Awesome List Updates on Jul 03, 2016
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Command-line apps
- atmo (⭐816) - Server-side API mocking.
2. Awesome Rest
Ruby Clients
- httparty (⭐5.8k) - Makes HTTP fun again!
3. Awesome Audio Visualization
Libraries Audio
- audio-render (⭐41) - A pass-through audio stream, providing structure for rendering stream audio data.
4. Vertx Awesome
- Vert.x Cron (⭐61) - Schedule events with cron specifications. Has event bus and Observable versions.
5. Awesome Cyclejs
Libraries / Components
- tommy-the-runner/cyclejs-ace-editor ★0 (⭐1) - Cycle.js intergration with Ace Editor using brace (⭐1k). Check an example here.
6. Awesome
- Musicbee - Like iTunes but better than iTunes.
- Unreal Engine - Another free game engine. Lots of documentation and easier to pick up, but you pay 5% royalties to Unreal when you make money from UE-based games.
7. Awesome Courses
Courses / Algorithms
- 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms MIT
- This course provides an introduction to mathematical modeling of computational problems. It covers the common algorithms, algorithmic paradigms, and data structures used to solve these problems. The course emphasizes the relationship between algorithms and programming, and introduces basic performance measures and analysis techniques for these problems.
- Lecture Videos
- Assignments
- Readings
- Resources
- Old Exams
- 6.046J/18.410J Design and Analysis of Algorithms MIT
- This is an intermediate algorithms course with an emphasis on teaching techniques for the design and analysis of efficient algorithms, emphasizing methods of application. Topics include divide-and-conquer, randomization, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, incremental improvement, complexity, and cryptography. This course assumes that students know how to analyze simple algorithms and data structures from having taken 6.006. It introduces students to the design of computer algorithms, as well as analysis of sophisticated algorithms.
- Lecture Videos
- Lecture Notes
- Assignments
- Resources
- Old Exams
- 6.854J/18.415J Advanced Algorithms MIT
- This course is a first-year graduate course in algorithms. Emphasis is placed on fundamental algorithms and advanced methods of algorithmic design, analysis, and implementation. Techniques to be covered include amortization, randomization, fingerprinting, word-level parallelism, bit scaling, dynamic programming, network flow, linear programming, fixed-parameter algorithms, and approximation algorithms. Domains include string algorithms, network optimization, parallel algorithms, computational geometry, online algorithms, external memory, cache, and streaming algorithms, and data structures. The need for efficient algorithms arises in nearly every area of computer science. But the type of problem to be solved, the notion of what algorithms are "efficient,'' and even the model of computation can vary widely from area to area. In this second class in algorithms, we will survey many of the techniques that apply broadly in the design of efficient algorithms, and study their application in a wide range of application domains and computational models. The goal is for the class to be broad rather than deep. Our plan is to touch upon the following areas. This is a tentative list of topics that might be covered in the class; we will select material adaptively based on the background, interests, and rate of progress of the students.
- Lecture Videos - Spring 2016
- Lecture Notes
- Assignments
- Readings
- Resources
8. Awesome Android
9. Tips
Show the author, time and last revision made to each line of a given file
git blame <file-name>
10. Awesome Dtrace
Sysevent provider
- DTrace sysevent provider - Solaris/illumos sysevent provider for DTrace.
11. Awesome Hacking
Disassemblers and debuggers
- plasma (⭐3k) - Interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS. Generates indented pseudo-code with colored syntax code.
12. Awesome Stock Resources
Photography / CC0-license
- Stockified - Free pictures taken in India by Kiran BV and Aditya G Bharadwaj.
13. Awesome Flexbox
Other Interesting Articles / Polyfills
14. Awesome Emails
Tools / Misc
- Rollover - Generates code for a Rollover Image that displays an alternative image when the email recipient hovers the cursor over the image.
- Prev: Jul 04, 2016
- Next: Jul 02, 2016