Awesome List Updates on Jan 04 - Jan 10, 2016
32 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Es6 Tools
Other / Brunch Plugins
- Rollup - Rollup is a next-generation JavaScript module bundler. Author your app or library using ES2015 modules, then efficiently bundle them up into a single file for use in browsers and Node.js
2. Free for Dev
Code Quality
- — Comments on GitHub commits about code quality, free for Open Source
- — Static code analysis for Java, C/C++, C# and JavaScript, free for Open Source
Code Search and Browsing
- — Comprehensive text-based code search, free for Open Source
CI and CD
- — 100 private builds/month, five private projects, unlimited for Open Source
- — Public GitHub repositories only
Management System
- — Deploy prepared apps on IaaS. Management of 1 AWS micro instance free
Log Management
- — Free up to 5 GB/month with seven days retention
Translation Management
- — Unlimited projects, unlimited strings, and collaborators for Open Source
- — Monitoring for cron jobs. One free snitch (monitor), more if you refer others to sign up
- — Free 1 GB memory and 1 GB storage
CDN and Protection
- — The Google Hosted Libraries is a content distribution network for the most popular Open Source JavaScript libraries
- — Cloud Python app hosting. Beginner account is free, 1 Python web application at domain, 512 MB private file storage, one MySQL database
- — Move data everywhere instantly and automatically, multi-platform, unlimited sending and storage of structured data, max. 2,500 users/month
Web Hosting
- — Free documentation hosting with versioning, PDF generation, and more
- — Free DNS hosting service with Dynamic DNS Support
Managed Data Services
- — Cloud Data Platform offers a free tier and all plans are completely free while in beta
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- — Project management platform for startups and agile developers, free for Open Source
- — Role based project management. Free up to 5 users. Integration with GitHub/Trello/Dropbox/Google Drive
3. Awesome Ocaml
Code Analysis and Linters
- flow (⭐22k) - flow is a static type checker for JavaScript.
Exercises and Short Examples
- OCaml at Exercism – Exercism is your place to engage in thoughtful conversations about code. Explore simplicity, idiomatic language features, and expressive, readable code. Solutions (⭐96).
4. Awesome Influxdb
- Java (⭐1.1k) - Java client for InfluxDB
- PHP (⭐425) - PHP client for InfluxDB
- Python (⭐1.6k) - Python client for InfluxDB
- Ruby (⭐364) - Ruby client for InfluxDB
- influent (⭐38) - InfluxDB Javascript driver
Projects / Dedicated
- influxdb-sqlserver (⭐66) - Collect Microsoft SQL Server metrics for reporting to InfluxDB and visualize them with Grafana
- Telegraf (⭐12k) - (Official) plugin-driven server agent for reporting metrics into InfluxDB
Dashboards and visualization / Hooks
- FluxDash (⭐33) - Terminal based InfluxDB dashboard
Provisioning InfluxDB / Hooks
- chef-influxdb (⭐53) - Chef cookbook for InfluxDB
- influxdb-formula (⭐9) - Installs and configures the InfluxDB timeseries database
5. Awesome Tech Videos
Company Culture / Scala
- unSEXY Conf 2013: Zach Holman, Github By Zach Holman
- How GitHub Uses GitHub to Build GitHub By Zach Holman
6. Awesome Malware Analysis
Online Scanners and Sandboxes / Other Resources
- SEE (⭐809) - Sandboxed Execution Environment (SEE) is a framework for building test automation in secured Environments.
7. Awesome Ruby
Static Site Generation
- Photish (⭐150) - Generate a highly configurable static website from a photo collection.
8. Awesome Dotnet
Image Processing
- DotImaging (⭐313) - Minimalistic .NET imaging portable platform
9. Awesome Robotics
10. Awesome Aws
SDKs and Samples / JavaScript SDK
Open Source Repos / Miscellaneous Repos
- donnemartin/dev-setup 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐5.9k) - Mac setup of various developer tools and AWS services.
- Netflix/asgard 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (⭐2.2k) - Web interface for application deployments and cloud management.
11. Awesome Github
Resources for those already familiar with GitHub
- Resume - Resumes generated using GitHub.
Tips, tricks, tools, and add-ons for GitHub power users
- Prose - Prose provides a beautifully simple content authoring environment for CMS-free websites. It's a web-based interface for managing content on GitHub.
