Awesome List Updates on Mar 07 - Mar 13, 2016
41 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Security
Network / Scanning / Pentesting
- pig (⭐459) - A Linux packet crafting tool.
2. Awesome Book Authoring
Must Reads
Book Proposals
Royalties, Advances, and Other Money Stuff
List of Publishers
3. Awesome Fp Js
- fnuc (⭐16) – A functional library for CoffeeScript (and JavaScript) to facilitate functional composition and higher order functions.
- curry (⭐85) – Curry your functions using function bind syntax.
- compose-function (⭐56) – Compose a new function from smaller functions.
- functionize (⭐49) – A collection of functions which aid in making non-functional libraries functional.
- lambdajs (⭐143) – The full ECMAScript API done a functional way.
- fp-dom – Making the DOM functional.
- trifl (⭐36) – A functional user interface library with unidirectional dataflow and a virtual dom.
- funcy (⭐247) – An experiment in adding functional pattern matching to JavaScript. Experimental 🚩
- _part_ (⭐41) – A micro library that encourages functional programming by making native methods available as partially applied functions.
- claire (⭐79) – A property-based testing library for clearly specifying code invariants and behaviour.
Libraries / Data Structures
- Immutable.js (⭐33k) – Immutable persistent data collections.
- Mori (⭐3.4k) – ClojureScript’s persistent data structures and supporting API from the comfort of vanilla JavaScript.
- immutable-sequence.js (⭐16) – High performance implementation of Immutable Sequence in JavaScript, based on Finger Trees (⭐45).
- Timm – Immutability helpers with fast reads and acceptable writes.
- Lazy.js (⭐6k) – A utility library with a lazy engine under the hood that strives to do as little work as possible while being as flexible as possible.
Libraries / Algebraic Data Types
- daggy (⭐701) – Library for creating tagged constructors.
- union-type (⭐478) – A small JavaScript library for defining and using union types.
- freeky (⭐176) – A collection of Free monads.
- fantasy-combinators (⭐66) – Common combinators.
- fantasy-birds (⭐91) – Port of the Haskell package Data.Aviary.Birds. Everything for your combinatory needs.
Libraries / Lenses
- lenses (⭐214) – Composable kmett (⭐2k) style lenses.
- optics (⭐87) – Profunctor optics (Lens, Prism, iso).
- ramda-lens (⭐184) – 🐏 🔎 Lens library built on Ramda.
- fantasy-lenses (⭐109) – Composable, immutable getters and setters. (Profunctor lenses WIP)
- nanoscope (⭐177) – Lenses with dotty support.
Functional Languages that Compile to JavaScript / Lenses
- ClojureScript (⭐9.2k) – Compiles Clojure, a hosted Lisp with immutable persistent data structures, to JavaScript.
- Elm – A type-safe functional programming language for declaratively creating web browser-based graphical user interfaces. Implemented in Haskell.
- PureScript – A small strongly typed programming language that compiles to JavaScript.
- Idris – A general purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types.
- GHCJS (⭐2.6k) – Haskell to JavaScript compiler, based on GHC.
- ElixirScript (⭐1.6k) – Compiles a subset of Elixir, a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications, to JavaScript.
- Js_of_ocaml – Compiles OCaml bytecode to JavaScript, making it possible to run OCaml programs in the browser.
- LiveScript – LiveScript has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate.
Resources / Articles
- Functional programming – Many articles on various aspects of functional programming in JavaScript by Gleb Bahmutov.
- Functional Programming Jargon (⭐19k) – Jargon from the functional programming world explained in JavaScript.
Resources / Videos
- Classroom Coding with Prof. Frisby – A series that builds a “practical” web application with React and functional programming in JavaScript.
- Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong! – Underscore.js claims to be a functional programming library, but is it really?
Resources / Examples and Exercises
- functional-frontend-architecture (⭐1.4k) – A functional frontend framework. Based on Ramda + union-type-js + Flyd + Snabbdom
- cube-composer (⭐2k) – A puzzle game inspired by functional programming.
- FP Youtube Search (⭐57) – YouTube search app with ReactJS, Redux, and FP concepts
- Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript – Learn to apply techniques from the forefront of computer science research to solve practical problems in Javascript. Discover functional programming and see it demonstrated step-by-step with how to build an example web app using abstract interfaces like Monads, Functors, Monoids and Applicatives. (commercial)
Community / Related Lists
- Awesome FRP JS (⭐284) – A curated list of awesome (functional) reactive programming stuff in JavaScript.
4. Awesome Microservices
Python / Scala
- Flask - Python framework for microservices based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2.
