Awesome List Updates on Nov 20, 2016
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Android
GUI / Images
- Crescento (⭐1.3k) - Explore new style in material design by adding curve below image view.
2. Awesome Information Retrieval
- Modern Information Retrieval - R. Baeza-Yates, B. Ribeiro-Neto. Addison-Wesley, 1999.
- Information Retrieval in Practice - B. Croft, D. Metzler, T. Strohman. Pearson Education, 2009.
- Mining the Web: Analysis of Hypertext and Semi Structured Data - S. Chakrabarti. Morgan Kaufmann, 2002.
- INF384H / CS395T / INF350E: Concepts of Information Retrieval (and Web Search) - Matthew Lease (University of Texas at Austin).
- CS 276 / LING 286: Information Retrieval and Web Search - Chris Manning and Pandu Nayak (Stanford University).
- CS 371R: Information Retrieval and Web Search - Raymond J. Mooney (University of Texas at Austin).
- CS 172: Introduction to Information Retrieval - Vagelis Hristidis (University of California - Riverside).
- SIMS 240: Principles of Information Retrieval - Ray R. Larson (UC berkeley).
- 11-442 / 11-642: Search Engines - Jamie Callan (CMU).
- 600.466: Information Retrieval and Web Agents - David Yarowsky (John Hopkins University).
- CS 435: Information Retrieval, Discovery, and Delivery - Andrea LaPaugh (Princeton University).
- Information Retrieval and Data Mining - Dr. Jilles Vreeken , Prof. Dr. Gerhard Weikum (MPI).
Datasets / Standard IR Collections
- DBPedia - Linked data web.
- Cranfield Collections - This is one of the first collections in IR domain, however the dataset is too small for any statistical significance analysis, but is nevertheless suitable for pilot runs.
- GOV2 Test Collection - This is one of the largest Web collection of documents obtained from crawl of government websites by Charlie Clarke and Ian Soboroff, using NIST hardware and network, then formatted by Nick Craswel.
- NTCIR Test Collection - This is collection of wide variety of dataset ranging from Ad-hoc collection, Chinese IR collection, mobile clickthrough collections to medical collections. The focus of this collection is mostly on east asian languages and cross language information retrieval.
- CLIR Test Collections - This dataset can be used for cross lingual IR between CJKE (Chinese-Japanese-Korean-English) languages. It is suitable for the following tasks:
- Multilingual CLIR
- Bilingual CLIR
- Single Language CLIR
- Cross Language Q&A (CLQA) dataset collection - It supports following bi-lingua and mono-lingua:
- Bi-lingua
- Japanese to English.
- Chinese to English.
- English to Japanese.
- English to Chinese.
- Mono-lingua
- Chinese to Chinese.
- Japanese to Japanese.
- English to English.
- Bi-lingua
- Advanced Cross Linugal Information Retrieval and Question Answering (ACLIA) - The dataset is used for the task of cross-lingual question answering but the complexity of the task is higher than CLQA dataset.
- CLIR Test Collections - This dataset can be used for cross lingual IR between CJKE (Chinese-Japanese-Korean-English) languages. It is suitable for the following tasks:
- Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) dataset - It contains a multi-lingual document collection. The test suite includes:
- AdHoc - News Test suite.
- Domain Specific Test Suite - On collections of scientific articles.
- Question Answering Test Suite.
Talks / Technical Talks
- Is Pivot a turning point for web exploration? - Gary Flake, Technical Fellow at Microsoft (TED Talks).
- Challenges in Building Large-Scale Information Retrieval Systems - Jeff Dean (WSDM Conference, 2009).
- Knowledge-based Information Retrieval with Wikipedia - David Wilne (The University of Waikato, 2008).
- Music Information Retrieval Using Locality Sensitive Hashing - Steve Tjoa (RackSpace Developers) [This talk shows that IR is not just text and images].
- The Functional Web -- The Future of Apps and the Web - Liron Shapira (Box Tech Talk).
- Information Experience - Solution to Information Overload on Web - Doug Imbruce (Techcrunch Disrupt)[Doug Imbruce is the Founder of Qwiki, Inc, a technology startup in New York, NY, acquired by Yahoo! in 2013].
Talks / Philosophical Talks
- The moral bias behind your search results - Andreas Ekström (Swedish Author & Journalist, TED Talk).
- Beware online "filter bubbles" - Eli Pariser (Author of the Filter Bubble, TED Talk).
- Think your email's private? Think again - Andy Yen (CERN, TED Talk) [This talk talks about privacy, which Search Engines intrude into, and how can people protect it].
- Do we have the right to be forgotten? - Michael Douglas [TEDx SouthBank].
Conferences / Philosophical Talks
- Web Search and Data Mining Conference - WSDM.
- Special Interests Group on Information Retrieval - SIGIR.
- Text REtrieval Conference - TREC.
- European Conference on Information Retrieval - ECIR.
- World Wide Web Conference - WWW.
- Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - CIKM.
- Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation - FIRE.
- Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum - CLEF.
- NII Testsbeds and Community for Information access Research - NTCIR.
Blogs / Philosophical Talks
- Information Retrieval and the Web - Google Research.
- IR Thoughts - Dr. Edel Garcia.
3. Awesome Malware Analysis
Storage and Workflow / Other Resources
- stoQ - Distributed content analysis framework with extensive plugin support, from input to output, and everything in between.
4. Awesome Elm
Learning Guides / Outdated Tutorials and books (Elm 0.18 or earlier)
- Elm For Beginners - Video Course - Build your first Elm Web App.
5. Awesome Electron
For Electron / Other
- electron-pdf-window (⭐280) - View PDF files in browser windows.
6. Awesome Drupal
- Devel - Suite of modules containing fun for module developers and themers.
- Solr Script (⭐4) - Handy script to install Apache Solr.
7. Awesome Deep Vision
Object Detection
- PVANET [Paper] [Code] (⭐654)
- Kye-Hyeon Kim, Sanghoon Hong, Byungseok Roh, Yeongjae Cheon, Minje Park, PVANET: Deep but Lightweight Neural Networks for Real-time Object Detection, arXiv:1608.08021
8. Awesome Creative Coding
- Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript - Everything you need to know to create animation using the HTML5 canvas.
- Playing with chaos - Programming Fractals and Strange Attractors in JavaScript.
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend - Mini book about Ray Tracing.
Web Programming • Libraries
- three.js (⭐103k) - JavaScript 3D library.
Inspiration / Other
- For your Processing - Projects and tutorials about Processing.
- Art From Code - Code sketches by Keith Peters.
- Generator.x - Flickr group about generative strategies in art & design.
- Generative Art - Flickr group about generative art.
9. Awesome AutoHotkey
(Use in) other programming languages / Web
- AutoHotkey.dll - Part of the AutoHotkey_H distribution. Load the autohotkey.dll from your other language, and pass normal AHK code to the dll file for execution. See here for a list of the exported functions. Some older links: python example, c/c++ example, forum link
- Prev: Nov 21, 2016
- Next: Nov 19, 2016