12. Awesome Clojurescript
Awesome ClojureScript / Web Framework & Template
- Clops (⭐172) – An opinionated, full stack and easy to use web framework.
13. Toolsforactivism
Software as a service:
- Riseup - A provider of communication tools for activists, including free webmail, chat, and VPN
14. Awesome Refinerycms
Solidus e-commerce + Refinery extensions
- solidus-refinery-authentication (⭐7) - Shared auth between Solidus and Refinery
15. BEM Resources
16. Awesome R
Graphic Displays
- ggrepel (⭐1.2k) - Repel overlapping text labels away from each other.
- ggalt (⭐666) - Extra Coordinate Systems, Geoms and Statistical Transformations for ggplot2.
17. Awesome Electron
Open Source / Other
- Chrome DevTools (⭐1.6k) - Chrome DevTools packaged as an app.
18. Awesome Swift
- UIColor-Hex-Swift (⭐1.2k) - Hex to UIColor converter.
Images / Barcode
- PassportScanner (⭐465) - Scan the MRZ code of a passport and extract the first name, last name, passport number, nationality, date of birth, expiration date and personal number.
Utility / Barcode
- Sugar (⭐1.1k) - Something sweet that goes great with your Cocoa.
19. Awesome Pyramid
Admin interface
- pyramid_formalchemy (⭐45) - provides a CRUD interface for pyramid based on FormAlchemy.
- pyramid_sacrud (⭐50) - Pyramid CRUD interface.
Provides an administration web interface for Pyramid.
Unlike classic CRUD, pyramid_sacrud allows overrides and flexibility to
customize your interface, similar to django.contrib.admin but uses a
different backend to provide resources. New Architecture
built on the resources and mechanism traversal, allows to use it in various cases.
- ps_alchemy (⭐6) - extension for pyramid_sacrud which provides SQLAlchemy models.
- ps_tree (⭐3) - extension for pyramid_sacrud (⭐50) which displays a list of records as tree. This works fine with models from sqlalchemy_mptt (⭐186).
Asset Management
- pyramid_webassets (⭐65) - Pyramid extension for working with the webassets library.
- pyramid_bowerstatic (⭐14) - integration of Bowerstatic in Pyramid
- aiopyramid (⭐80) - Run pyramid using asyncio.
- gevent-socketio (⭐1.2k) - gevent-socketio is a Python implementation of the Socket.IO protocol, developed originally for Node.js by LearnBoost and then ported to other languages.
- Stargate (⭐40) - Stargate is a package for adding WebSockets support to pyramid applications using the excellent eventlet library for long running connections.
- pyramid_ldap (⭐9) - an LDAP authentication policy for Pyramid.
- pyramid_who (⭐10) - Authentication policy for pyramid using repoze.who 2.0 API.
- velruse (⭐254) - Simplifying third-party authentication for web applications. it supports most of auth providers (⭐254).
- pyramid_simpleauth (⭐33) - session based authentication and role based security for Pyramid application
- Python Social Auth (⭐2.8k) - Social authentication/registration mechanism with support for a large number of providers (⭐2.8k).
- Authomatic (⭐993) - Simple yet powerful authorization / authentication client library for Python web applications.
- apex (⭐96) - Toolkit for Pyramid, a Pylons Project, to add Authentication and Authorization using Velruse (OAuth) and/or a local database, CSRF, ReCaptcha, Sessions, Flash messages and I18N.
- pyramid_authsanity (⭐14) - That will make it simpler to have a secure authentication policy with an easy to use backend.
- pyramid_jwt (⭐73) - This package implements an authentication policy for Pyramid that using JSON Web Tokens. This standard (RFC 7519) is often used to secure backens APIs. The excellent PyJWT library is used for the JWT encoding / decoding logic.
- ziggurat_foundations (⭐70) - Framework agnostic set of sqlalchemy classes that make building applications that require permissions an easy task.
- pyramid_multiauth (⭐42) - An authentication policy for Pyramid that proxies to a stack of other authentication policies.
- pyramid_authstack (⭐10) - Use multiple authentication policies with Pyramid.
- horus (⭐15) - User registration and login system for the Pyramid Web Framework.