5. Js Must Watch
6. Awesome Ruby
Third-party APIs
- simple-slack-bot (⭐157) - You can easily make Slack Bot.
7. Awesome Postgres
Contents / Language bindings
- PHP: Pomm, pecl/pq (⭐38)
8. Awesome Bigdata
2015 - 2016
- 2015 - Facebook - One Trillion Edges: Graph Processing at Facebook-Scale.
9. Awesome Courses
Courses / Machine Learning
- CS 4786 Machine Learning for Data Science Cornell University
- An introductory course in machine learning, with a focus on data modeling and related methods and learning algorithms for data sciences. Tentative topic list:
- Dimensionality reduction, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and the singular value decomposition (SVD), canonical correlation analysis (CCA), independent component analysis (ICA), compressed sensing, random projection, the information bottleneck. (We expect to cover some, but probably not all, of these topics).
- Clustering, such as k-means, Gaussian mixture models, the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, link-based clustering. (We do not expect to cover hierarchical or spectral clustering.).
- Probabilistic-modeling topics such as graphical models, latent-variable models, inference (e.g., belief propagation), parameter learning.
- Regression will be covered if time permits.
- Assignments
- Lectures
- An introductory course in machine learning, with a focus on data modeling and related methods and learning algorithms for data sciences. Tentative topic list:
- EECS E6893 & EECS E6895 Big Data Analytics & Advanced Big Data Analytics Columbia University
- Students will gain knowledge on analyzing Big Data. It serves as an introductory course for graduate students who are expecting to face Big Data storage, processing, analysis, visualization, and application issues on both workplaces and research environments.
- Taught by Dr. Ching-Yung Lin
- Course Site
- Assignments - Assignments are present in the Course Slides
- Info 290 Analyzing Big Data with Twitter UC Berkeley school of information
- In this course, UC Berkeley professors and Twitter engineers provide lectures on the most cutting-edge algorithms and software tools for data analytics as applied to Twitter's data. Topics include applied natural language processing algorithms such as sentiment analysis, large scale anomaly detection, real-time search, information diffusion and outbreak detection, trend detection in social streams, recommendation algorithms, and advanced frameworks for distributed computing.
- Lecture Videos
- Previous Years coursepage
Courses / Artificial Intelligence
- CS 4700 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Cornell University
- This course will provide an introduction to computer vision, with topics including image formation, feature detection, motion estimation, image mosaics, 3D shape reconstruction, and object and face detection and recognition. Applications of these techniques include building 3D maps, creating virtual characters, organizing photo and video databases, human computer interaction, video surveillance, automatic vehicle navigation, and mobile computer vision. This is a project-based course, in which you will implement several computer vision algorithms throughout the semester.
- Assignments
- Lectures
- CS 6700 Advanced Artificial Intelligence Cornell University
Courses / Computer Graphics
- CS 378 (⭐77) 3D Reconstruction with Computer Vision UTexas
- In this lab-based class, we'll dive into practical applications of 3D reconstruction, combining hardware and software to build our own 3D environments from scratch. We'll use open-source frameworks like OpenCV to do the heavy lifting, with the focus on understanding and applying state-of-the art approaches to geometric computer vision
- Lectures (⭐77)
- CS 4620 Introduction to Computer Graphics Cornell University
- The study of creating, manipulating, and using visual images in the computer.
- Assignments
- Exams
- CS 4670 Introduction to Computer Vision Cornell University
- This course will provide an introduction to computer vision, with topics including image formation, feature detection, motion estimation, image mosaics, 3D shape reconstruction, and object and face detection and recognition. Applications of these techniques include building 3D maps, creating virtual characters, organizing photo and video databases, human computer interaction, video surveillance, automatic vehicle navigation, and mobile computer vision. This is a project-based course, in which you will implement several computer vision algorithms throughout the semester.
- Assignments
- Lectures
- CS 6670 Computer Vision Cornell University
- Introduction to computer vision. Topics include edge detection, image segmentation, stereopsis, motion and optical flow, image mosaics, 3D shape reconstruction, and object recognition. Students are required to implement several of the algorithms covered in the course and complete a final project.
- Syllabus
- Lectures
- Assignments
10. Awesome D3
- d3-message-sequence (⭐93) - A dynamic/static message sequence chart
- dTree (⭐420) - Family tree library
Miscellaneous / Third Party
- d3-cloud (⭐3.6k) - Word clouds
11. Awesome Vorpal
- birdknife (⭐31) - A full featured Twitter CLI.
12. Awesome R
Integrated Development Environments
- RTVS - R Tools for Visual Studio.
