Awesome List Updates on Aug 22 - Aug 28, 2016
53 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- j2labs/microarmy (⭐0) - Deploy micro instances to launch a coordinated siege.
2. Awesome Wagtail
Resources / Presentations
- DjangoCon US 2016 - Atomic Wagtail by Kurt Wall – Brad Frost's atomic design principles are taking the way we design the web by storm. I'll explain what Wagtail is, how you can use it with atomic design principles, and some hurdles you might run into along the way with suggestions on how to help.
- PyCon Australia – Comparing Wagtail, Django CMS and Mezzanine by Adam Brenecki – This talk explores the different approaches, strengths and weaknesses of each CMS, and what they mean for you as a developer and for your content editors.
3. Awesome Marionette
Tutorials and articles
4. Awesome Malware Analysis
Domain Analysis / Other Resources
- URLQuery - Free URL Scanner.
5. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Google Cloud Platform Podcast - The Google Cloud Platform Podcast, coming to you every week. Discussing everything from on Google Cloud Platform from App Engine to Big Query.
6. Awesome Programming for Kids
Upper Elementary
- - An online community for kids to learn anything. Programming skills listed are App Dev, Backend Dev, Frontend Dev, Game Dev, Graphic Designer, Open Sourcerer, Scratcher, Sys Admin, and Web Designer.
- CS Unplugged - A collection of free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around.
7. Awesome Music
Audio Editing
- Ardour - a cross-platform digital audio workstation emphasizing audio recording.
- LMMS - another cross-platform digital audio workstation, more oriented towards making beats.
Music Programming
- Pure Data - a visual programming language for audio and other multimedia.
8. Awesome Service Workers
Related Technologies
9. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x Async (⭐12) - Portage of caolan/async nodejs module to Vert.x framework that provides helpers methods for common async patterns.
10. Tips
Alias: git undo
git config --global alias.undo '!f() { git reset --hard $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)@{${1-1}}; }; f'
11. Awesome Chatops
- So, What is ChatOps? And How do I Get Started? – ChatOps concepts and tools.
- What is ChatOps? A guide to its evolution, adoption, and significance – ChatOps and its adoption by HipChat Evangelist.
- How ChatOps can revolutionize your business – Benefits of using ChatOps, tools, current trend and the future.
- ChatOps at GitHub + slides – The first public talk on the subject by Jesse Newland.
- The Rise of ChatOps + slides – From the first ChatOps San Francisco meetup by Jimmy Cuadra.
- ChatOps: Augmented Reality for Ops – How Github use chat to improve situational awareness during incidents, to share knowledge, to coordinate activities, and much more.
- Living in the Future with ChatOps + slides – A quick summary of PagerDuty's ChatOps journey by Eric Sigler.
- Incident Management from the Future + slides – How Michael Ansel manages incidents via chat at Box.
- ChatOps San Francisco YouTube Channel – More videos from each meetup.
- ChatOps For Dummies – A high-level guide to understanding the origins of the practice, the benefits and tools needed to get started.
- ChatOps – Managing Operations in Group Chat – The key ChatOps concepts and technologies by Jason Hand.
- ChatOps San Francisco – Discussion and collaboration on all aspects of ChatOps including tools, security, and methodology.
- ChatOps Extravaganza With Jason Hand, Sasha Rosenbaum, And Peter Burkholder – An episode about best practices of ChatOps.
- /r/chatops – Subreddit with articles and discussion.
12. Awesome Appium
- Appium Desktop (⭐4.3k) - Appium Server and Inspector in Desktop GUIs for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
- WebDriverAgent Inspector (⭐4k) - A WebDriver server for iOS that runs inside the Simulator.
- Selendroid Inspector - The web app which is embedded inside your selendroid test server.
- Appium iOS Inspector (⭐143) - The tool for iOS elements location based on the original source of Selendroid Inspector.
- app-inspector (⭐370) - Macacajs App Inspector.
- TOOLSQA - Appium tutorial for beginners (Android & iOS).
- GURU99 - Appium tutorial for beginners.
- QTPSELENIUM - Appium tutorials.
- Appium Bootcamp - Appium Bootcamp by Sauce.
- Appium Mobile Grid Setup - The Mobile Grid – Getting Started for Android & iOS.
- Selenium Camp 2016 - Selenium Camp 2016.
- Appium Architecture - Architecture of Appium.
- All about Appium - All about Appium in Wordpress.
- Appium with Image Recognition - Appium with Image Recognition - Simon Kaz.