Caching & Session
- pyramid_beaker (⭐50) - A Beaker session factory backend for Pyramid, also cache configurator.
- pyramid_dogpile_cache (⭐6) - dogpile.cache configuration package for Pyramid
- pyramid_sessions (⭐0) - Multiple session support for the Pyramid Web Framework
- pyramid_nacl_session (⭐10) - defines an encrypting, pickle-based cookie serializer, using PyNaCl to generate the symmetric encryption for the cookie state.
- pyramid_debugtoolbar (⭐95) - provides a debug toolbar useful while you're developing your Pyramid application.
- pyramid_exclog (⭐22) - a package which logs exceptions from Pyramid applications.
- pyramid_ipython (⭐6) - IPython bindings for Pyramid's pshell
- pyramid_bpython (⭐0) - bpython bindings for Pyramid's pshell
- pyramid_mailer (⭐50) - A package for sending email from your Pyramid application.
- pyramid_marrowmailer (⭐5) - Pyramid integration package for marrow.mailer, formerly known as TurboMail
- deform (⭐386) - is a Python HTML form generation library.
- colander (⭐425) - A serialization/deserialization/validation library for strings, mappings and lists.
- WTForms (⭐1.3k) - is a flexible forms validation and rendering library for python web development.
- ColanderAlchemy (⭐61) - helps you to auto-generate Colander schemas that are based on SQLAlchemy mapped classes.
- marshmallow (⭐6.3k) - A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes (i.e. (de)serialization and validation).
- pyramid_elfinder (⭐2) - This is conector for elfinder file manager, written for pyramid framework.
- cornice (⭐375) - provides helpers to build & document REST-ish Web Services with Pyramid, with decent default behaviors. It takes care of following the HTTP specification in an automated way where possible.
- rest_toolkit (⭐36) - is a Python package which provides a very convenient way to build REST servers. It is build on top of Pyramid, but you do not need to know much about Pyramid to use rest_toolkit.
- pyramid_royal (⭐24) - Royal is a pyramid extension which eases writing RESTful web applications.
- cliquet (⭐65) - Cliquet is a toolkit to ease the implementation of HTTP microservices, such as data-driven REST APIs.
- webargs (⭐1.3k) - A friendly library for parsing HTTP request arguments, with built-in support for popular web frameworks.
- ramses (⭐305) - Generate a RESTful API using RAML. It uses Nefertari which provides ElasticSearch-powered views.
- hypatia (⭐29) - A Python indexing and searching system.
- pyramid_zcml (⭐3) - Zope Configuration Markup Language configuration support for Pyramid.
- pyramid_services (⭐78) - defines a pattern and helper methods for accessing a pluggable service layer from within your Pyramid apps.
- pyramid_tm (⭐33) - Centralized transaction management for Pyramid applications (without middleware).
- zope.sqlalchemy (⭐29) - Integration of SQLAlchemy with transaction management.
- pyramid_sqlalchemy (⭐26) - provides some basic glue to facilitate using SQLAlchemy with Pyramid.
- pyramid_zodbconn (⭐4) - ZODB Database connection management for Pyramid.
- pyramid_mongoengine (⭐13) - pyramid-mongoengine package based on flask-mongoengine
Task Queue
- pyramid_celery (⭐101) - Pyramid configuration with celery integration. Allows you to use pyramid .ini files to configure celery and have your pyramid configuration inside celery tasks.
- pyramid_rq (⭐10) - Support using the rq queueing system with pyramid. The easiest way to monitor and use RQ in your Pyramid projects.
- pyramid_mako (⭐23) - Mako templating system bindings for the Pyramid web framework.
- pyramid_chameleon (⭐11) - Chameleon template compiler for pyramid.
- pyramid_jinja2 (⭐73) - Jinja2 templating system bindings for the Pyramid web framework.
- Tonnikala (⭐0) - Python templating engine with Pyramid integration
- webtest (⭐323) - Wraps any WSGI application and makes it easy to send test requests to that application, without starting up an HTTP server.
- lingua (⭐44) - Lingua is a package with tools to extract translatable texts from your code, and to check existing translations. It replaces the use of the xgettext command from gettext, or pybabel from Babel.
- pyramid_layout (⭐24) - Pyramid add-on for managing UI layouts.
