Awesome List Updates on Jul 18 - Jul 24, 2016
46 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Build Automation
- msbuild (⭐5.2k) - The Microsoft Build Engine is a platform for building applications.
- vsts-agent (⭐1.7k) - Visual Studio Team Services Build and Release Agent.
2. Awesome Aurelia
Aurelia Examples / Aurelia Articles
- jdanyow/aurelia-breeze-northwind (⭐95) * A Northwind demo using Aurelia and Breeze by @jdanyow.
- jdanyow/aurelia-solitaire (⭐74) * Klondike solitaire built with Aurelia and dragula.
- discosultan/aurelia-minesweeper (⭐8) * Classic Minesweeper game built with Aurelia by @discosultan.
- aurelia-webapi-example (⭐3) * An example WebAPI written with C# and Aurelia
3. Awesome Standard
pretty terminal output (reporters)
- standard-summary - Display output as a list of errors, ordered by count
4. Awesome Audio Visualization
- PartyMode - An experimental music visualizer using d3.js and the web audio api.
People to Follow
- Mat Preziotte - Absurd music visualizations and generative art.
5. Awesome Web Design
Blog & News
- Web Designer News: The best curated stories for designers.
- Creative Bloq: Art & design inspiration.
- Smashing Magazine: For professional web designers & developers.
- Sitepoint: A hub for web developers & designers to share their passion for building incredible internet things.
- Awwwards: Best web design trends.
- Inspired UI: Mobile apps design patterns.
- Behance: Showcase & discover creative work.
- Dribbble: Show and tell for designers.
- Product Hunt: The place to discover your next favorite thing.
- Brandcolors: Official colors for the world's biggest brands.
- Adobe Color CC: Create color schemes with the color wheel or browse thousands of color combinations from the Kuler community.
- Paletton: A designer tool for creating color combinations that work together well.
- Coolors: Generate infinite color palettes for your designs.
- Lol Colors: Curated color palette inspiration.
- Colordot: A color picker for humans.
- Curated gradients for designers & developers.
- Colorzilla: Eyedropper, color picker, gradient generator.
- Google Web Fonts: Offering an intuitive and robust directory of open source designer web fonts.
- Font Face Ninja Browser Extension: You’re browsing a website and you want to find the name of a font? Here comes the ninja!
- Type Anything: Create great font combinations.
- Type Scale: Preview and choose the right type scale for your project.
- WhatTheFont: Seen a font in an image and want to know what it is? WhatTheFont will find the closest match.
- Flat Icon: Thousands of free flat icons.
- Icon Finder: 1 million free and premium icons.
- Favicon Generator: Favicon & app icon generator.
- Freepik: Free vectors in different formats.
- Vecteezy: A collection of free vector art, vector graphics, illustrator backgrounds, etc.
- Placeholders using a beautiful image gallery.
- A quick and simple image placeholder service.
- Imgur: The most awesome images on the internet.
- iOS Human Interface Guidelines: Offers everything you need to design beautiful, engaging iOS apps.
- Google Material Design: A close look at the design, components & resources for Google's brand.
Prototype Tools
- Zeplin: A great collaboration tool between designers and developers.
- Avocode: A workspace open to all designers and developers.
- Treehouse: Brings affordable, technology education to people everywhere.
- Tuts Plus Web Design Tutorials: Free web design and development tutorials.
- Springboard: Personalized approach, designed to help you achieve your goals and advance your career.
- Pomodoro: A cool time management technique for a more productive way to work and study.
- Toggl: Time tracker to improve workplace productivity.
- Trello: Organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible and rewarding way.
6. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x GraphQL Service Discovery (⭐50) - GraphQL service discovery and querying for your Vert.x microservices.
7. Awesome Npm
- zsh-better-npm-completion (⭐479) - Better ZSH completion for npm.
8. Awesome Cryptography
Blogs / Git
- A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering - Some random thoughts about crypto.
- Charles Engelke's Blog - WebCrypto Blog Posts.
- Root Labs rdist - Nate Lawson and his co-authors write on a variety of topics including hardware implementation, cryptographic timing attacks, DRM, and the Commodore 64.
- Schneier on security - One of the oldest and most famous security blogs. Bruce covers topics from block cipher cryptanalysis to airport security.
