Awesome List Updates on Dec 20, 2016
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Osint
OSINT Videos / Steam
2. Awesome Fp Js
Resources / Videos
- Anjana Vakil: Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript - JSUnconf 2016 - A simple and understandable introduction of functional proramming in javascript.
3. Awesome Vulkan
Hardware Support
- Vulkan Device-Generated Commands
- Getting Vulkan Ready For VR
- GPU-Driven Rendering
- GDC 16 - High-performance, Low-Overhead Rendering with OpenGL and Vulkan
- GDC 16 - Vulkan and NVIDIA – The Essentials
- Engaging the Voyage to Vulkan
- Vulkan Shader Resource Binding
- Vulkan Memory Management
- OpenGL like Vulkan
- Transitioning from OpenGL to Vulkan
- Siggraph 15 talk - Vulkan on NVIDIA GPUs
- Intel
- Siggraph
- An overview of next-generation graphics APIs - covers Vulkan, D3D12 etc.
- nvpro-samples - NVIDIA DesignWorks Samples. [LICENSE (⭐157)]
- gl_vk_chopper (⭐202) - Simple vulkan rendering example.
- gl_vk_threaded_cadscene (⭐157) - OpenGL and Vulkan comparison on rendering a CAD scene using various techniques and the blog about it.
- gl_vk_bk3dthreaded (⭐84) - Vulkan sample rendering 3D with 'worker-threads'.
- gl_vk_supersampled (⭐63) - Vulkan sample showing a high quality super-sampled rendering.
4. Awesome Laravel Education
Quick References
- bestmomo/laravel5-3-example (⭐225) - A good example of how to use Laravel 5.3 to build an web application.
5. Awesome R
- rgeos - Interface to Geometry Engine - Open Source
- rgdal - Bindings for the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
- maptools - Tools for Reading and Handling Spatial Objects
- RColorBrewer - Provides color schemes for maps
- spdep - Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics and Models
6. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / Neural Networks
- Data Driven Code (⭐30) - Very simple implementation of neural networks for dummies in python without using any libraries, with detailed comments.
7. Awesome AutoIt
Syntax Highlighter / OpenOffice
- AutoIt - Visual Studio (⭐57) - AutoIt extension for Visual Studio.
- Prev: Dec 21, 2016
- Next: Dec 19, 2016