- pyramid_skins (⭐1) - This package provides a simple framework to integrate code with templates and resources.
- waitress (⭐1.1k) - Waitress is meant to be a production-quality pure-Python WSGI server with very acceptable performance. It has no dependencies except ones which live in the Python standard library.
- pyramid_handlers (⭐8) - analogue of Pylons-style “controllers” for Pyramid.
- pyramid_rpc (⭐26) - RPC service add-on for Pyramid, supports XML-RPC in a more extensible manner than pyramid_xmlrpc with support for JSON-RPC and AMF.
- pyramid_autodoc - Sphinx extension for documenting your Pyramid APIs.
- pyramid_tablib (⭐5) - tablib renderer (xlsx, xls, csv) for pyramid
- tomb_routes (⭐1) - Simple utility library around pyramid routing
- cluegun (⭐27) - A simple pastebin application based on Rocky Burt’s ClueBin. It demonstrates form processing, security, and the use of ZODB within a Pyramid application.
- shootout (⭐106) - An example “idea competition” application by Carlos de la Guardia and Lukasz Fidosz. It demonstrates URL dispatch, simple authentication, integration with SQLAlchemy and pyramid_simpleform.
- virginia (⭐23) - A very simple dynamic file rendering application. It is willing to render structured text documents, HTML documents, and images from a filesystem directory. It’s also a good example of traversal. An earlier version of this application runs the website.
- Akhet - A Pyramid library and demo application with a Pylons-like feel. Its most known for its former application scaffold, which helped users transition from Pylons and those preferring a more Pylons-like API. The scaffold has been retired but the demo plays a similar role.
- Khufu Project - Khufu is an application scaffolding for Pyramid that provides an environment to work with Jinja2 and SQLAlchemy.
- Ptah (⭐74) - Ptah is a fast, fun, open source high-level Python web development environment.
- warehouse (⭐3.1k) - Warehouse is a next generation Python Package Repository designed to replace the legacy code base that currently powers PyPI.
- Ringo - Ringo is a Python based high level web application framework build on top of Pyramid. The framework can be used to build form based management or administration software.
- nive_cms (⭐17) - Nive is professional out the box content management system for mobile and desktop websites based on python and the webframework pyramid. Please refer to the website for detailed information.
- substanced (⭐147) - An application server built upon the Pyramid web framework. It provides a user interface for managing content as well as libraries and utilities which make it easy to create applications.
- Kotti (⭐391) - A user-friendly, light-weight and extensible web content management system. Based on Pyramid and SQLAlchemy.
- KARL - A moderately-sized application (roughly 80K lines of Python code) built on top of Pyramid. It is an open source web system for collaboration, organizational intranets, and knowledge management. It provides facilities for wikis, calendars, manuals, searching, tagging, commenting, and file uploads. See the KARL site for download and installation details.
Web Applications with Python and the Pyramid Framework - In this Web Applications with Python and the Pyramid Framework training course, expert author Paul Everitt will teach you about the features needed for Python web development, as well as Pyramid's unique features. This course is designed for users that already have a basic knowledge of Python.
You will start by learning about single file web apps, templating, and multiple routes and views. From there, Paul will teach you about MyApp Python package, views and routes, and templating and static assets. This video tutorial also covers forms, databases, and sessions, authentication and authorization, and JSON. Finally, you will learn about extensibility, including custom configuration settings, extending and overriding, and custom view predicates.
Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have gained a basic understanding of the features needed for Python web development and the features unique to Pyramid.
20. Awesome Iot
Software / Frameworks
- Countly IoT Analytics (⭐5.3k) - Countly is a general purpose analytics platform for mobile and IoT devices, available as open source.
21. Awesome AutoHotkey
- WinClip - by Deo - WinClip is a clipboard manipulation class extending AutoHotkey's clipboard capabilities including support for RTF, HTML and images. Forum thread: link.
- AHKonsole (⭐30) - by G33kdude - Class based AutoHotkey library for console support. This library enables you to create an object representing a console to interact with, as well as multiple console buffer objects to facilitate in double buffering. Forum thread: link.
- LibCon (⭐53) - by joedf - AutoHotkey Library For Console Support. This library enables you to write console applications and interact with other console instances. Basically, this library facilitates anything that has to do with writing and interacting with consoles. Forum thread: link.
