Awesome List Updates on Nov 17, 2016
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Engineering Blogs
Companies / L companies
Companies / S companies
- Squarespace
2. Awesome Web Design
- UI Movement: The best UI design inspiration, every day.
- UI Gradients: Beautiful color gradients.
- Font Awesome: The iconic font and CSS toolkit.
- The Noun Project: Icons for Everything.
- Pexels: Best free stock photos in one place.
- Flickr: The home for all your photos.
Design Tools
- Sketch: A lightweight program for digital design for Mac.
- Paste: A smart clipboard history manager for Mac.
- Sip: A color picker for Mac.
3. Awesome Ctf
- Commix (⭐3.5k) - Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool.
4. Awesome Php
Configuration / Development Environment
- Docker - A containerization platform.
5. Awesome Ava
6. Awesome Creative Coding
Web Programming • Libraries
- Stackgl - Open software ecosystem for WebGL, built on top of browserify and npm.
- Paper.js - The swiss army knife of vector graphics scripting.
- Fabric.js - Javascript canvas library, SVG-to-canvas parser.
- Sketch.js - Minimal JavaScript creative coding framework.
- Two.js - Two-dimensional drawing api geared towards modern web browsers.
Inspiration / Other
- OpenProcessing - Algorithmic Designs Created with Processing, p5js and processingjs.
- Dwitter - Social network for short JavaScript demos.
Articles • Tutorials / Shaders • OpenGL • WebGL
- GLSL lighting walkthrough (⭐460) - Phong shading tutorial with glslify.
Math / Other
- Coding Math - Teaches you the math you need to understand as a programmer.
7. Awesome Promises
Resources, Blogs, and Books / For beginners
- JavaScript Promises: an Introduction - Basics of JavaScript's native promise implementation.
- Promise it won't hurt (⭐718) - An interactive nodeschool workshop
- An Incremental Tutorial on Promises - An FAQ styled tutorial for beginners.
Resources, Blogs, and Books / Deep Dive
- Promise Fun (⭐4.1k) - @sindresorhus's notes, patterns, and solutions to common Promise problems
Promises/A+ Implementations (ES6/ES2015 compatible) / Implementations with extras
- creed (⭐270) - Hyper performant & full featured like Bluebird, but FP-oriented. Coroutines, generators, promises, ES2015 iterables, & fantasy-land spec.
Convenience Utilities / sindresorhus's many Promise utilities ( see notes )
- delay (⭐516) - Delay a promise a specified amount of time.
- loud-rejection (⭐282) - Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail.
- hard-rejection (⭐102) - Make unhandled promise rejections fail hard right away instead of the default silent fail
- p-queue (⭐2.3k) - Promise queue with concurrency control
- p-break (⭐19) - Break out of a promise chain
- p-lazy (⭐247) - Create a lazy promise that defers execution until
is called
- p-defer (⭐58) - Create a deferred promise
- p-if (⭐62) - Conditional promise chains
- p-tap (⭐132) - Tap into a promise chain without affecting its value or state
- p-map (⭐910) - Map over promises concurrently
- p-all (⭐212) - Run promise-returning & async functions concurrently with optional limited concurrency
- p-limit (⭐1.1k) - Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency
- p-times (⭐35) - Run promise-returning & async functions a specific number of times concurrently
- p-catch-if (⭐38) - Conditional promise catch handler
- p-time (⭐65) - Measure the time a promise takes to resolve
- p-log (⭐25) - Log the value/error of a promise
- p-filter (⭐62) - Filter promises concurrently
- p-settle (⭐81) - Settle promises concurrently and get their fulfillment value or rejection reason
- p-memoize (⭐312) - Memoize promise-returning & async functions
- p-whilst (⭐45) - Calls a function repeatedly while a condition returns true and then resolves the promise
- p-throttle (⭐289) - Throttle promise-returning & async functions
- p-debounce (⭐152) - Debounce promise-returning & async functions
- p-retry (⭐569) - Retry a promise-returning or async function
- p-wait-for (⭐121) - Wait for a condition to be true
- p-timeout (⭐205) - Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time
- p-race (⭐36) - A better
- p-try (⭐42) -
ponyfill - Starts a promise chain
- p-finally (⭐47) -
ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcome
- p-any (⭐53) - Wait for any promise to be fulfilled
- p-some (⭐34) - Wait for a specified number of promises to be fulfilled
- p-pipe (⭐109) - Compose promise-returning & async functions into a reusable pipeline
- p-each-series (⭐46) - Iterate over promises serially
- p-map-series (⭐44) - Map over promises serially
- p-reduce (⭐64) - Reduce a list of values using promises into a promise for a value
- p-props (⭐168) - Like
but forMap
Convenience Utilities / Others
- promise-nodeify (⭐1) - Standalone
method which calls a Node-style callback on resolution or rejection.
8. Awesome Dotnet
Code Analysis and Metrics
- BenchmarkDotNet (⭐11k) - Powerful .NET library for benchmarking.
Visual Studio Plugins
- Nuget Package Manager - NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET
- Prev: Nov 18, 2016
- Next: Nov 16, 2016