Awesome List Updates on Aug 30, 2016
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Papers We Love
Info / Applications/Ideas built around Papers We Love
- Love a Paper - @loveapaper
2. Awesome Static Website Services
Forms / Really Simple Forms
- MailThis - Simple form submissions via email with optional attachments.
Forms / Normal Forms
- Google Forms - Saves results into Google Sheets and can email you when there is a submission.
3. Awesome Cyclejs
Learn / Slides
- Functional Reactive Programming with Cycle.js - by Sudarsan Balaji
4. Awesome Sre
Misc Articles
5. Awesome Deep Learning
Researchers / Frameworks
6. Awesome Rxjava
- RxComprehensions (⭐86) - Reduce boilerplate in RxJava by abstracting chained flatMaps, concatMaps and switchMaps.
7. Awesome Dotnet
- Ignite (⭐4.9k) - Distributed in-memory platform: document database with SQL and LINQ support; distributed computations; distributed services and events.
- Scrutor (⭐3.7k) - Assembly scanning extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
Markdown Processors
- markdig (⭐4.5k) - A fast, powerful, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET.
- LLBLGen Pro - Entity Modeling solution for Entity Framework, NHibernate, Linq to SQL and its own ORM framework: LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework. [$][Free Lite version]
8. Awesome Courses
Courses / Programming Languages / Compilers
- 6.945 Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programming MIT
- Taught by Gerald Sussman of SICP fame, this class deals with concepts and techniques for the design an implementation of large software systems that can be adapted to uses not anticipated by the designer. Applications include compilers, computer-algebra systems, deductive systems, and some artificial intelligence applications.
- Assignments: Extensive programming assignments, using MIT/GNU Scheme. Students should have significant programming experience in Scheme, Common Lisp, Haskell, CAML or other "functional" language.
- Readings
9. Awesome Bigdata
SQL-like processing
- Apache Calcite - framework that allows efficient translation of queries involving heterogeneous and federated data.
10. Citizen Science
Tools and Equipment / Biology and Chemistry
- SGD - Stanford University's Saccharomyces Genome Database.
Funding and Support / Financial Resources
- Endeavorist - A "curiosity network" for science and technology that combines a social network with crowdfunding.
- Prev: Aug 31, 2016
- Next: Aug 29, 2016