Awesome List Updates on Jan 11 - Jan 17, 2016
41 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Cyclejs
Learn / Videos
- Cycle.js and functional reactive user interfaces - Presentation at ReactiveConf 2015 by Andre Staltz
2. Tips
Amend author.
git commit --amend --author='Author Name <[email protected]>'
Reset author, after author has been changed in the global config.
git commit --amend --reset-author --no-edit
3. Awesome Mqtt
Community Resources
- hbmqtt (⭐766) - Python MQTT client using asyncio.
- ruby-mqtt (⭐497) - Pure Ruby gem that implements the MQTT protocol.
- mqtt-benchmark (⭐121) - A benchmarking tool for MQTT Servers.
- mqtt-fuzz (⭐66) - A simple fuzzer for the MQTT protocol.
- mqtt-spy - Java based MQTT frontend. Supports scripting.
- xbee2mqtt (⭐23) - XBee to MQTT gateway.
Telephony, PBX / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- agi-mqtt (⭐34) - Interface between Asterisk and MQTT.
- fritz2mqtt (⭐7) - Connect FRITZ!Box to MQTT.
Smart Home Hardware Interfaces / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mqtt-dss-bridge (⭐4) - MQTT digitalSTROM-Server Bridge.
Smart Home Integration Software / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- ioBroker has a MQTT adapter (⭐40).
Home Entertainment / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- lirc2mqtt (⭐23) - Send and receive infrared via LIRC.
Messaging / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mqtt-irc-bot (⭐19) - A MQTT to IRC / IRC to MQTT bridge or bot.
Architecture, Convention / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mqtt-smarthome (⭐405) - Smart home automation with MQTT as the central message bus - Architectural proposal.
4. Awesome Okr
5. Awesome Promises
Resources, Blogs, and Books / For beginners
6. Awesome Jquery
Miscellaneous Plugins / Paid Books
- Interlink - Event interlink plugin.
7. Awesome Javascript
Files / Runner
- diff2html (⭐3k) - Git diff output parser and pretty HTML generator.
8. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / G individuals
- Gleb Bahmutov
9. Awesome Katas
10. Awesome Rails Gem
View Helper / Omniauth
- cells (⭐3k) - Cells allow you to encapsulate parts of your UI into components into view models. View models, or cells, are simple ruby classes that can render templates.
11. Awesome Cpp
- ArrayFire (⭐4.6k) - A general purpose GPU library. [BSD]
12. Awesome Coldfusion
Other Libraries
- BugLogHQ (⭐154) - Exception Tracking
13. Es6 Tools
- Lebab (⭐5.5k) - Transformations for ES5 code to ES6 (approximates)
Build-time transpilation / Gulp Plugins
- TypeScript: gulp-typescript (⭐773)
Build-time transpilation / Grunt Tasks
- Babel: grunt-babel (⭐436) - Turn ES6+ code into vanilla ES5 with no runtime
- Traceur: grunt-traceur (⭐206) ES6 > ES5 transpilation, grunt-traceur-build (⭐8)
- ES6 Module Transpiler: grunt-es6-module-transpiler (⭐85)
- Regenerator: grunt-regenerator (⭐20) - ES6 generator functions to ES5
- grunt-microlib (⭐29) - tools for libs using ES6 module transpiler (sample Gruntfile (⭐7.3k))
- grunt-defs (⭐5) - ES6 block scoped const and let variables, to ES3
- es6-transpiler: grunt-es6-transpiler (⭐11) - ES6 → ES5
- TypeScript: grunt-ts (⭐323) - ES6+ > ES5/ES3 transpilation
Build-time transpilation / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: typescript-brunch
Webpack plugins / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: awesome-typescript-loader (⭐2.4k)
Duo plugins / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: duo-typescript (⭐0)
Connect plugins / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: typescript-middleware (⭐9)
Karma plugins / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: karma-typescript-preprocessor (⭐50)
Sprockets plugins / Brunch Plugins
- TypeScript: typescript-rails (⭐256)
Browser plugins / Brunch Plugins
- generator-typescript (⭐19) - Yeoman generator for TypeScript apps
14. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Tutorials
15. Awesome Microservices
API Gateways / Edge Services / Scala
- Træfɪk - A modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease.
16. Awesome Courses
Courses / Security
- EECS 588 Computer & Network Security University of Michigan
- Taught by J. Alex Halderman who has analyzed the security of Electronic Voting Machines in the US and over seas.
