Awesome List Updates on Sep 28, 2016
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Javascript
Functional Programming / Runner
- preludejs (⭐99) - Hardcore Functional Programming for JavaScript.
2. Awesome Appsec
Bulletproof SSL and TLS (2014)
Released: August 1, 2014
Supercar Showdown
How to go on the offence before online attackers do.
A portable public domain password hashing framework for use in PHP applications.
3. Awesome Ctf
- Wireshark - Analyze the network dumps.
apt-get install wireshark
4. Awesome Elixir
- ExShop (⭐219) - Digital goods shop & blog created using Phoenix framework.
- authorize (⭐99) - Rule based authorization, for advanced authorization rules.
Cloud Infrastructure and Management
- ex_riak_cs (⭐5) - Riak CS API client.
- smoothie (⭐46) - Smoothie inline styles of your email templates, and generates a plain text version from the HTML.
Instrumenting / Monitoring
- prometheus.ex (⭐413) - Elixir-friendly monitoring system and time series database client.
5. Tips
Apply commit from another repository
git --git-dir=<source-dir>/.git format-patch -k -1 --stdout <SHA1> | git am -3 -k
Find common ancestor of two branches
git merge-base <branch-name> <other-branch-name>
6. Citizen Science
Tools and Equipment / Biology and Chemistry
- Bento Box - A low-cost PCR workstation from Bento Lab.
- IORodeo - Sells a cheap open-source potentiostat, a colorimeter, and some other equipment.
Tools and Equipment / Environmental Science and Geology
- Smoky Mountain Scientific - Modular, Low cost, open-source instrumentation for environmental monitoring.
Tools and Equipment / 3D Printing and Fabrication
- Thingiverse - A search engine for 3D-printable models.
- Ember - A comprehensively open-source DLP SLA 3D Printer project, powered by Autodesk.
- Precious Plastic - Make your own 3D printer filament.
Tools and Equipment / Electronics
- C.H.I.P - A $9 Linux computer.
- Raspberry Pi Zero - The cheapest, smallest Raspberry Pi ($5).
- Particle Electron - Raspberry Pi-like microcontroller for connecting the devices you make to the cellular network.
- SparkFun - A company selling all sorts of electronics for DIY projects, including sensors.
- Red Pitaya - Open-source tool with multiple signal processing functions, such as an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, signal generator, and more.
- Podo - A stickable, hi-resolution Bluetooth camera.
Tools and Equipment / Other
- Global Village Construction Set - Open-source farm equipment and other civilization-building tools.
- Farming Concrete Data Collection Toolkit - "Methods for measuring the outcomes and impacts of community gardens and urban farms."
- Build My Lab Contest - A competition to create instructables for DIY lab equipment.
- Generic Lab Equipment - Wiki with instructions on building DIY lab equipment.
7. Awesome Fuse
Open Source
- Infinite Scroll - An example implementation of "infinite scroll" for use with Fuse Tools version 0.26 and above.
8. Awesome R
Data Manipulation
- tidyverse (⭐1.7k) - Easily install and load packages from the tidyverse.
Parallel Computing
- sparklyr - R interface for Apache Spark from RStudio.
9. Awesome Flexbox
Featured Projects / Slides and Notes
- Reflexbox (⭐1.4k) - Responsive React flexbox grid system higher order component.
10. Awesome Redux
- redux-transducers (⭐130) - Transducer utilities for Redux.
11. Awesome Android
- TapTargetView (⭐5.2k) - An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery.
12. Awesome Material
- mui (⭐4.5k) — A lightweight CSS framework that follows Material Design guidelines.
13. Awesome Pokemon
Development Projects / Apps
- Shuffle-Move (⭐97) - A program to identify and display the best next move for the game Pokémon Shuffle.
14. Awesome Computer Vision
Low-level Vision / Change Detection
- Prev: Sep 29, 2016
- Next: Sep 27, 2016