13. Awesome Flexbox
Libraries and Frameworks / Slides and Notes
- Milligram - A minimalist CSS framework
14. Awesome Git Addons
git secret init
$ git secret init
'.gitsecret/' created.
git secret tell
$ git secret tell [email protected]
done. [email protected] added as a person who knows the secret.
cleaning up...
git secret add
$ git secret add hideme.txt
1 items added.
git secret list
$ git secret list
git secret hide
$ git secret hide
done. all 1 files are hidden.
15. Awesome Dropwizard
Editor Support / Eclipse
- dropwizard-tools (⭐3) - Eclipse Tools for Dropwizard
Guides / Deployment
16. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Debugging / Profiling
- 0x (⭐3.3k) - Flamegraph profiling.
17. Awesome LaTeX
Online editors
- Authorea - Online editor with built-in git support and bibliography tools.
- ShareLaTeX - Has pretty great LaTeX documentation and simple version control.
- Overleaf - Online editor, also with a WYSIWYM editor and git support.
- Papeeria - Online editor with built-in git support.
Resources / TikZ
- TUG - The TeX User Group is a way to get in touch with other (La)TeX users.
18. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Routers
- Klein (⭐2.7k) - A flexible router.
19. Awesome Elm
Boilerplates / Outdated Boilerplates
- elm-webpack-starter (⭐861) - A simple Webpack setup for writing Elm apps.
20. Tips
Reuse recorded resolution, record and reuse previous conflicts resolutions.
git config --global rerere.enabled 1
Open all conflicted files in an editor.
git diff --name-only | uniq | xargs $EDITOR
21. Awesome Electron
Closed Source / Other
- Remember - Business card management. (Korean)
For Electron / Other
- electron-installer-debian (⭐373) - Create a Debian package.
- electron-installer-redhat (⭐80) - Create a Red Hat package.
- electron-installer-windows (⭐465) - Create a Windows package.
22. Vim Galore
- Where is this symbol defined?
- Where is this symbol used?
- What is this global symbol's definition?
- Where did this variable get its value?
- Where is this function in the source files?
- What functions call this function?
- What functions are called by this function?
- Where does the message "out of space" come from?
- Where is this source file in the directory structure?
- What files include this header file?
23. Awesome Rails Gem
View Helper / Omniauth
- cocoon (⭐3.1k) - Dynamic nested forms using jQuery made easy
24. Awesome Relay
- Relay 101: Building A Hacker News Client - A complete workable example.
- Relay 102: Mutations - A follow up to "Relay 101" concentrating on mutations.
Starter Kits
- Relay Skeleton (⭐125) - Relay project skeleton.
Ruby / Rails
- GraphQL and Relay on Rails — First relay powered react component - Full walk through of a simple Relay setup, including clonable code.
- Relay/GraphQL On Rails - A brief example of Relay with Rails, complete with several diagrams to aid in comprehension.
25. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / A individuals
- Axel Rauschmayer
Individuals/Group Contributors / E individuals
- Edan Kwan
26. Awesome Laravel
Videos / Third-party Service Integration
27. Awesome Slack
28. Awesome Symfony Education
- Symfony Framework Deepdive - Console [2015]
- Detailed guide to Console Component by Joshua Thijssen
- Symfony Framework Deepdive - Security [2015]
- Detailed guide to Security Component by Joshua Thijssen
- Symfony Certification - Unofficial self-study guide [2015]
- Short Q-A based section about Symfony foundations
29. Awesome Draft Js
Blog Posts & Articles
30. Awesome Emails
Tools / Misc
- TestSubject - Test How Your Email Subject Lines Appear On The Most Popular Mobile Devices.
31. Awesome Interview Questions
Programming Languages/Frameworks/Platforms / JavaScript
32. Awesome Beacon
Eddystone by Google
- Advertising frame types
Proximity Beacon API by Google
- Beacons 101-- Getting Started with the Google Beacon Platform - Video Ubiquity Dev Summit 2016
- Get Started with Beacons - This guide explains the steps required to start using Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons to provide proximity-based experiences for your users.
- Proximity Beacon API - A cloud service that allows you to manage data associated with your BLE beacons using a REST interface
- Nearby - Build simple interactions between nearby devices and people
Installation & Radio Planning
- Brooklyn Museum: Positioning Visitors with iBeacons & Getting Visibility on the iBeacon Problem
Beacon Discovery & Configuration Tools
- ScanBeacon (⭐26) - A ruby gem that allows you to scan for beacon advertisements using IOBluetooth (on Mac OS X) or a BlueGiga BLE112 device (on mac or linux)
Stackoverflow Q&A
- Beacon OSX (⭐854) - Mavericks as an iBeacon
- Electron Physical Web Scan (⭐46) - Mac OSX desktop app to scan for Physical Web (Eddystone) bluetooth beacons
- Electron Slide Beacon (⭐134) - Share links from your Mac using this app to broadcast them as an Eddystone URL (Physical Web) bluetooth beacon.
