Awesome List Updates on May 02 - May 08, 2016
39 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Audio Visualization
- Chrome Music Lab - Play with simple experiments and explore how music works.
- Glowsynth - just amazing! - Play with your mouse, Qwerty keyboad, or MIDI keyboard and watch as the lights dance to your music.
Libraries Visualization
- Processing - An open source programming language and integrated development environment built for the electronic arts, new media art, and visual design communities.
2. Awesome Rethinkdb
Community / Drivers
- RethinkDB JavaScript - Officially Supported JavaScript Driver.
- RethinkDB Dash (⭐854) - An advanced Node.js driver for RethinkDB with connection pool and Streams Support.
- RethinkDB Python - Officially Supported JavaScript Driver.
- RethinkDB Ruby - Officially Supported Ruby Driver.
- RethinkDB Java - Officially Supported Java Driver.
Community / ORM
- Remodel (⭐195) - Very simple yet powerful and extensible Object Document Mapper for RethinkDB, written in Python.
- Rethink (⭐16) - Python RethinkDB Object Mapper Interface Inspired by Appengine NDB.
Community / Technology Integrations
- Hapi RethinkDB CRUD (⭐3) - CRUD handlers for Hapi interaction with Rethinkdb.
- flask-rethinkdb (⭐27) - Adds RethinkDB support to Flask.
- RabbitMQ - Integrating RethinkDB with RabbitMQ
Community / Extension Libraries
3. Awesome Tap
Documentation / Python
4. Awesome Ava
- ava-codemods (⭐69) - Codemods that simplifies upgrading to newer versions.
- vscode-ava (⭐69) - Snippets for Visual Studio Code.
- vim-ava-snippets (⭐21) - Snippets for Vim.
- fly-ava (⭐14) - Run tests with Fly.
- start-ava (⭐8) - Run tests with Start.
- sigh-ava (⭐0) - Run tests with Sigh.
5. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / Lambda
- Tim-B/grunt-aws-lambda 🔥🔥 (⭐247) - Grunt plugin.
6. Creative Commons Media
- Incompetech - Royalty free music from Kevin MacLeod.
7. Awesome Artificial Intelligence
Organizations / Commerical Tools
8. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Joe Lencioni (⭐1) - Building ImportJS and Diffux CI. Web infra at Airbnb.
9. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Testing
- PHPT - A test tool used by PHP itself.
10. Awesome Static Website Services
- highlight.js - Syntax highlighting for the web.
E-Commerce / Provided by the Host
- Gumroad - An all-in-one solution to sell your work.
Search / Provided by the Host
- Algolia - Hosted Search API that delivers instant and relevant results from the first keystroke.
11. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / Public Domain
- Good Free Photos - ©️ A large free stock photo site with thousands of public domain photos including landscapes, objects, animals, plants, textures, and many other free photos. All photos taken by the website owner.
Photography / CC0-license
- SpaceX Photos - Promotional SpaceX stock photography.
Photography / Custom License / Usage
- Designer Pics - ©️ Free photographs for personal and commercial by Jeshu John.
Fonts / Unspecified License
- Font Squirrel - Handpicked fonts free for commercial use.
How to Share / Icons Packages and Collections
12. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- Freeter - Organizer for freelancers & creatives.
For Electron / Other
- electron-rebuild (⭐1k) - Rebuild native Node.js modules against the currently installed Electron version.
13. Awesome Dotnet
- ReactJS.NET (⭐2.3k) - ReactJS.NET is a library that makes it easier to use Babel along with Facebook's React and JSX from C#.
14. Awesome Pascal
Serial port
- TComPort.
Delphi/C++ Builder serial communications components. It is generally easy to use for basic Serial Communications purposes. // Seems abandoned since 2011
Single controls
- Delphi Chromium Embedded (⭐292).