- This intensive research seminar covers foundational work and current topics in computer systems security.
- Readings Practical Malware Analysis book by Michael Sikorski and Andrew Honig, to teach skills in reverse engineering, malicious behaviour, malware, and anti-analysis techniques.
- Lectures Notes (⭐3.3k)
- Labs (⭐3.3k)
- Projects (⭐3.3k)
17. Awesome Iot
Papers / JavaScript on Things: Hardware for Web Developers (2018 - est.) by Lyza Danger Gardner [early access book]
- A Reference Architecture for the Internet of Things - This white paper introduces a Reference Architecture for the Internet of Things (IoT): this includes the devices as well as the server-side and cloud architecture required to interact with and manage the devices.
18. Awesome AutoHotkey
Window Management / Web
- SnapX (⭐37) - Enhances Windows/Aero Snap by taking over its hotkeys (Win+Left/Right, etc) and providing more fine-grained control over snap location and size. Works with multiple monitors, resolutions, and DPI levels.
19. Awesome Fuse
- Emacs (⭐6) - Emacs plugin for Fuse.
- Sublime (⭐22) - Sublime Text 3 plugin for Fuse.
20. Awesome Fortran
Fortran Websites
- Fortran Dev - Fortran development blog.
Fortran Videos
- GNU FORTRAN Lesson 1 - Videos about the Fortran programming language.
21. Awesome Html5
Elements / Details
Semantics / Web payments
22. Dive Into Machine Learning
Supplement: Learning Pandas well / Some communities to know about!
- Essential: 10 Minutes to Pandas
23. Awesome Npm
- Semver: A Primer (Must read!)
- NodeICO - Package badges.
- - Package discovery.
- npm-stat - Statistics charts for packages.
- npmgraph - Visualization of dependencies.
- npm trends - Compare package download counts over time.
- npm-top - npm users by downloads.
- npm semver calculator - Visually explore what versions of a package a semver range matches.
Browser extensions
- Octo-Linker - Chrome extension to navigate across npm packages on GitHub with ease.
- npm-hub - Chrome extension to explore npm dependencies on GitHub repos.
- np (⭐7.6k) - A better
npm publish
- publish-please (⭐737) - Publish packages safely and gracefully.
- npm-release (⭐102) - Making releasing to npm so easy a kitten could probably do it™.
- pkgfiles (⭐85) - List all files which would be published in a package.
- semantic-release (⭐22k) - Fully automated package publishing.
- npm-name (⭐287) - Check whether a package name is available on npm.
- package-json (⭐240) - Get the package.json of a package from the npm registry.
- npm-keyword (⭐52) - Get a list of npm packages with a certain keyword.
- dpn (⭐27) - Get the dependents of a user's npm packages.
- npm-home (⭐198) - Open the npm page of a package.
- gh-home (⭐191) - Open the GitHub page of a package.
- david (⭐968) - Check if your package dependencies are out of date.
- npm-check (⭐6.6k) - Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies, as well as interactive update.
- npm-shrinkwrap (⭐771) - A consistent shrinkwrap tool.
- npm-windows-upgrade (⭐2.5k) - Upgrade npm on Windows.
- normalize-package-data (⭐199) - Normalize package metadata.
- npm-run-path (⭐104) - Run locally installed binaries in the terminal by name like with global ones.
- local-npm (⭐1.2k) - Use npm offline.
- npe (⭐93) - CLI for inspecting and editing properties in package.json.
- engine-deps (⭐20) - Manage Node.js version specific dependencies with ease.
Command aliases
npm i
→npm install
npm t
→npm test
npm it
→npm install && npm test
npm r
→npm uninstall
FAQ / pre
and post
Community / pre
and post
Documentation / pre
and post
Support / pre
and post
24. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides
- Learn you an Elm - Elm tutorial with exhaustive examples and descriptions.
25. Vim Galore
26. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- DIGITS (⭐4.2k) - The Deep Learning GPU Training System (DIGITS) is a web application for training deep learning models.
27. Awesome Dotnet
Distributed Computing
- Orleans (⭐10k) - Orleans is a framework that provides a straight-forward approach to building distributed high-scale computing applications, without the need to learn and apply complex concurrency or other scaling patterns. It was created by Microsoft Research.