Mailing lists / Git
- - "Cryptography" is a low-noise moderated mailing list devoted to cryptographic technology and its political impact.
- Modern Crypto - Forums for discussing modern cryptographic practice.
- - List for general discussion of cryptography, particularly the technical aspects.
9. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / DynamoDB
- dynamodb-titan-storage-backend 🔥🔥 (⭐444) - Storage Backend for Titan.
10. Awesome Json
- JSONSelect (⭐1.6k) - CSS-like selectors. (Javascript)
JSON Schema Tools
- Orderly JSON (⭐222) - A textual format for describing JSON compiled into JSONSchema.
11. Awesome Mac
Mac App Download Sites / Genuine Sites
- App Shopper:
12. Awesome Geojson
- More than you ever wanted to know about GeoJSON: a review of the concepts behind the specification in a more narrative format.
13. Awesome Hadoop
14. Awesome Ocaml
Mobile Applications
- Bindings:
- Cordova plugins (⭐27) – List of bindings to Cordova plugins. Get access to native device components like accelerometer, SMS, geolocation, etc in OCaml.
15. Awesome Crystal
Network Protocols
- (⭐22) - Fast IRC parser/generator
16. Awesome Jquery
- Learning jQuery Design Patterns - jQuery Plugin Design Patterns
Blogs / Paid Books
- Sitepoint - Sitepoint's jQuery category section with useful articles.
Miscellaneous Resources / Paid Books
- Alternative jQuery Documentation Browser - Faster way to browse the jQuery documentation.
17. Awesome Serverless
- Forum - Official Serverless forum.
18. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / CC0-license
- Realgraphy - Authentic Non-Stock Photos for Free. Forever.
19. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Portuguese
- Zeno Overflow - Uma série de perguntas e respostas ao vivo sobre tecnologia, carreira e a vida fora do Brasil.
20. Awesome Chatops
Frameworks and libraries / Slack
- PagerBot (⭐282) (Ruby)
- Elixir-Slack (⭐633) (Elixir)
- Jubot (⭐68) (Clojure)
- Slack-Ruby-Bot (⭐49) (Ruby)
- Slackbotsy (⭐77) (Ruby)
- Slacker (⭐81) (Elixir)
Frameworks and libraries / Vkontakte
- Lita + adapter (⭐1) (Ruby)
Frameworks and libraries / Discord
- Discordrb (⭐6) (Ruby)
Frameworks and libraries / Facebook Messenger
- FacebookMessenger (⭐958) (Ruby)
Frameworks and libraries / HipChat
- Hipbot (⭐87) (Ruby)
- Hipchat (⭐110) via XMPP (Go)
- Hipchat-go (⭐126) via HipChat API v2 (Go)
- Will (Python)
Frameworks and libraries / IRC
- Cinch (⭐1k) (Ruby)
Frameworks and libraries / Telegram
- Telegram-bot-ruby (⭐1.2k) (Ruby)
- TelegramBot (⭐72) (Crystal)
- TelegramBot (⭐296) (Ruby)
Frameworks and libraries / Twitter
- Chatterbot (Ruby)
21. Awesome Pokemon
Development Projects / Miscellaneous
- pokecrystal (⭐2.1k) - Disassembly of Pokémon Crystal.
- x-pokemon (⭐89) - A web component to display Pokémon.
- pokered (⭐4k) - Disassembly of Pokémon Red/Blue.
- pokemon-reverse-engineering-tools (⭐327) - Tools for compiling and disassembling Pokémon Red and Pokémon Crystal.
22. Awesome Influxdb
Plugins / Hooks
- jenkinsci/influxdb-plugin (⭐49) - Jenkins plugin to send build metrics into InfluxDB
23. Awesome Swift
Network / Barcode
- Heimdallr.swift (⭐640) - Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS.
UI / Barcode
- WSTagsField (⭐1.3k) - An iOS text field that represents different Tags.
24. Awesome Vulkan
Hardware Support
25. Awesome Javascript
- RequireJS (⭐13k) - A file and module loader for JavaScript.
Testing Frameworks / Runner
- casperjs (⭐7.2k) - Navigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS.
Data Visualization / Runner
- d3 (⭐110k) - A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
- c3 (⭐9.3k) - D3-based reusable chart library.