Web Bluetooth API
- Web Bluetooth Intro by Opera
33. Awesome Music
Music Notation
- Lilypond cook book (⭐4) - tips & tricks for getting the most out of lilypond.
- NOTATIO - a forum devoted to the practice of music notation.
Music Programming
- Bach: Automated Composer's Helper - a cross-platform set of patches and externals for Max, aimed to bring the richness of computer-aided composition into the real-time world.
34. Awesome Pyramid
- pyramid_pycallgraph (⭐4) - Pyramid tween to generate a callgraph image for every request
- pyramid_storage (⭐13) - This is a package for handling file uploads in your Pyramid framework application.
- pyramid_mongodb (⭐44) - Basic Pyramid Scaffold to easily use MongoDB for persistence with the Pyramid Web framework
- pyramid_extdirect (⭐10) - This pyramid plugin provides a router for the ExtDirect Sencha API included in ExtJS. ExtDirect allows to run server-side callbacks directly through JavaScript without the extra AJAX boilerplate.
35. Awesome Android
Database / ORM
- requery (⭐3.1k) - Compile time ORM and SQL query library for Java & Android.
36. Awesome Fuse
- Alfred Workflow (⭐1) - Integrate Fuse on Alfred.
37. Awesome Npm
- npm-cli-login (⭐116) - Log in to npm.
38. Awesome Tensorflow
- TensorFlow Guide 2 - Continuation of first video
- TensorFlow Deep MNIST for Experts - Goes over Deep MNIST
39. Awesome Hacking Locations
United States 🇺🇸 / Massachusetts
District Hall
Open workspace with whiteboard walls, great coffee, moderately busy.
Wifi | Power | Coffee | Address | Open Hours |
open | ✔ | ✔ | 175 Northern Ave, Boston, MA 02210 | Mon-Fri 08:00-02:00, Sat 12:00-02:00, Sun 12:00-21:00 |
Pavement Coffeehouse
Great coffee, pretty busy
Wifi | Power | Coffee | Address | Open Hours |
open | ✔ | ✔ | 736 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 | Mon-Fri 07:00-21:00, Sat 07:00-20:00, Sun 12:00-21:00 |
Amazing coffee, tea, ice cream, moderately busy
Wifi | Power | Coffee | Address | Open Hours |
open | ✔ | ✔ | 1899 Main St, Cambridge, MA 02139 | Mon-Fri 08:00-23:00, Sat-Sun 09:00-23:00 |
40. Awesome Elixir
- Nvjorn (⭐16) - A multi-protocol network services monitor written in Elixir using Poolboy.
- gmail (⭐51) - A simple Gmail REST API client for Elixir.
Framework Components
- scrivener_headers (⭐52) - Helpers for paginating API responses with Scrivener and HTTP headers.
- scrivener_html (⭐125) - Helpers built to work with Scrivener's page struct to easily build HTML output for various CSS frameworks.
- mnemonic_slugs (⭐27) - A memorable, mnemonic slug generator in Elixir.
- slack_logger_backend (⭐33) - A logger backend for posting errors to Slack.
ORM and Datamapping
- neo4j_sips (⭐81) - Neo4j driver for Elixir.
- neo4j_sips_models (⭐6) - Minimalistic Model support for the Neo4j.Sips Elixir driver.
Third Party APIs
- sparkpost (⭐44) - An Elixir library for sending email using SparkPost.
- Elixir School - Lessons about the Elixir programming language.
41. Awesome Charting
Free and Open Source Libraries
- Morris.js - Simple API to render line, bar, area, and donut charts
- vis.js - Network diagrams, descriptive timelines with labels, and has 3D graphs.
Framework-Specific Libraries / Angular
- Angular-Chart- Simple API to render line, bar, area, and donut charts
Framework-Specific Libraries / jQuery
- jqPlot - Open source jQuery plugin for drawing charts. Contains many commonly used features but may use different naming conventions for these items.
Framework-Specific Libraries / React
- react-vis (⭐8.4k) - A collection of React components to render common data visualization charts
- recharts - Redefined chart library built with React and D3
- Prev: Mar 14 - Mar 20, 2016
- Next: Jan 04 - Jan 10, 2016