Awesome List Updates on Nov 29, 2016
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Sre
Misc Articles
2. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Chris 'Freddy' Getsfred (⭐0) - Black hoodie aficionado, full-stack developer, JavaScript lover, new open source contributer, former script nerd, former technology instructor.
3. Nlp with Ruby
Language Aware String Manipulation / Constituency Parsing
- active_support (⭐52k) -
gem has various string extensions that can handle case.
Books / Constituency Parsing
- Miller, Rob. Text Processing with Ruby: Extract Value from the Data That Surrounds You. Pragmatic Programmers, 2015. [link]
- Watson, Mark. Practical Semantic Web and Linked Data Applications. Lulu, 2010. [link]
4. Awesome Ant Design
Boilerplates / Themes
- React SPA (⭐514) - Building SPA with React, Router, ES6, Fetch, Babel, Webpack, Npm, MockJs, FontAwesome, AnimateCSS, Ant Design, LESS and jQuery.
- React Antd Starter (⭐105) - This project is designed to develop website/web apps using Ant Design and Redux.
- React Redux Antd Starter (⭐89) - Front-end boilerplate built with React, Redux and Ant Design.
- Koa (⭐65) - Example app to build Admin UI built with React, Ant Design and Koa.
- Star Admin (⭐76) - Demo app built with React, Ant Design, Redux, React-router, Webpack and Babel.
- React Start Kit (⭐109) - SPA Boilerplate built with React, Webpack, ES6+, Redux, Router, Babel, Express, Ant Design.
- React Boilerplate (⭐19) - React Admin front-end boilerplate built with Ant Design.
5. Awesome Tensorflow
- Tensorflow and deep learning - without at PhD - by Martin Görner
6. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Web Socket
- SignalR Server (⭐2.4k) - Real-time web functionality for web apps, including server-side push.
Articles / Workflow
- Configuration and deployment
- .NET project structure
- Adding Travis CI builds to a .NET Core app
- ASP.NET Core 1.0 - Configure ApplicationInsights
- haproxy, nginx, Angular 2, ASP.NET Core, Redis and Docker
- Project.json to MSBuild conversion guide
- Publishing a .NET project with Appveyor and NuGet
- The New Configuration Model in ASP.NET Core
- Testing
7. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Job queues
- idoit (⭐77) - Redis-backed job queue engine with advanced job control.
8. Awesome Courses
Courses / Machine Learning
- CS246 Mining Massive Data Sets Stanford University
- The course will discuss data mining and machine learning algorithms for analyzing very large amounts of data. The emphasis will be on Map Reduce as a tool for creating parallel algorithms that can process very large amounts of data.
- Lecture Videos
- Assignments
- Lecture notes
- Readings
9. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / DynamoDB
- channl/dynamodb-lambda-autoscale 🔥🔥 (⭐312) - Autoscale DynamoDB provisioned capacity using Lambda.
10. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Software-specific
- Data Science and Complex Networks: Real Case Studies with Python, by Guido Caldarelli and Alessandro Chessa (2016).
- Prev: Nov 30, 2016
- Next: Nov 28, 2016