- Automate Android Actions using Appium - Automate Android Actions using Appium - kkashyap1707.
- Network Connection in Appium - How to deal with Network Connection from Appium 4.0.0 - Elias Nogueira.
- How to change language in Appium - Appium Tips — Changing the app Language - Elias Nogueira.
- Automated UI testing of a UWP app using Appium - Windows Application driver makes UWP Apps compatible using Appium - Yassine benabbas.
- Context Switching in Appium Switching to a Dynamically Named Context Handle with Appium and Java - Kevin Berg.
- A Robot Should Be Running Your Appium Tests - How to run Appium Tests using Robots. - Dan Cuellar.
- Appium Tests on Buddybuild - Automates building, deploying and gathering feedback for mobile apps - Stipe Kolovrat.
- Appium Workshop Selnium Conf 2016 (⭐27) - Repo for Appium Workshop at the 2016 Selenium Conference - Justin Ison.
Cloud and Docker Solutions
- Appium Tests in AWS Device Farm (⭐83) - Sample Appium tests runs on AWS Device Farm.
- Appium Tests in OpenSTF Device Farm (⭐106) - Sample Appium tests runs on STF Device Farm.
- Appium Docker File (⭐7) - DockerFile for Appium Android.
- Appium Docker File (⭐8) - DockerFile for Appium Android.
Git Books
- Appium Essentials - Explore mobile automation with Appium and discover new ways to test native, web, and hybrid applications - Manoj Hans.
- Appium for Android - A quick reference book on how to use Appium for automating Android Application using Java - Nishant Verma.
13. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Continuous Integration
- CircleCI - A continuous integration platform.
14. Awesome Ava
- eslint-ava-rule-tester (⭐14) - Test ESLint (⭐21k) plugins with AVA.
- jscodeshift-ava-tester (⭐12) - Test jscodeshift (⭐7.9k) codemods with AVA.
15. Awesome Draft Js
Common Utilities
- Draft.js SimpleDecorator (⭐25) - Easily create flexible decorators.
16. Awesome Macos Screensavers
Google Trends
Shows the latest hot searches for all regions or specific countries.
17. Awesome Sre
Real-time Messaging
- #sre channel at Hangops Slack - Discussion of Site Reliability Engineering generally.
- #incident_response channel at Hangops Slack - Discussion about Incident Response.
18. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / PHP
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / Ruby on Rails
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / ReactJS
19. Citizen Science
Software / Modeling and Computation
- OpenSCAD - 3D modeling software.
- SageMath - Open-source cloud-based computation (similar to MATLAB and Mathematica).
- GNU Octave - Free software numerical computation program, similar to MATLAB.
- Dia - Open-source software for making diagrams.
- Gephi - Open graph visualization platform.
- QGIS - Open GIS software.
- Mineways - a tool for turning Minecraft model files into 3D-printable .stl files
Educational / Graphs and Visualization
- Light and Matter - Benjamin Crowell's free-to-download, cheap-to-buy open source physics textbooks.
- OpenStax - Repository of open-licensed and collaboratively-edited textbooks on many basic subjects. You can download them as ebooks or order print copies.
- PhET Simulations - CU Boulder interactive physics and chemistry simulations.
- United Diversity Co-op Library - A vast library of interesting textbooks and other resources in PDF form on such topics as permaculture, agriculture, economics, crafts and activism.
- Microbe Wiki - A large student-edited multi-institutional wiki for microbiology.
- OpenCulture Textbooks - The textbook section of a website dedicated to the open sharing of information.
- Free Tech Books - Free ebooks (mostly computer science and engineering).
Tools and Equipment / Biology and Chemistry
- The ODIN - A distributor of affordable DIY biology equipment.
- OpenTrons - An open-source liquid-handling robot.
- OpenPCR - An open-source PCR thermocycler.
- BLAST - Search tool for local alignment.
Tools and Equipment / Environmental Science and Geology
- Raspberry Shake - A seismograph compatible with the Raspberry Pi.
Tools and Equipment / 3D Printing and Fabrication
- 3D Printable Science Equipment - A list of different 3d-printable science objects with models.
Publishing and Doing Research / Other
- Public Library of Science (PLOS) - Nonprofit organization that publishes open-access journals and also advocates for openness and tranparency in science.
- arXiv - A Cornell-supported site for sharing and discussing early drafts of scientific papers (mostly physics and math).
- Directory of Open Access Journals - Over 9000 journals listed.
- Investigative Dashboard - A tool for researchers, especially journalists, to share documents and findings.