Embedding Chromium in Delphi, tested on Delphi 2010, XE, XE2, Delphi 7. // Several Chromium DLLs required
- QDAC3 (SVN: svn://
Stands for quick data access components. Useful units such as QJson (easy to use json unit), QWorker (job delivery) etc. // Description and comments in Chinese, author is not good at English. Haven't tested this library by myself.
Other non-visual
- DHibernate (⭐6).
Object Persistent Framework based on Hibernate and NHibernate for Delphi. // Abandoned since 2012
15. Awesome Mqtt
Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices
- mqtt-svg-dash (⭐57) - Subscribe to MQTT, extract JSON from a message and make lights blink on an SVG page.
16. Awesome Pcaptools
Traffic Analysis/Inspection
- PacketQ (⭐388): A tool that provides a basic SQL-frontend to PCAP-files. Outputs JSON, CSV and XML and includes a build-in webserver with JSON-api and a nice looking AJAX GUI.
17. Awesome Network Analysis
Software / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Lynks - Web-based tool for simple network analysis and visualization.
- OSoMe - Web-based platform to analyze social media data, including through Twitter-based and co-occurrence networks.
18. Awesome Geojson
- geojson-multiply (⭐2): merge normal geojson features into one multi geometry type feature
19. Awesome R
Lists / Book/monograph Lists and Reviews
- RStudio Addins (⭐845) - List of RStudio addins.
20. Awesome Projects Boilerplates
- GitHub Template Guidelines (⭐214) Collection of guidelines and boilerplate files for writing maintanable GitHub projects.
21. Awesome Jvm
Memory and concurrency
- Cap’n Proto - Insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system.
- protobuf - Google's data interchange format.
22. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
- Vue.js Screencast Series in Spanish on
23. Awesome Crystal
Algorithms and Data structures
- crystalline (⭐127) - A collection of containers and algorithms
- (⭐4) - Implementation of a multiset
- radix (⭐102) - Radix Tree implementation
- http2 (⭐95) - HTTP/2 Protocol Implementation
Template Engine
- crustache (⭐83) - {{Mustache}} for Crystal
24. Awesome Book Authoring
Self Publishing
- Self vs Professional Publishing - The pros and cons of each, plus a look at many of the options available for self publishing.
Personal Experiences, Post Mortems and Campfire Stories
- Writing a Technical Book - Michael Foord shares his experience publishing with Apress.
25. Awesome D3
Maps / Third Party
- spam (⭐102) - Create maps with D3 and Canvas, easily
26. Awesome Json Datasets
More Awesome Lists
- Style Guides (⭐1.1k) (Programming Languages, Platforms, Frameworks)
27. Awesome Mad Science
- glslify (⭐2k) - npm modules compiled into WebGL shaders
28. Awesome Observables
- any-observable (⭐65) - Support any Observable library and polyfill.
- is-observable (⭐35) - Check if a value is an Observable.
- observable-to-promise (⭐42) - Convert an Observable to a Promise.
- stream-to-observable (⭐73) - Convert a Node.js stream into an Observable.
- symbol-observable (⭐180) -
- obsify (⭐41) - Observableify a callback-style function.
- localForage-observable (⭐82) - Observables for localForage.
- Cycle.js - A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for cleaner code.
- The introduction to Reactive programming you've been missing - Reactive programming using Observables.
29. Awesome Tensorflow
- TensorFlow-Slim (⭐77k) - High-level library for defining models
Blog posts
- TensorFlow for Poets - Goes over the implementation of TensorFlow
- Introduction to Scikit Flow - Simplified Interface to TensorFlow - Key Features Illustrated
30. Awesome Relay
Starter Kits
- UniversalRelayBoilerplate (⭐713) Boilerplate + examples for React Native (iOS, Android), React (isomorphic, Material-UI), Relay, GraphQL, JWT, Node.js, Apache Cassandra.
