Awesome List Updates on Oct 26, 2016
15 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Sre
Monitoring & Observability & Alerting
2. Awesome PICO 8
Contents / Tools
- P8Coder (⭐99) - A programming tool that replaces the lua code in pico-8 cartridges (p8) with the code you write in P8Coder.
3. Awesome Remote Job
Job boards
Companies with "remote DNA"
- Drupal Association - Non-profit supporting the Drupal project.
4. Awesome Dataviz
JavaScript tools / React
- Recharts (⭐19k) - Declarative react components to render D3 charts.
Android tools / Misc
- DecoView (⭐988) - Animated circular wheel chart library.
- WilliamChart (⭐4.9k) - Simple chart library.
5. Awesome Rest
Querying / Symfony2
- rest-assured (⭐6.9k) - Java DSL for easy testing of REST services.
6. Awesome Appium
- Testing Diaries - Appium Tutorial for Complete Beginners.
7. Awesome Tensorflow
Blog posts
- RNNs In TensorFlow, A Practical Guide And Undocumented Features - Step-by-step guide with full code examples on GitHub.
8. Awesome Algorithms
- Algorithm Visualizer - Dozens of animated algorithms (with code), and you can also create your own.
- Algorithms Visualization - A dense article on Algorithms Visualization.
- Big-O Cheat Sheet - Big-O complexities of common algorithms used in Computer Science.
- Data Structure Visualizations - Visualize the behavior of Data Structures and play with its operations.
- Sorting Algorithms - Nice and simple animations of sorting algorithms. With short codes and discussions.
- VisuAlgo - Visualising data structures and algorithms through animation.
- Wikipedia - Algorithms - Of course!!
- Wikipedia - Data Structures - and why not ?!!
Online Courses
- Udacity Intro to Algorithms - Python-based Algorithms course.
Books / Algorithms and Data structures
- Algorithms - Problems explained with Java, OO good practices, visualizations, and free online resources.
- Data Structures Using C - The basic concepts and usages of data structures.
- Elementary Algorithms (⭐6.1k) - An awesome book about algorithms and data structures.
- Grokking Algorithms - An illustrated book on algorithms with practical examples.
- Introduction to Algorithms - Essential!
- The Art of Computer Programming - The Book.
Online Judges / Randomized Algorithms
- Codeforces - The only programming contests Web 2.0 platform
- CoderByte - A decent website with algorithm challenges from beginner to advanced levels. Supports most of the popular languages like C++, python, javascript, ruby.
- HackerRank - Featured algorithm and functional programming online judges
- Infoarena - Romanian Online Judge. 1500+ algorithmic problems
- LavidaOnlineJudge - Korean Online Judge(Half English). 1300+ problems.
- Learneroo Algorithms Tutorials - Learn and practice algorithms by solving challenges online.
- LeetCode - Learn algorithms and prepare for interviews.
- PKU JudgeOnline - Chinese Online Judge.
- SPOJ - More problems.
9. Awesome Cpp
- LevelDB (⭐37k) - A fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. [BSD]
10. Engineering Blogs
Companies / C companies
- Crowdfire
Individuals/Group Contributors / E individuals
- Evan Jones
11. Awesome Elixir
- ex_postmark (⭐4) - Postmark adapter for sending template emails in Elixir.
- kitto (⭐957) - A framework for interactive dashboards.
Instrumenting / Monitoring
- appsignal-elixir (⭐287) - Collects error and performance data from your Elixir applications and sends it to AppSignal.
- prometheus-phoenix (⭐71) - Phoenix instrumenter for prometheus.ex.
- prometheus_process_collector (⭐52) - Prometheus collector which exports the current state of process metrics including cpu, memory, file descriptor usage and native threads count as well as the process start and up times.
- pit (⭐29) - Transform values as they flow inside a pipe.
Third Party APIs
- darkskyx (⭐12) - A (formerly API client for Elixir.
- elixirfm (⭐9) - API wrapper for Elixir.
- ex_codeship (⭐0) - API Client for Codeship.
- Getting Started - Elixir (⭐100) - PDF, MOBI, and EPUB documents for Elixir's Getting Started tutorial (2016).
- ElixirSublime (⭐364) - Elixir plugin for SublimeText 3 that provides code completion and linting.
12. Awesome Quantified Self
Articles & Blogs
- The Personal Analytics of My Life by Stephen Wolfram - Stephen Wolfram explores the data he has collected on the use of his time.
- Measured Me - Personal experiment in self-quantification and self-optimization.
- Quantified Bob - Follow one guy's quest for self knowledge, betterment, and optimization through experimentation and personal analytics.
- Shadow of the Stream - Quantified Self, lifelogging, journaling, education.
- QS on Medium - Quantified Self posts on Medium.
- QS on Venture Beat - Quantified Self articles on Venture Beat.
- QS on Wired - Quantified Self articles on
- QS on LiveScience - Quantified Self articles on LiveScience.
- Ted Talk: The Quantified Self - Ted talk by Gary Wolf on the Quantified Self movement.
- Tedx Talk: Wearable Tech Expands Human Potential - Lauren Costantini explores what it means to be human in the age of the Quantified Self.
13. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Tools
- ShareX (⭐29k) - Free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to over 80 supported destinations you can choose from.
Videos / Workflow
14. Awesome Computer Vision
Computer Vision
- Advances in Computer Vision - Antonio Torralba and Bill Freeman (MIT)
Computational Photography
- Computational Photography - Irfan Essa (Georgia Tech)
Machine Learning and Statistical Learning
- Intro to Machine Learning - Sebastian Thrun (Stanford University)
- Machine Learning - Charles Isbell, Michael Littman (Georgia Tech)
Links / Image Deblurring
15. Awesome Vue
Resources / Job Portal
- Vue.js Jobs - VueJobs - A Vue.js job portal to hire or get hired for all your Vue.js jobs.
- Prev: Oct 27, 2016
- Next: Oct 25, 2016