Awesome List Updates on Nov 27, 2016
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Nlp with Ruby
Segmentation / On-line APIs
- tokenizer (⭐44) - Simple multilingual tokenizer. [tutorial]
- pragmatic_tokenizer (⭐87) - Multilingual tokenizer to split a string into tokens.
- textoken (⭐31) - Simple and customizable text tokenization library.
- pragmatic_segmenter (⭐503) - Word Boundary Disambiguation with many cookies.
- punkt-segmenter (⭐89) - Pure Ruby implementation of the Punkt Segmenter.
- tactful_tokenizer (⭐79) - RegExp based tokenizer for different languages.
- scapel (⭐53) - Sentence Boundary Disambiguation tool.
Lexical Processing / Stemming
- ruby-stemmer (⭐255) - Ruby-Stemmer exposes the SnowBall API to Ruby.
- uea-stemmer (⭐50) - Conservative stemmer for search and indexing.
Lexical Processing / Lemmatization
- lemmatizer (⭐102) - WordNet based Lemmatizer for English texts.
Lexical Processing / Lexical Statistics: Counting Types and Tokens
- wc (⭐6) - Facilities to count word occurrences in a text.
- word_count (⭐4) -
Word counter for
Phrasal Level Processing / Filtering Stop Words
- n_gram (⭐36) - N-Gram generator.
- ruby-ngram (⭐11) - Break words and phrases into ngrams.
- raingrams (⭐69) - Flexible and general-purpose ngrams library written in pure Ruby.
Semantic Analysis / Constituency Parsing
- amatch (⭐354) - Set of five distance types between strings (including Levenshtein, Sellers, Jaro-Winkler, 'pair distance').
- damerau-levenshtein (⭐127) - Calculates edit distance using the Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm.
- hotwater (⭐80) - Fast Ruby FFI string edit distance algorithms.
- levenshtein-ffi (⭐148) - Fast string edit distance computation, using the Damerau-Levenshtein algorithm.
- tf_idf (⭐36) - Term Frequency / Inverse Document Frequency in pure Ruby.
- tf-idf-similarity (⭐652) - Calculate the similarity between texts using TF/IDF.
Pragmatical Analysis / Constituency Parsing
- SentimentLib (⭐13) - Simple extensible sentiment analysis gem.
Text Alignment / Constituency Parsing
- alignment (⭐1) - Alignment routines for bilingual texts (Gale-Church implementation).
Machine Translation / Constituency Parsing
- microsoft_translator (⭐21) - Ruby client for the microsoft translator API.
- termit (⭐507) - Google Translate with speech synthesis in your terminal.
Numbers, Dates, and Time Parsing / Constituency Parsing
- chronic_between (⭐27) - Simple Ruby natural language parser for date and time ranges.
- chronic_duration (⭐347) - Pure Ruby parser for elapsed time.
- kronic (⭐151) - Methods for parsing and formatting human readable dates.
- nickel (⭐107) - Extracts date, time, and message information from naturally worded text.
- tickle (⭐75) - Parser for recurring and repeating events.
Named Entity Recognition / Constituency Parsing
- ruby-ner (⭐17) - Named Entity Recognition with Stanford NER and Ruby.
- ruby-nlp (⭐87) - Ruby Binding for Stanford Pos-Tagger and Name Entity Recognizer.
Text-to-Speech-to-Text / Constituency Parsing
- espeak-ruby (⭐186) - Small Ruby API for utilizing 'espeak' and 'lame' to create text-to-speech mp3 files.
- tts (⭐89) - Text-to-Speech conversion using the Google translate service.
- att_speech (⭐20) - Ruby wrapper over the AT&T Speech API for speech to text.
- pocketsphinx-ruby (⭐253) - Pocketsphinx bindings.
Machine Learning Libraries / Constituency Parsing
- rb-libsvm (⭐276) - Support Vector Machines with Ruby.
- rtimbl (⭐5) - Memory based learners from the Timbl framework.
- classifier-reborn (⭐531) - General classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications.
- liblinear-ruby-swig (⭐82) - Ruby interface to LIBLINEAR (much more efficient than LIBSVM for text classification).
- linnaeus (⭐37) - Redis-backed Bayesian classifier.
- maxent_string_classifier (⭐9) - JRuby maximum entropy classifier for string data, based on the OpenNLP Maxent framework.
- naive_bayes (⭐46) - Simple Naive Bayes classifier.
- nbayes (⭐149) - Full-featured, Ruby implementation of Naive Bayes.
- omnicat (⭐11) - Generalized rack framework for text classifications.
- omnicat-bayes (⭐32) - Naive Bayes text classification implementation as an OmniCat classifier strategy.
Language Aware String Manipulation / Constituency Parsing
- fuzzy-string-match (⭐268) - Fuzzy string matching library for Ruby.
- u - U extends Ruby’s Unicode support.
- unicode (⭐82) - Unicode normalization library.
- CommonRegexRuby (⭐78) - Find a lot of kinds of common information in a string.
- regexp-examples (⭐508) - Generate strings that match a given regular expression.
- verbal_expressions (⭐570) - Make difficult regular expressions easy.
2. Awesome Frege
Sample Applications / Media
- Zwana (⭐4) - Piano using Java Midi.
Tools / Build Tools
- gottlob (⭐0) - Build tool for Frege.
3. Awesome Dropwizard
Open Source / Eclipse
- dropwizard-graphql (⭐53) - A GraphQL bundle for Dropwizard
4. Awesome Composer
Plugins / IRC
- Composer-Bin-Plugin (⭐490) - Adds support for managing dependencies for multiple packages in a single repository or isolate bin dependencies.
- Composer-Inheritance-Plugin (⭐28) - Opinionated version of Wikimedia composer-merge-plugin to work in pair with Bamarni composer-bin-plugin.
5. Awesome Information Retrieval
- Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval - G.G. Chowdhury. Neal-Schuman, 2003. (Intended for students of library and information studies).
- Text Information Retrieval Systems - C.T. Meadow, B.R. Boyce, D.H. Kraft, C.L. Barry. Academic Press, 2007 (library/information science perspective).
Blogs / Interesting Reads
- Deep Neural Network Learns to Judge Books by Their Covers - Information Extraction.
- Can Deep Learning help solve Deep Learning - Information Retrieval from Lip Reading.
- To reduce biases in machine learning start with openly discussing the problem - Bias in Relevance.
- Whoa, Google’s AI Is Really Good at Pictionary - Sketch-based search.
- Neural Network Learns to Identify Criminals by Their Faces - Information Extraction.
- Prev: Nov 28, 2016
- Next: Nov 26, 2016