31. Awesome Robotics
- Boston Dynamics robotics R&D company, creator of the state of the art Atlas and Spot robots
- Aldebaran Robotics creator of the NAO robot
- ABB Robotics the largest manufacturer of industrial robots
- KUKA Robotics major manufacturer of industrial robots targeted at factory automation
- FANUC industrial robots manufacturer with the biggest install base
- Rethink Robotics creator of the collaborative robot Baxter
- IEEE Spectrum Robotics robotics section of the IEEE Spectrum magazine
- MIT Technology Review Robotics robotics section of the MIT Technology Review magazine
32. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / F individuals
- Filippo Valsorda
33. Jquery Tips Everyone Should Know
Back to Top Button
By using the animate
and scrollTop
methods in jQuery you don't need a plugin to create a simple scroll-to-top animation:
// Back to top
$(".container").on("click", ".back-to-top", function (e) {
$("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 800);
<!-- Create an anchor tag -->
<div class="container">
<a href="#" class="back-to-top">Back to top</a>
Changing the scrollTop
value changes where you wants the scrollbar to land. All you're really doing is animating the body of the document throughout the course of 800 milliseconds until it scrolls to the top of the document.
[!NOTE] Watch for some buggy behavior (⭐320) with
Make Two Divs the Same Height
Sometimes you'll want two divs to have the same height no matter what content they have in them:
$(".div").css("min-height", $(".main-div").height());
This example sets the min-height
which means that it can be bigger than the main div but never smaller. However, a more flexible method would be to loop over a set of elements and set height
to the height of the tallest element:
var $columns = $(".column");
var height = 0;
$columns.each(function () {
if ($(this).height() > height) {
height = $(this).height();
If you want all columns to have the same height:
var $rows = $(".same-height-columns");
$rows.each(function () {
[!NOTE] This can be done several ways in CSS but depending on what your needs are, knowing how to do this in jQuery is handy.
Chain Plugin Calls
jQuery allows for the "chaining" of plugin method calls to mitigate the process of repeatedly querying the DOM and creating multiple jQuery objects. Let's say the following snippet represents your plugin method calls:
This could be vastly improved by using chaining:
An alternative is to cache the element in a variable (prefixed with $
var $elem = $("#elem");
Both chaining and caching methods in jQuery are best practices that lead to shorter and faster code.
34. Awesome Elixir
- logglix (⭐10) - A logger backend for posting errors to Loggly.
ORM and Datamapping
- ddb_client (⭐11) - DalmatinerDB client.
Third Party APIs
- dublin_bus_api (⭐2) - Access to the Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) for Dublin Bus services.
- Elixir Quiz - Weekly programming problems to help you learn Elixir.
35. Awesome Pyramid
Admin interface
- Websauna - a full stack application framework for Pyramid
- pyramid_ipauth (⭐11) - Pyramid authentication policy based on remote ip address.
- pyramid_sms (⭐6) - SMS services for Pyramid web framework.
36. Awesome Swift
StackView / Barcode
- StackViewController (⭐866) - Simplify the use of UIStackView.
- TZStackView (⭐1.2k) - An iOS9 UIStackView layout component re-implemented for iOS 7 and 8.
Utility / Barcode
- SwiftyUtils (⭐560) - All the reusable code that we need in each project.
37. Awesome Micro Npm Packages
Modules / Stream
- through2-map-promise (⭐3) - A small promise-based wrapper for through2.
- pump (⭐895) - pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes.
Modules / Other
- is-fqdn (⭐22) - Check if a string represent a fully qualified domain name.
38. Awesome Knockout
Plugins and libraries
- Projections (⭐4) - Adds lodash FP chainability to observable arrays
- Router (⭐67) - Router for single-page apps
- Testing (⭐15) - Helpful utilities for TDD + Knockout.js
39. Colorful
Color Palettes / Web App
- Color Lisa - Color palette masterpieces of the world’s greatest artists.
Articles / Web App
- Prev: May 09 - May 15, 2016
- Next: Apr 25 - May 01, 2016