Data format
- AutoHotkey-JSON (⭐195) - by cocobelgica - JSON lib for AutoHotkey. Forum thread: link.
- ObjDump/ObjLoad - by HotKeyIt - Serialize/deserialize object to/from variable/memory.
- SerDes (⭐12) - by cocobelgica - Serialize / de-serialize an AutoHotkey object structure. Forum thread: link.
- ahkDBA (⭐51) - by IsNull - An OOP-SQL database access framework. Forum thread: link.
- Class_SQLiteDB (⭐86) - by just Me - AHK SQLite API wrapper class. Forum thread: link.
- FileGetProperties - by kon - Functions for retrieving extended file properties.
- GDIp (⭐122) - by tic - Full featured library that helps in interaction with Microsoft's gdiplus.dll - Forum thread: link.
- GDIp_ImageSearch - by tic - Library using gdiplus.dll for searching image instances on the screen. See the end of that thread for MasterFocus' improved version, or see his GitHub repo here (⭐158)
- Simple GDI class - by GeekDude - A class aiming to make using low-level GDI functions simple.
GUI / General
- AutoXYWH - by tmplinshi - Move and resize controls automatically when a GUI is resized.
- TaskDialog (⭐11) - by just Me - enhanced MsgBox for Win Vista+ - link
- OnWin (⭐84) - by cocobelgica - Call function on window event (WinWaitXXX async). Forum thread: link
GUI / ListView
- LV_Colors (⭐23) - by just Me - Individual background and/or text colours for a GUI ListView's cells or rows. Forum thread: link
- LV_EX (⭐13) - by just me - Some additional functions for AHK GUI ListView controls. Forum thread: link
GUI / Menu
- [Lib] Menu - by just me - Some functions related to AHK menus. Forum thread: link
Hotkeys / Web
- CHotkeyControl - by evilC - Replacement for AHK hotkey GuiControl that supports mouse buttons etc (Partially mature).
- HParse - by Avi - Function to convert meaningful shortcuts (Ctrl+X) to AutoHotkey syntax (^x).
Joystick / Web
- CvJoyInterface - by evilC - Control a vJoy virtual joystick using AHK.
- XInput - by Lexikos - Read XBOX gamepads using XInput (Only way to independently read L/R triggers), control rumble motors.
Maths / Web
- Scientific Maths - by Avi - Library facilitating high precision mathematics.
- Monster - evaluate math expressions in strings (calculator).
Networking / Web
- AHKhttp (⭐69) - Basic HTTP Server. Forum link
- AHKsock (⭐64) - by TheGood - Function based sockets library. Supports TCP. Forum link
Plotting (graphs, bars, charts and etc) / Web
- Excel Charts - by Xx7 - Library for creating a graph in Excel, save the graph as an image and display it in a GUI.
- XGraph - by SKAN - Function library for graphically plotting real time data.
System / Web
- RunAsTask - by SKAN - Auto-elevates script without UAC prompt.
Text manipulation / Web
- String Things - by tidbit - Stand-alone string manipulation functions.
- TF (⭐110) - by hi5 - Functions for manipulation of text files such as *.txt, *.ahk, *.html, *.css etc and Strings (or variables). Forum thread: link.
Clipboard / Web
- Clipjump - is a Multiple-Clipboard management utility for Windows. Source code: GitHub (⭐338). Forum threads: link 1, link 2.
Graphics / Web
- Fun with GDIPlus - Interesting GDI+ examples.
GUI / Web
- Examples of Non-Standard GUIs (ActiveX, GDI, etc.) - Examples of GUIs using non-standard methods to produce beautiful user interfaces.
- Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs! - Using HTML and CSS for creating GUIs.
Mouse / Web
- EitherMouse - Multiple mice, individual settings, auto swap mouse buttons on second mouse. Forum thread: link.
Typing / Web
- AutoComplete (⭐162) - Suggests and completes words as you type. Forum thread: link.
- Half-QWERTY - One-handed Typing. Using the space bar as a modifier, the user can generate the characters of either side of a full-sized keyboard using only one hand. More information via Forum thread: link
- Portable Keyboard Layout - helps people to learn better, more efficient keyboard layouts such as Dvorak, Colemak or Asset. Forum thread: link.
