Awesome List Updates on Dec 31, 2016
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Tensorflow
Powered by TensorFlow
- android-yolo (⭐649) - Real-time object detection on Android using the YOLO network, powered by TensorFlow.
2. Awesome Robotics
3. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Compilers, Transpilers and Languages
- roslyn (⭐19k) - The .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") provides open-source C# and Visual Basic compilers with rich code analysis APIs.
- Sprache (⭐2.3k) - Tiny C# Monadic Parser Framework.
4. Awesome Npm Scripts
Other Utilities / Utility Packs
- headr (⭐3) - Add header / banner info to a file.
5. Awesome Fp Js
- bluebird-promisell (⭐44) - A practical functional programming library for promises.
6. Awesome Sre
Monitoring & Observability & Alerting
7. Awesome Cpp
Static Code Analysis
- Infer (⭐15k) - A static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C. [BSD]
8. Awesome Network Analysis
Varia / Tutorials
- Network Map of Knowledge and Art - DBPedia-derived networks of who-was-influenced-by-whom directed ties, using SPARQL and Gephi.
9. Engineering Blogs
Companies / P companies
- Prev: Jan 01, 2017
- Next: Dec 30, 2016