Documentation / Runner
- dox (⭐2.2k) is a JavaScript documentation generator written with node. Dox no longer generates an opinionated structure or style for your docs, it simply gives you a JSON representation, allowing you to use markdown and JSDoc-style tags.
- YUIDoc is a Node.js application that generates API documentation from comments in source, using a syntax similar to tools like Javadoc and Doxygen.
- coddoc is a jsdoc parsing library. Coddoc is different in that it is easily extensible by allowing users to add tag and code parsers through the use of coddoc.addTagHandler and coddoc.addCodeHandler. coddoc also parses source code to be used in APIs.
- sphinx a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation
- jsduck (⭐1.5k) - API documentation generator made for Sencha JavaScript frameworks, but can be used for other frameworks too.
Reactive Programming / Runner
- Cycle.js - A functional and reactive JavaScript library for cleaner code.
Date / Runner
- timeago.js (⭐5.4k) - Simple library (less then 2kb) used to format date with
*** time ago
String / Runner
- jsurl (⭐551) - Lightweight URL manipulation with JavaScript.
Sliders / Runner
- impress.js (⭐38k) - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind
- bespoke.js (⭐4.8k) - DIY Presentation Micro-Framework
Table/Grid / Other
- DataTables - (jQuery plug-in) It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, and will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table.
Misc / Other
- grid (⭐3.6k) - Drag and drop library for two-dimensional, resizable and responsive lists.
26. Awesome Rails Gem
Production / Security
- Mina (⭐4.3k) - fast deployer and server automation tool.
27. Awesome Sketch
Guides / General screencasts
28. Awesome Ios
- RSKKeyboardAnimationObserver (⭐45) - Showing / dismissing keyboard animation in simple UIViewController category.
- RFKeyboardToolbar (⭐419) - This is a flexible UIView and UIButton subclass to add customized buttons and toolbars to your UITextFields/UITextViews.
- IQKeyboardManager (⭐17k) - Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView.
- NgKeyboardTracker (⭐797) - Objective-C library for tracking keyboard in iOS apps.
- MMNumberKeyboard (⭐955) - A simple keyboard to use with numbers and, optionally, a decimal point.
- TPKeyboardAvoiding (⭐5.8k) - A drop-in universal solution for moving text fields out of the way of the keyboard in iOS
- YYKeyboardManager (⭐482) - iOS utility class allows you to access keyboard view and track keyboard animation.
Utility / Collection View Layout
- Underscore.m (⭐1.5k) - A DSL for Data Manipulation.
- XExtensionItem (⭐86) - Easier sharing of structured data between iOS applications and share extensions.
- ReflectableEnum (⭐331) - Reflection for enumerations in Objective-C.
- ObjectiveSugar (⭐2.2k) - ObjectiveC additions for humans. Ruby style.
- OpinionatedC (⭐52) - Because Objective-C should have inherited more from Smalltalk.
- YOLOKit (⭐662) - Getting square objects down round holes.
- BFKit (⭐796) - An Objective-C collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster.
- AppVersionMonitor (⭐261) - Monitor iOS app version easily.
- libextobjc (⭐4.5k) - A Cocoa library to extend the Objective-C programming language.
- YAML.framework (⭐244) - Proper YAML support for Objective-C based on
29. Engineering Blogs
Companies / A companies
- Advanced Web Machinery
Individuals/Group Contributors / A individuals
- Ariya Hidayat
Individuals/Group Contributors / C individuals
- Chen Hui Jing
30. Awesome Elixir
- ueberauth_cas (⭐17) - Central Authentication Service strategy for Überauth.
- ueberauth_line (⭐4) - LINE Strategy for Überauth.
Cloud Infrastructure and Management
- nomad (⭐85) - Create cloud portable Elixir and Phoenix apps. Write once, use everywhere.
- http_proxy (⭐60) - Multi port HTTP Proxy.
- jwalk (⭐7) - Helper module for working with Erlang representations of JSON.
Release Management
- eliver (⭐56) - Interactive semantic versioning for Elixir packages.
- test_that_json (⭐10) - JSON assertions and helpers for your Elixir testing needs.
Text and Numbers
- stemmer (⭐152) - An English (Porter2) stemming implementation in Elixir.
Third Party APIs
- diplomat (⭐94) - A Google Cloud Datastore client.