- Thumbscript - Allows you to type using the number pad, with only 2 number presses for every letter. Documentation: link
- TypingAid (⭐106) - Suggests and completes words as you type. Forum thread: link GitHub link (⭐106).
Window Management / Web
- bug.n (⭐3.1k) - Tiling Window Manager. Forum thread: link
Interpreter / Web
- AutoHotkey - AutoHotkey interpreter installer and binaries.
- AutoHotkey DLL (⭐58) - AutoHotkey.dll opens the world of AutoHotkey to other programming and scripting languages. Forum thread: link. Documentation link.
Debugging / Web
- [Class] Console - This class is meant to simplify debugging for scripts from simple text handling, to outputting and logging data & arrays. GitHub link (⭐19).
- Print Array - Function that prints array content in GUI.
Decompilers / Web
- AutoHotkey decompiler - classic - for AHK 1.0 does not work with password or /nodecompile protected files.
Integrated Development Environment / Web
- AHK Studio - SciLexer.dll based IDE for AutoHotkey.
- AutoHotFlow - Draw your applications. Forum thread: link. GitHub link (⭐59).
- DRAKON Editor - Visual programming (with DRAKON diagrams) for AutoHotkey.
- Notepad++ for AutoHotkey - Setup for popular code editor Notepad++ for AutoHotkey.
GUI WYSIWYG Builders / Web
- GUI Creator (formerly Basic GUI Creator) - WYSIWYG GUI Creator for AutoHotkey.
Script Recorders and Writers / Web
- Pulover’s Macro Creator - a Free Automation Tool and Script Generator. Recommended for beginners. Forum thread: link. GitHub link (⭐1.2k).
Web Syntax Highlighters / Web
- PrismJs - Lightweight minimal AutoHotkey syntax highlighting.
Others / Web
- GoTo - Addon for any text editor that helps you jump to labels, hotkeys, hotstrings and functions in the active file.
- Context sensitive help in any editor - Addon for any text editor that provides context sensitive help by pressing F1.
- CodeQuickTester - by GeekDude - A lightweight dynamic code tester.
(Use in) other programming languages / Web
- .NET Framework Interop (CLR, C#, VB) - Forum thread: link.
- ActiveScript - Host VBScript and JScript in-process - Provides an interface to Active Scripting languages like VBScript and JScript, without relying on Microsoft's ScriptControl, which is not available to 64-bit programs.
- Exo-Javascript (⭐113) - Write AHK with JavaScript - Forum thread: link, Exo-CLI (Interactive Command-line) link (⭐10).
- Machine code functions: Bit Wizardry - Tutorial link, C/C++ to MCode Generator forum link.
- Embed Perl - Forum thread: link.
Classes / Web
- Classes in AHK, Basic tutorial - AutoHotkey classes basic tutorial.
- Classes in AHK, a Dissection (Advanced) - AutoHotkey classes advanced tutorial.
MCode (machine code) / Web
- MCode Tutorial - MCode (machine code) tutorial.
Documentation / Web
- Official documentation - Official uptodate AutoHotkey documentation. GitHub link (⭐265).
Books / Web
Quick-start guides / Web
- Official quick start tutorial - Official quick start tutorial - originally written by tidbit. Forum thread: link.
Websites / Web
- - Official website of the AutoHotkey scripting language (downloads, forum, documentation).
22. Awesome Shell
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- dokku (⭐26k) - Docker powered mini-Heroku. The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen.
- hub (⭐23k) - hub helps you win at git.
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- goaccess (⭐17k) - GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems.
23. Vim Galore
Getting help offline
- options are enclosed in single quotes, e.g.
:h 'textwidth'
Vim distributions / Screencasts
Delays when using escape key in terminal / Screencasts
is used a lot for returning to normal mode or quitting an action.
- Cursor keys are encoded using escape sequences.
- Vim expects Alt (also called Meta key) to send a proper 8-bit encoding with the high bit set, but many terminal emulators don't support it (or don't enable it by default) and send an escape sequence instead.
24. Awesome Android
- SwipeableCard (⭐830) - Implementation of swipe card like StreetView!!
- ElasticProgressBar (⭐317) - Beautiful loading bar.
Notifications / Field Validation
- Android HeartBeat Fixer (⭐58) - Way to set heartbeat interval and users receive PushNotifications from GCM.