28. Awesome Android Ui
Name: SeekBarCompat (⭐156)
License: Apache License V2
Name: AVLoadingIndicatorView (⭐9.7k)
License: Apache License V2
Name: Trianglify (⭐458)
License: Apache License V2
Name: Snake View (⭐337)
License: Apache License V2
29. Awesome Stock Resources
Sounds & Music / Icons Packages and Collections
30. Awesome Android
Database / Field Validation
- Cupboard - Access the sqlite easily via direct database access or through the ContentProvider framework.
Maps / ORM
- Google-Directions-Android (⭐970) - Allows you to calculate the direction between two locations and display the route on a Google Map using the Google Directions API.
- Android Maps Extensions (⭐407) - Extending capabilities of Google Maps Android API v2, adding marker clustering among other things
HTML, CSS and Javascript / Custom Dialog
- Titanium - Open-source framework to create 'native' cross platform apps using JavaScript.
31. Awesome Interview Questions
Data Science / Windows
32. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language) / Phoenix
- Heroku Postgres (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
Objective-C / PicoLisp
Ruby / Tornado
- Introduction to Programming with Ruby - Launch School
- Object Oriented Programming with Ruby - Launch School
33. Awesome Rxjava
- Frodo (⭐1.5k) - Android Library for Logging RxJava Observables and Subscribers.
34. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- supermemo (⭐18) - An Elixir implementation of the Supermemo 2 algorithm.
- Phoenix Trello (⭐2.5k) - Trello tribute done in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.
Cloud Infrastructure and Management
- fleet_api (⭐9) - A simple wrapper for the Fleet (CoreOS) API. Can be used with etcd tokens or via direct node URLs.
Files and Directories
- exfswatch (⭐269) - A file change watcher wrapper based on fs.
Framework Components
- phoenix_slime (⭐311) - Slim template support for Phoenix.
- plug_redirect_https (⭐7) - Plug to redirect http requests to https requests behind a reverse proxy.
- entice (⭐121) - A distributed Entity-Component-System framework, providing its own example MMORPG server.
- honeybadger (⭐182) - Send logs and custom events to Honeybadger.
ORM and Datamapping
- arc_ecto (⭐254) - Arc.Ecto provides an integration with Arc and Ecto.
- exnumerator (⭐65) - Elixir enumerable type definition in a simple way to be used with any database.
- elixir_nsq (⭐90) - NSQ client library for Elixir.
- exjprop (⭐0) - Elixir library for reading Java properties files from various sources.
- elixir-lang-core - Mailinglist for Elixir Core development, use "talk" for questions and general discussions.
- elixir-lang-talk - Official Elixir Mailinglist for questions and discussions.
- phoenix-snippets (⭐5) - Phoenix Snippets for Atom.
- vim-ex_test (⭐4) - Vim test runner based on Thoughtbots vim-rspec.
- Meet Elixir - Walk through some features and concepts of Elixir by José Valim.
35. Awesome Network Js
High level
- deejay (⭐125) – Music player that broadcasts to everyone on the same network.
- dhtkv (⭐62) – CLI for storing arbitrary key/value data in the bittorrent mainline DHT.
- ipp-printer (⭐509) – Create a printer on your network.
- wifi-triangulate (⭐68) – Finds your current position on planet earth using the wifi access point.
- bonjour (⭐584) – A Bonjour/Zeroconf protocol implementation.
36. Awesome Cli Apps
Development / Mobile Development
- mobisplash-cli (⭐71) - Mobile app splash screen generator.
Files and Directories / Deleting, Copying, and Renaming
- cpy-cli (⭐345) - Copies files.
Files and Directories / Files
- file-type-cli (⭐74) - Detect the file type of a file or stdin.
37. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line apps
- mobisplash (⭐71) - Mobile app splash screen generator.
- diff2html-cli (⭐552) - Pretty git diff to HTML generator.
