Awesome List Updates on Dec 19, 2016
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Markdown
CMS / Blogs
- Ghost - Publishing platform for professional bloggers.
- Grav - Modern Flat-File CMS.
- Svbtle - Blogging platform designed to help you think.
Tools / Linters
- Markdownlint (⭐668) - Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
Resources / Documentation
- The text/markdown Media Type (RFC7763) - This document registers the
media type for use with Markdown, a family of plain-text formatting syntaxes.
2. Nlp with Ruby
Pipeline Generation
- ruby-spark (⭐224) - Spark bindings with an easy to understand DSL.
3. Awesome Vue
Resources / Tutorials
4. Guitarspecs
Strings / Active Pickups Electronics
- Construction (Flat Wound/Round Wound)
- Material (Steel/Nickel) and
Scale Length / Active Pickups Electronics
- quick response, crisp attack
- transparent sound with well-defined basses and heights
- larger finger spread
- higher string tension at constant gauge
- warmer
- more sustain and longer decay
5. Awesome Angular
Documentation tools / Google Developer Experts
- Compodoc (⭐4k) - The missing documentation tool for your Angular application.
6. Awesome Cpp
- nana - Nana is a cross-platform library for GUI programming in modern C++ style. [Boost]
- Blackhole (⭐200) - Attribute-based logging framework, which is designed to be fast, modular and highly customizable. [MIT]
7. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- docfx (⭐4k) - Tools for building and publishing API documentation for .NET projects
8. Awesome Ruby
Coding Style Guides
- Fundamental Ruby (⭐473) - Fundamental programming ruby with examples. Threads, design patterns, data structures, OOP SOLID principle, algorithms.
9. Awesome Courses
Courses / Programming Languages / Compilers
- CS 75 Principles of Compiler Design Swathmore College
- Modelled after the influential paper on incremental approach to compiler design, this course teaches how to build a compiler in OCaml
- Course on Github
- Notes (⭐37)
- CS 91 Introduction to Programming Languages Swathmore College
10. Awesome Information Retrieval
- Introduction to Information Retrieval - C.D. Manning, P. Raghavan, H. Schütze. Cambridge UP, 2008. (First book for getting started with Information Retrieval).
- Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice - Bruce Croft, Don Metzler, and Trevor Strohman. 2009. (Great book for readers interested in knowing how Search Engines work. The book is very detailed).
- Language Modeling for Information Retrieval - W.B. Croft, J. Lafferty. Springer, 2003. (Handles Language Modeling aspect of Information Retrieval. It also extensively details probabilistic perspective in this domain, which is interesting).
Datasets / Standard IR Collections
- TREC Collections - TREC is the benchmark dataset used by most IR and Web search algorithms. It has several tracks, each of which consists of dataset to test for a specific task. The tracks along with suggested use-case are:
- Blog - Explore information seeking behavior in the blogosphere.
- Chemical IR - Address challenges in building large chemical testbeds for chemical IR.
- Clinical Decision Support - Investigate techniques to link medical cases to information relevant for patient care.
- Confusion - Study Known Item Searching problem.
- Contextual Suggestion - Investigate search techniques for complex information needs (context and user interests based).
- Crowdsourcing - Explore crowdsourcing methods for performing and evaluating search.
- Enterprise - Study search over the organization data.
- Entity - Perform entity-related search (find entities and their properties) on Web data.
- Filtering - Binarily decide retrieval of new incoming documents given a stable information need.
- Federated Web Search - Study merge performance for results from various search services.
- Genomics - Study retrieval efficiency of genomics data and corresponding documentation.
- HARD - Obtain High Accuracy Retrieval from Documents by leveraging searcher's context.
- Interactive Track - Study user interaction with text retrieval systems.
- Knowledge base acceleration - Study algorithms that improve efficiency of human Knowledge Base.
- Legal Track - Study retrieval systems that have high recall for legal documents use case.
- Medical Track - Explore unstructured search performance over patients record data.
- Microblog Track - Examine satisfaction of real-time information need for microblogging sites.
- Million Query Track - Explore ad-hoc retrieval over large set of queries.
- Novelty Track - Investigate systems' abilities to locate new (non-redundant) information.
- Question Answering Track - Test systems that scale beyond document retrieval, to retrieve answers to factoid, list and definition type questions.
- Relevance Feedback Track - For deep evaluation of relevance feedback processes.
- Robust Track - Study individual topic's effectiveness.
- Session Track - Develop methods for measuring multiple-query sessions where information needs drift.
- SPAM Track - Benchmark spam filtering approaches.
- Tasks Track - Test if systems can induce possible tasks, users might be trying to accomplish for the query.
- Temporal Summarization Track - Develop systems that allow users to efficiently monitor the information associated with an event over time.
- Terabyte Track - Test scalability of IR systems to large scale collection.
- Web Track - Explore information seeking behaviors common in general web search.
Talks / Technical Talks
- The next web - Tim Berners-Lee (Ted Talk) [Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. He leads the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), overseeing the Web's standards and development].
- Internet Privacy - Dr. Alma Whitten (Google Brussels Tech Talk).
Talks / Philosophical Talks
- The case for anonymity online - Christopher "moot" Poole" (Ted Talks) [Christopher "moot" Poole is founder of 4chan, an online imageboard whose anonymous denizens have spawned the web's most bewildering and influential subculture].
11. Awesome R
- Leaflet - One of the most popular JavaScript libraries interactive maps.
- CRAN Task View: Analysis of Spatial Data- Spatial Analysis related resources.
- ggmap (⭐770) - Plotting maps in R with ggplot2.
- REmap (⭐257) - R interface to the JavaScript library ECharts for interactive map data visualization.
- sp - Classes and Methods for Spatial Data.
- gstat (⭐196) - Spatial and spatio-temporal geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation.
- spacetime (⭐74) - R classes and methods for spatio-temporal data.
- spatstat (⭐198) - Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting, Simulation, Tests
HTML Widgets
- wordcloud2 (⭐396) - R interface to wordcloud2.js.
Books / Paid
- Learning R Programming - Learning R as a programming language from basics to advanced topics.
12. Awesome AutoHotkey
Integrated Development Environment / Web
- Sublime 4 AutoHotkey - Sublime 4 AutoHotkey is a patch for Sublime Text text editor which adds support for AutoHotkey. - (discontinued)
13. Awesome Talks
Software Design
- Therapeutic Refactoring by Katrina Owen (Cascadia Ruby Conf 2012) [26:04]
- Prev: Dec 20, 2016
- Next: Dec 18, 2016