Debugging Tools / ORM
- Linx (⭐763) - Show logcat inside the device for debug builds
- Scalpel (⭐2.8k) - View the entire hierarchy in 3d in the phone.
- Stetho (⭐13k) - Debug hierarchy and network from chrome.
25. Awesome Rxjava
- RxRelay (⭐2.5k) - RxJava types that are both an Observable and an Action1.
26. Awesome Microservices
- GRPC - A high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first. Libraries in C, C++, Java, Go, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP and C#.
- Cap’n Proto RPC - The Cap’n Proto C++ RPC implementation.
- Enduro/X (⭐129) - XATMI based service framework for GNU/Linux.
Messaging / Scala
- Mosca - MQTT broker as a module.
Serialization / Scala
- Cap’n Proto - Insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system.
Storage / Scala
- Secure Scuttlebutt (⭐61) - P2P database of message-feeds.
27. Amas
Ask these people anything!
- Jon Moss (⭐0) - Rails developer. Average teen. Member of the Ruby on Rails Issues Team.
28. Awesome Tap
Reporters / JavaScript
- tap-dot (⭐35) - Dotted output.
- tap-spec (⭐280) - Mocha-like spec reporter.
- tap-nyan (⭐144) - Nyan cat.
- tap-difflet (⭐48) - Minimal output with diffing.
- tap-diff (⭐93) - Human-friendly output with diffing.
- tap-simple (⭐6) - Simple output.
- faucet (⭐541) - Human-readable summarizer.
- tap-mocha-reporter (⭐24) - Use any of the Mocha reporters (⭐24).
- tap-summary (⭐43) - Summarized output.
- tap-pessimist (⭐15) - Only shows failed tests.
- tap-prettify (⭐34) - Nice readable output with diffing.
- tap-colorize - Colorize the output while preserving machine-readability.
- tap-bail (⭐19) - Bail out when the first test fails.
- tap-json (⭐24) - JSON output.
- tap-xunit (⭐42) - xUnit output.
Producers / JavaScript
- tap (⭐2.1k) - TAP test framework for Node.js.
- tape (⭐5.7k) - TAP-producing test harness for Node.js and browsers.
- qunit-tap (⭐72) - TAP output for QUnit.
- jasmine-reporters (⭐397) - TAP output for Jasmine.
- karma-tap-reporter (⭐7) - TAP output for Karma.
Producers / Fish
- Fishtape (⭐314) - TAP producer and test harness for fish.
Consumers / JavaScript
- tap-parser (⭐116) - TAP parser.
- tap-out (⭐23) - TAP parser.
- yamlish (⭐22) - YAML-block parser.
Tools / JavaScript
- tap-dev-tool (⭐29) - Prettify TAP in the browser console.
- tap-merge (⭐13) - Merge multiple TAP streams.
Tools / Python
- tappy (⭐120) - Tools for working with TAP.
Tutorials / Python
- test-anything (⭐166) - Learn to test anything with TAP through an interactive workshop.
Documentation / Python
Community / Python
29. Critical Path Css Tools
Inline sources (styles, scripts)
- isomorphic-style-loader (⭐1.2k) for Webpack - allows to extract critical CSS for any given page/screen in React apps and inline it into HTML during server-side rendering (SSR). See React Starter Kit (⭐22k) as an example.
30. Awesome Cpp
- cppcodec (⭐638) - Header-only C++11 library to encode/decode base64, base32 and hex with consistent, flexible API. [MIT]
- American fuzzy lop a.k.a. afl-fuzz - Crazy fuzzing tool that automatically discovers bugs given time and minimal example input. [Apache2]
31. Awesome Elixir
Command Line Applications
- table_rex (⭐253) - Generate configurable ASCII style tables for display.
Files and Directories
- exfile (⭐90) - File upload handling, persistence, and processing in Elixir and Plug.
ORM and Datamapping
- couchdb_connector (⭐96) - A connector for CouchDB, the Erlang-based, JSON document database.
- quark (⭐322) - A library for common functional programming idioms: combinators, currying, and partial application.
32. Awesome Music
Music Notation
- Lilyvm (⭐6) - Lilypond version manager.
- Prev: Jan 11 - Jan 17, 2016
- Next: Mar 02 - Mar 08, 2015