Awesome List Updates on Jul 27, 2016
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Dotnet
Template Engine
- Stubble (⭐415) - Trimmed down {{mustache}} templates in .NET. Successor of Nustache.
2. Awesome Pokemon
Development Projects / Apps
- Pokemon-Showdown (⭐4.8k) - Pokémon battle simulator.
Resources & Others / Wiki
- Pokedex (⭐1.4k) - More than you ever wanted to know about Pokémon.
3. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- navigation_tree (⭐2) - A navigation tree representation with helpers to generate HTML out of it.
- crypto_rsassa_pss (⭐12) - RSASSA-PSS Public Key Cryptographic Signature Algorithm for Erlang.
Framework Components
- plug_fprof (⭐4) - A Plug that adds fprof tracing to requests, to allow for easy profiling.
- geohash (⭐27) - Geohash encode/decode library.
Text and Numbers
- ccc (⭐4) - Character Code Converter.
Third Party APIs
- semver (⭐2) - Utilities for working with version strings.
4. Engineering Blogs
Companies / M companies
- Microsoft Python Engineering
Products/Technologies / M technologies
- Microsoft Edge
Products/Technologies / N technologies
5. Awesome Salesforce
Table of Contents / Packages and Libraries supporting salesforce
- SfApexDoc - A full-featured Apex documentation generator, similar to JavaDoc.
6. Vertx Awesome
- Dart
- Vert.x Dart SockJS (⭐0) - Dart integration for Vert.x SockJS bridge and plain SockJS with use of dart:js.
7. Awesome Cpp
Scientific Computing
- Trilinos (⭐1.2k) - High performance PDE solvers. [BSD]
8. Awesome Aws
Open Source Repos / S3
- waynehoover/s3_direct_upload 🔥🔥🔥 (⭐651) - Direct Upload to Amazon S3 With CORS
- Prev: Jul 28, 2016
- Next: Jul 26, 2016