Resources / Community
38. Awesome Hacking Locations
Denmark 🇩🇰 / Copenhagen
The Coffee Collective (Godthåbsvej)
Coffee connoisseurs: Roasts and sells their own coffee + won several coffee championships (bad cellphone coverage)
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✘ | ✔ | Godthåbsvej 34B, 2000 Frederiksberg | Mon-Fri 7:30-19:00, Sat 9:00-18:00, Sun 10:00-18:00 |
Emmerys (Store Strandstræde)
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | Store Strandstræde 21, 1255 København K |
Paludan Bogcafé
Open late
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | Fiolstræde 10, 1171 København | Mon-Fri 9:00-22:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-22:00 |
Riccos Kaffebar (Sluseholmen)
Make sure to get the rye bread sandwiches. Their advocadomad+kartoffelmad are sublime
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | At sofa | Sluseholmen 28, 2450 København SV | Mon-Sun 8:00-17:45 |
Estonia 🇪🇪 / Tallinn
Open late
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | Ravnsborggade 10B, 2200 København | Mon 9:30—23:00, Tue-Wed 9:30—24:00, Thu 9:30—2:00, Fri 9:30—3:00, Sat 10:00—3:00, Sun 10:00—21:30 |
France 🇫🇷 / Paris
KB CafeShop
Speciality French Coffee Makers
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✘ | 53 Avenue Trudaine, 75009 Paris | Mon-Fri 7:30-18:30, Sat-Sun: 9:00-18:30 |
Le Progrès
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✘ | 7 Rue des Trois Frères, 75018 Paris |
Small coffee shop but with good coffee
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | 40 Rue Chapon, 75003 Paris | Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00, Sat 9:00-18:00, Sun 10:00-18:00 |
Anticafe Louvre
You pay 5 euros per hour and everything on the menu is free.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | 10 Rue Richelieu, 75001 Paris | Mon-Fri 9:00-22:30, Sat-Sun 10:00-21.30 |
Anticafe Beauborg
You pay 5 euros per hour and everything on the menu is free.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | 79 Rue Quincampoix 75003 Paris | Mon-Fri 9:00-22:30, Sat-Sun 10:00-9:30 |
Japan 🇯🇵 / Nagoya
Cafe Peru
Nice little coffee, they have home-made pastries and good coffee (it is hidden in a beautiful location)
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | Via di Monserrato, 46, 00186 Roma | Mon-Thu 6:00-14:00, Fri-Sat 6:00-14:30, Sun 9:00-21:00 |
Portugal 🇵🇹 / Lisbon
Pois Café
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | Rua S. João da Praça, 93-95 Lisboa |
Red Rock Coffee
Red walls set the mood at a cafe where art & live music are often served with the coffee & snacks
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | 201 Castro St, Mountain View, CA 94041 | Mon-Thu 7:00-22:00, Fri 7:00-23:00, Sat 8:00-23:00, Sun 8:00-20:00 |
Caffe Frascati
Nice decor & theming, upstairs seating, and friendly staff. Wifi is decent.
Wifi | Power | Coffee | Address | Open Hours |
ask | ✔ | ✔ | 315 S 1st St, San Jose, CA 95113 | Mon-Thu 7:30-22:00, Fri-Sat 8:00-00:00, Sun 8:00-21:00 |
United States 🇺🇸 / Illinois
Dolce Casa
A coffee shop, a European-style café, and a neighborhood gathering spot all in one.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | 4947 N Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60625 | Mon-Fri 7:00-16:00, Sat-Sun 8:00-15:00 |
The Perfect Cup
Coffee, tea, and great snacks. Plus, it's close to the Brown "L" train line.
Wifi | Power | Address | Open Hours |
✔ | ✔ | 4700 N Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60625 | Mon-Fri 6:30-20:00, Sat-Sun 7:00-20:00 |
39. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- — Help over video with augmented reality. Free without analytics, encryption, support
- — Free push notifications for up to 1 million messages/month and 100 active daily devices
- — Hosted search solution with typo-tolerance, relevance, and UI libraries to easily create search experiences. The free "Build" plan includes 1M documents and 10K searches/month. Also offers developer documentation search for free.
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- — Intranet and project management tool. The free plan has 5GB for unlimited users.
40. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- direnv (⭐11k) - An environment switcher for the shell, compare with autoenv
Multimedia and File Formats / Directory Navigation
- Beets (⭐12k) - Music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
41. Awesome Ssh
Apps / Network
- Mosh - The mobile shell.
Apps / Automation
- DSH - Dancer's shell / distributed shell - Wrapper for executing multiple remote shell commands from one command line.
- SSH Power Tool - Execute commands and upload files to many servers simultaneously without using pre-shared keys.
Apps / Web
Resources / Documentation
Resources / Community
- Prev: Jan 18 - Jan 24, 2016
- Next: Jan 04 - Jan 10, 2016