- erlang-history (⭐493) - Hacks to add shell history to Erlang's shell.
31. Awesome Postgres
Resources / Articles
32. Awesome Erlang
- cache (⭐134) - In-memory Segmented Cache
33. Awesome Progressive Web Apps
Learning Resources
- Service Workers W3C Specification - The official service workers spec.
Browser Support
- Can I Use - Service Workers - Up-to-date browser support table of ServiceWorker API.
- Is Service Worker ready? - Current status of ServiceWorker support in different browsers.
Push Notifications
- Can I Use - Push API - Up-to-date browser support table of Push API.
34. Css Protips
Translations / Demo
35. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Date and Time
- Chronos (⭐1.4k) - A DateTime API extension supporting both mutable and immutable date/time.
36. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides / Learning Videos
- Elm Basics - Walk through all the syntax and basic ideas in Elm as a general programming language.
37. Awesome Clojure
38. Awesome Laravel
Codebases for Reference / Videos
- Vuedo (⭐2.3k) - Vuedo is blog platform, built with Laravel and Vue.js
39. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / String
- rtrim (⭐0) - Strip whitespace - or other characters - from the end of a string.
Modules / Object
- missing-deep-keys (⭐0) - Returns an array of keys from first object that are missing in second.
- has-own-property (⭐2) - Check if an object has a local property.
Modules / Browser
- image-promise (⭐144) - Load one or more
s in a Promise.
- get-media-size (⭐12) - Get the original size of any
tags or canvas context.
Modules / CLI
- minimist - Parse argument options.
40. Awesome Microservices
Go / Erlang
- Echo - Fast and unfancy HTTP server framework for Go. Up to 10x faster than the rest.
Haskell / Erlang
- Servant (⭐1.8k) - Type-level web DSL.
41. Awesome Mqtt
- imqtt (⭐21) - Interactive MQTT packet manipulation shell based on IPython.
- Python MQTT Client Shell (⭐44) - a text console-based, interactive shell for exercising various tasks associated with MQTT client communications.
42. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Rich text editor extensions
- Wagtail Froala (⭐15) - Extends Wagtail to use the Froala WYSIWYG editor in RichTextField/RichTextBlock.
Apps / Security
- wagtailenforcer (⭐47) - If you need to enforce security protocols on your Wagtail site you've come to the right place.
Apps / Forms
- Wagtail ReCaptcha (⭐56) - wagtail-django-captcha provides an easy way to integrate the django-recaptcha (⭐1k) field when using the Wagtail formbuilder.
Apps / Misc
- wagtailmenus (⭐404) - An extension for Torchbox's Wagtail CMS to help you manage and render multi-level navigation and simple flat menus in a consistent, flexible way.
Resources / Presentations
- An Introduction to Wagtail by Eloise "Ducky" Macdonald-Meyer - This talk is an introduction to Wagtail, a content management system built on the Python web framework, Django.
- Wellington Wagtail CMS Meetup - Meet Wagtail by Josh, Jordi and Rich, from the Springload dev team - An introductory session to Wagtail to showcase the main features it has to offer.
Resources / Showcases
- Contributed apps and website code (⭐19k) - A provisional directory of third-party contributed Wagtail websites and apps.
43. Awesome Alfred Workflows
Text Manipulation
- hl (⭐96) - Syntax highlight code in the clipboard.
44. Typography
Font Combinations
- This site was featured on the Device Wall at Google I/O 2015.
45. Bots
- Universal Bot Framework - Create crossplatform chat bots for FB Messenger, Kik, Telegram and Skype with just one logic.
46. Awesome Quant
Python / Excel Integration
- xlwt (⭐1k) - Library to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 XLS files, on any platform.
- DataNitro - DataNitro also offers full-featured Python-Excel integration, including UDFs. Trial downloads are available, but users must purchase a license.
- xlloop - XLLoop is an open source framework for implementing Excel user-defined functions (UDFs) on a centralised server (a function server).
- expy - The ExPy add-in allows easy use of Python directly from within an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, both to execute arbitrary code and to define new Excel functions.
- pyxll - PyXLL is an Excel add-in that enables you to extend Excel using nothing but Python code.
- Prev: Jul 25 - Jul 31, 2016
- Next: Jul 11 - Jul 17, 2016