Citizen Science Spaces and Projects / Genetics/Biohacking
- HiveBio - Seattle community bio lab.
Citizen Science Spaces and Projects / Environment
- Sanctuary for Weedy Species - A Brooklyn-based urban ecology project.
- Coweeta Listening Project - Southern Appalachian project combining ecological research with civic action.
- The Radix Center - Community-based urban sustainability / agriculture education center in Albany, NY.
- The Bucket Brigade - A Norco, LA - based citizen science group fighting for environmental justice.
- Safecast - An online citizen science project collecting and visualizing radioactivity data across the globe.
Funding and Support / Financial Resources
- - A science crowdfunding platform.
- The Awesome Foundation - A nonprofit that funds awesome projects with microgrants $1000 at a time.
Funding and Support / Other Types of Support
- Public Lab - A DIY environmental science network.
Conferences and Events / Other Types of Support
- iGEM - Student synthetic biology competition with connections to many DIY bio labs.
Other Resources / Other Types of Support
- MOST - The Pearce Research Group at Michigan Tech in Open Sustainability Technology.
- OSGeo - The Open Source Geospatial Foundation, which offers a lot of open tools for working with GIS data.
- Open source engineering software - A large list maintained on Appropedia.
How do I contribute to this list? / Other Types of Support
- Familiar with GitHub? Send a pull request with your suggestions. Please also see the contribution guidelines (⭐248).
- Not familiar with GitHub? You can leave a comment on this page by clicking on the
tab on the right and adding a New Issue (that's just like a comment). You'll need to create a GitHub account first.
20. Awesome Json Datasets
Open Source Licenses
21. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Videos and Lectures
- Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Leo Isikdogan at Motorola Mobility HQ
22. Awesome Linux
X Windows Managers / Other Desktop Environments
- Compiz - OpenGL compositing window manager. It has a plug-in system to be changed at runtime.
GUI-based Applications / Not based on any desktop environment
- Zathura - Highly customizable document viewer. It provides a minimalistic and space saving interface as well as an easy usage that mainly focuses on keyboard interaction.
23. Awesome Redux
- redux-orm (⭐3k) - Small, simple and immutable ORM to manage relational data in your Redux store.
- redux-ignore (⭐841) - Higher-order reducer to ignore Redux actions.
- redux-modifiers (⭐159) - Collection of generic functions for writing Redux reducers to operate on various data structures.
- redux-logger (⭐5.7k) - Logger middleware for Redux.
- redux-undo (⭐2.8k) - Higher order reducer to add undo/redo functionality to Redux state containers.
- redux-bug-reporter (⭐689) - Bug reporter and bug playback tool for Redux.
Utilities / Store Persistence
- redux-storage (⭐675) - Persistence layer for Redux with flexible backends.
- redux-persist (⭐12k) - Persist and rehydrate a Redux store.
Utilities / Side Effects
- redux-saga (⭐22k) - Alternative side effect model for Redux apps.
- redux-effects (⭐492) - You write pure functions, redux-effects handles the rest.
- redux-loop (⭐2k) - Port of elm-effects and the Elm Architecture to Redux that allows you to sequence your effects naturally and purely by returning them from your reducers.
Code Style / Side Effects
- redux-act (⭐1.5k) - Opinionated lib to create actions and reducers for Redux.
- redux-crud (⭐632) - Set of standard actions and reducers for Redux CRUD Applications.
Dev tools / Inspection tools / Side Effects
- redux-diff-logger (⭐177) - Diff logger between states for Redux.
- redux-devtools-chart-monitor (⭐294) - Chart monitor for Redux DevTools.
- redux-devtools-dispatch (⭐145) - Dispatch your actions manually to test if your app Reacts well.
- redux-devtools-dock-monitor (⭐403) - Resizable and movable dock for Redux DevTools monitors.
React Integration / Side Effects
- redux-test-recorder (⭐492) - Redux middleware to automatically generate tests for reducers through ui interaction.
- redux-form-material-ui (⭐834) - Set of wrapper components to facilitate using Material UI with Redux Form.
React Integration / Routing
- redux-async-connect (⭐650) - It allows you to request async data, store them in Redux state and connect them to your React component.
- redux-tiny-router (⭐130) - Router made for Redux and made for universal apps. Stop using the router as a controller, it's just state.
- react-router-redux (⭐7.9k) - Ruthlessly simple bindings to keep react-router and Redux in sync.
React Integration / Forms
- redux-form (⭐13k) - Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store.
React Integration / Component State
- redux-react-local (⭐373) - Local component state via Redux.
