional attachments.
Forms / Normal Forms
- Google Forms - Saves results into Google Sheets and can email you when there is a submission.
24. Awesome Cyclejs
Learn / Slides
- Functional Reactive Programming with Cycle.js - by Sudarsan Balaji
25. Awesome Sre
Misc Articles
26. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Frameworks
27. Awesome Rxjava
- RxComprehensions (â86) - Reduce boilerplate in RxJava by abstracting chained flatMaps, concatMaps and switchMaps.
28. Awesome Dotnet
Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- Fable (â2.9k) - F# to JavaScript Compiler
- Ignite (â4.9k) - Distributed in-memory platform: document database with SQL and LINQ support; distributed computations; distributed services and events.
- Scrutor (â3.7k) - Assembly scanning extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
Markdown Processors
- markdig (â4.5k) - A fast, powerful, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET.
- LLBLGen Pro - Entity Modeling solution for Entity Framework, NHibernate, Linq to SQL and its own ORM framework: LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework. [$][Free Lite version]
- Visual Studio Uninstaller (â3.9k) - Uninstall and clean up all components of Visual Studio.
29. Awesome Courses
Courses / Programming Languages / Compilers
- 6.945 Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programming MIT
- Taught by Gerald Sussman of SICP fame, this class deals with concepts and techniques for the design an implementation of large software systems that can be adapted to uses not anticipated by the designer. Applications include compilers, computer-algebra systems, deductive systems, and some artificial intelligence applications.
- Assignments: Extensive programming assignments, using MIT/GNU Scheme. Students should have significant programming experience in Scheme, Common Lisp, Haskell, CAML or other "functional" language.
- Readings
30. Awesome Bigdata
SQL-like processing
- Apache Calcite - framework that allows efficient translation of queries involving heterogeneous and federated data.
31. Awesome Electron
Using Electron / Other
- Reactotron (â15k) - Inspect your React and React Native apps.
Documentation / Other
- Essential Electron - Concise overview.
Books / Other
Videos / Other
32. Citizen Science
Tools and Equipment / Biology and Chemistry
- SGD - Stanford University's Saccharomyces Genome Database.
Funding and Support / Financial Resources
- Endeavorist - A "curiosity network" for science and technology that combines a social network with crowdfunding.
Other Resources / Other Types of Support
- The Open Source Hardware Association - A resource for all things open hardware, including designs and legal considerations.
33. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Developer Tools
- Scaffold Interface (â889) - A Smart CRUD Generator For Laravel
34. Awesome Ruby
- Termit (â508) - Translations with speech synthesis in your terminal.
35. Awesome Rest
Python / Symfony2
- Flask-Potion (â489) - Flask-Potion is a powerful Flask extension for building RESTful JSON APIs. It also provides several Clients for easier access to the API.
36. Awesome Security
Network / Honey Pot / Honey Net
- HoneyPy (â456) - HoneyPy is a low to medium interaction honeypot. It is intended to be easy to: deploy, extend functionality with plugins, and apply custom configurations.
37. Es6 Tools
Parsers / Brunch Plugins
- Esprima - JavaScript parser supporting ES6, parses to ESTree AST format (â4.3k)
38. Awesome Slack
- Prev: Sep 05 - Sep 11, 2016
- Next: Aug 22 - Aug 28, 2016