Awesome List Updates on Aug 09, 2016
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Filesystem
- filehound (⭐222) - Flexible and fluent interface for searching the file system.
2. Awesome Jvm
- Performance Java User's Group - For expert Java developers who want to push their systems to the next level
- Why JNI is slow? - Cliff Click
- JVM Language Summit 2016 - JVM Language Summit 2016.
3. Awesome Php
Table of Contents / Build Tools
- Phing - A PHP project build system inspired by Apache Ant.
4. Awesome Math
Probability and Statistics / Statistics
- 📝 NIST Handbook of Statistical Methods - Resource on practical statistics directed towards scientists and engineers.
5. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- data_morph - Create Elixir structs from data.
- Tube (⭐12) - Pure Elixir WebSocket client library.
- bypass (⭐972) - Bypass provides a quick way to create a mock HTTP server with a custom plug.
Third Party APIs
- exfacebook (⭐18) - Facebook API, written in Elixir using similar methods like Ruby koala gem.
6. Awesome Malware Analysis
Debugging and Reverse Engineering / Other Resources
- RetDec - Retargetable machine-code decompiler with an online decompilation service and API that you can use in your tools.
7. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Security
- jose-jwt (⭐927) - Library for processing JOSE objects (JWT, JWA, JWS and related).
8. Awesome Dotnet
- MonoGame (⭐12k) - One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games
9. Git Cheat Sheet
Improved Git-flow (⭐5.4k)
You need a working git installation as prerequisite. Git flow works on OSX, Linux and Windows.
OSX Homebrew:
$ brew install git-flow-avh
OSX Macports:
$ port install git-flow
Linux (Debian-based):
$ sudo apt-get install git-flow
Windows (Cygwin):
You need wget and util-linux to install git-flow.
$ wget -q -O - --no-check-certificate install <state> | bash
Getting Started
Git flow needs to be initialized in order to customize your project setup. Start using git-flow by initializing it inside an existing git repository:
You'll have to answer a few questions regarding the naming conventions for your branches. It's recommended to use the default values.
git flow init
To use default
git flow init -d
Develop new features for upcoming releases. Typically exist in developers repos only.
Start a new feature:
This action creates a new feature branch based on 'develop' and switches to it.
git flow feature start MYFEATURE
Finish up a feature:
Finish the development of a feature. This action performs the following:
1) Merged MYFEATURE into 'develop'.
2) Removes the feature branch.
3) Switches back to 'develop' branch
git flow feature finish MYFEATURE
Publish a feature:
Are you developing a feature in collaboration? Publish a feature to the remote server so it can be used by other users.
git flow feature publish MYFEATURE
Getting a published feature:
Get a feature published by another user.
git flow feature pull origin MYFEATURE
Tracking a origin feature:
You can track a feature on origin by using
git flow feature track MYFEATURE
Make a Release
Support preparation of a new production release. Allow for minor bug fixes and preparing meta-data for a release
Start a release:
To start a release, use the git flow release command. It creates a release branch created from the 'develop' branch. You can optionally supply a [BASE] commit sha-1 hash to start the release from. The commit must be on the 'develop' branch.
git flow release start RELEASE [BASE]
It's wise to publish the release branch after creating it to allow release commits by other developers. Do it similar to feature publishing with the command:
git flow release publish RELEASE
(You can track a remote release with the: git flow release track RELEASE
Finish up a release:
Finishing a release is one of the big steps in git branching. It performs several actions:
1) Merges the release branch back into 'master'
2) Tags the release with its name
3) Back-merges the release into 'develop'
4) Removes the release branch
git flow release finish RELEASE
Don't forget to push your tags with git push --tags
Hotfixes arise from the necessity to act immediately upon an undesired state of a live production version. May be branched off from the corresponding tag on the master branch that marks the production version.
Git flow hotfix start:
Like the other git flow commands, a hotfix is started with
$ git flow hotfix start VERSION [BASENAME]
The version argument hereby marks the new hotfix release name. Optionally you can specify a basename to start from.
Finish a hotfix:
By finishing a hotfix it gets merged back into develop and master. Additionally the master merge is tagged with the hotfix version
git flow hotfix finish VERSION
Git flow schema
- Arabic Git Cheat Sheet
- Brazilian Portuguese Git Cheat Sheet
- Chinese Git Cheat Sheet
- German Git Cheat Sheet
- Greek Git Cheat Sheet
- Hindi Git Cheat Sheet
- Korean Git Cheat Sheet
- Polish Git Cheat Sheet
- Spanish Git Cheat Sheet
- Turkish Git Cheat Sheet
- Bengali Git Cheat Sheet
10. Awesome Tensorflow
Blog posts
11. Awesome Choo
Contents / Official resources
Contents / Dependencies
- bel (⭐672) - Create composable DOM elements using template strings.
- hyperx (⭐993) - Convert template strings to library backends.
- nanoraf - Only call RAF when needed.
Contents / Demos
- TodoMVC - (repo (⭐39))
- Grow - (repo (⭐13))
Contents / Community
Contents / Resources
Contents / Projects using choo
- boxcar (⭐10) - A choo-based grid/spreadsheet editor.
- choo-sortable (⭐2) - Building sortable code with choo.
- hacker-choo (⭐10) - Hacker Typer clone written in choo.
- footprint-rechoo (⭐4) - A choo rewrite of footprint-review (⭐6).
- minidocs (⭐136) – A documentation site generator built with choo.
- dataface (⭐43) - Desktop application to manage databases.
- BlankUp (⭐38) - Multiplatform markdown editor.
- Prev: Aug 10, 2016
- Next: Aug 08, 2016