- redux-ui (⭐640) - Easy UI state management for React Redux.
Other Integrations / Backbone
- backbone-redux (⭐189) - Easy way to keep your backbone collections and Redux store in sync.
Other Integrations / Falcor
- redux-falcor (⭐369) - Connect your Redux front-end to your falcor back-end.
Other Integrations / RxJS
- rx-redux (⭐421) - Reimplementation of Redux using RxJS.
- redux-rx (⭐1k) - RxJS utilities for Redux.
Other Integrations / Electron
- redux-electron-store (⭐375) - Redux store enhancer that allows automatic synchronization between electron processes.
Other Integrations / Deku
- deku-redux (⭐31) - Bindings for Redux in deku < v2.
Other Integrations / Other
- kasia (⭐218) - React Redux toolset for the WordPress API.
Boilerplate / Other
- redux-cli (⭐890) - Opinionated CLI for building Redux/React apps quicker.
- universal-redux (⭐462) - Npm package that lets you jump right into coding React and Redux with universal (isomorphic) rendering. Only manage Express setups or Webpack configurations if you want to.
- generator-react-aspnet-boilerplate (⭐284) - Starting point for building isomorphic React applications with ASP.NET Core 1, leveraging existing techniques.
- socrates (⭐579) - Small (8kb), batteries-included Redux store to reduce boilerplate and promote good habits.
Miscellaneous / Other
- redux-core (⭐42) - Minimal Redux.
Community / Other
24. Awesome Choo
Contents / Plugins and addons
- choo-test (⭐23) - Easy choo app unit testing.
25. Awesome Electron
Podcasts / Other
26. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / Unspecified License
- Mockup World - A mixture of free and premium mockup in-situation templates.
27. Awesome Ciandcd
Dynamic Check
- valgrind automatically detect many memory management and threading bugs, and profile your programs in detail
28. Awesome Talks
Software Development
- Programming is terrible - Lessons learned from a life wasted by Thomas Figg (EMF 2012) [1:06:43]
Object-Oriented Programming
- Functional is cool, but do you know OO by Sandro Mancuso (Devoxx UK 2013) [54:17]
29. Awesome Answers
Miscellaneous / Ruby
30. Awesome Android
- DotLoader (⭐136) - A customizable loading animation with Dots.
- PodSlider (⭐135) - A customizable slider widget adhering to material design specs.
31. Awesome Linux Containers
- Virtuozzo
A platform, built on Virtuozzo containers, that can be easily run on top of any bare-metal or virtual servers in any public or private cloud, to automate, optimize, and accelerate internal IT and development processes.
32. Awesome Elixir
- aescmac (⭐9) - AES CMAC (RFC 4493) in Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- honeywell (⭐0) - A client for the Honeywell Lyric, Round and Water Leak & Freeze Detector APIs.
- particle (⭐6) - An Elixir client for the Particle IoT platform's HTTP API.
Translations and Internationalizations
- trans (⭐231) - A Elixir library to manage embedded translations into models leveraging PostgreSQL JSONB datatype.
33. Awesome Sketch
Plugins / Nice-to-have 👍
34. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Go / Phoenix
- Web apps in Go, the anti textbook (⭐3.2k) (CC BY-SA)
35. Awesome Swift
Kit / Barcode
- C4iOS (⭐979) - Harnesses the power of native iOS programming with a simplified API.
36. Awesome Dataviz
Python tools / Misc
- diagram (⭐394) - Text mode diagrams using UTF-8 characters
37. Awesome Laravel
Popular Packages / Testing & Debugging
- Laravel Tracy (⭐380) - A Laravel Package to integrate Nette Tracy Debugger
Popular Packages / Utilities
- Laravel Hashids (⭐1.8k) - Generate unique, non-sequential ids using Hashids
Popular Packages / Localization
- Laravel Translator (⭐278) - Translate Eloquent models into multiple languages
Popular Packages / Third-party Service Integration
- Laravel Instagram (⭐491) - Instagram API bridge
- Laravel Pusher (⭐408) - Pusher API bridge
Tutorials & Blogs / Third-party Service Integration
Books / Videos
- Refactoring to Collections by Adam Wathan
- Laravel Application Development Blueprints by Arda Kılıçdağı and Halil İbrahim Yılmaz
- Laravel Design Patterns and Best Practices by Arda Kılıçdağı and Halil İbrahim Yılmaz
- Learning Laravel 4 Application Development by Hardik Dangar
- Getting Started with Laravel 4 by Raphaël Saunier
- Laravel Application Development Cookbook by Terry Matula
Podcasts / Videos
Community / Videos
Community / Local User Groups
Community / Meetups
Jobs / Meetups
Miscellaneous / Meetups
- CodeCanyon - Paid scripts and plugins
Guidelines / Meetups
- Make sure the Travis tests pass on your pull request
38. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Jeroen Engels (⭐4) - JS developer and open source enthusiast.
- Tim Smith (⭐0) - Front-end designer, nerd, and recovering coffee addict.
- Sam Verschueren (⭐3) - Full stack JavaScript developer and open source contributor.
- Haroen Viaene (⭐0) - Student mostly doing JS, open source everything, creating stuff at bullgit.
39. Awesome Educational Games
- Vim Genius - Increase your speed and improve your muscle memory with Vim Genius.
- Duolingo - Learn Spanish, French and other languages for free.
- Code Avengers - Learn to build websites, apps and games in a fun and effective way.
- - Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science.
- Codecademy - Learn to code interactively, for free.
40. Awesome Dotnet
- Ionide - An Atom Editor and Visual Studio Code package suite for cross platform F# development.
- Aeron.NET (⭐492) - Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport - .NET port of Aeron
- TypeShape (⭐304) - TypeShape is a small, extensible F# library for practical generic programming
- Migrant (⭐46) - Fast and flexible serialization framework usable on undecorated classes.
Source Generator
- Awesome .NET Core (⭐20k) - A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software
41. Awesome Crystal
Algorithms and Data structures
- crystal-linked-list (⭐13) - Implementation of Linked List
42. Awesome Framer
- Stripe Speaker Series: Designing with Framer - Koen Bok and Jorn van Dijk give a short talk and Q&A focused on Framer that also covers prototyping in general and a discussion of the various design tools available in the market.
- Stitch (⭐144) - Lightweight framework for adding interaction to your Framer prototypes directly from your Sketch designs.
43. Awesome Html5
Progressive web apps / Service Workers
Progressive web apps / Offline caching
44. Awesome Machine Learning
Scala / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- SwiftLearner (⭐39) - Simply written algorithms to help study ML or write your own implementations.
45. Awesome Javascript
Date / Runner
- fecha (⭐2.1k) - Lightweight date formatting and parsing (~2KB). Meant to replace parsing and formatting functionality of moment.js.
46. Awesome Fp Js
- js-joda (⭐1.6k) – An immutable date and time library that provides a simple, domain-driven and clean API based on the ISO8601 calendar.
Resources / Books
- Functional-Light JavaScript (⭐17k) – This book explores the core principles of functional programming (FP) that can be applied to JavaScript. But what makes this book different is that it approaches these principles without all the heavy terminology.
47. Awesome Pokemon
Development Projects / Bots
- PokemonGo-Bot (⭐3.9k) - The Pokémon GO bot script, baking with community.
- Bot Builder for PokemonGoBot (⭐18) - Simply build your Pokémon GO bot.
48. Awesome Symfony Education
49. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / A individuals
- Ariejan de Vroom
50. Awesome Quant
Python / Data Sources
- findatapy (⭐1.7k) - Python library to download market data via Bloomberg, Quandl, Yahoo etc.
51. Awesome Fuse
- Slack - The official Slack channel.
Open Source
- Snake - A proof-of-concept experimental game of snake made with Fusetools.
52. Bots
53. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Application Frameworks
- Nancy (⭐7.2k) - Lightweight, low-ceremony, framework for building HTTP based services on .NET and Mono.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Bundling and Minification
- Smidge (⭐362) - Lightweight runtime CSS/JavaScript file minification, combination, compression & management library for ASP.NET Core.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Logging
- Q42.Logging.ApplicationInsights (⭐2) - Log appender for the build in ASP.NET Core logging to send all logs to Application Insights.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Misc
- datatables (⭐301) - Microsoft ASP.NET server-side support and helpers for jQuery DataTables.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Queue and Messaging
- RawRabbit (⭐744) - Modern .NET framework for communication over RabbitMq.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Security
- HtmlSanitizer (⭐1.5k) - Cleans HTML to avoid XSS attacks.
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Searching
- Elasticsearch.Net & NEST (⭐3.6k) - Repository for both NEST and Elasticsearch.NET, the two official elasticsearch .NET clients.
Books / Workflow
Videos / Workflow
Podcasts / Workflow
Community / Workflow
- Prev: Aug 29 - Sep 04, 2016
- Next: Aug 15 - Aug 21, 2016