Awesome List Updates on Jun 26, 2016
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Spark
Resources / Projects Using Spark
- Crossdata (⭐169) - Data integration platform with extended DataSource API and multi-user environment.
2. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Emoj (⭐370) - Find relevant emoji from text.
3. Awesome Cryptography
Python / Git
- PyElliptic (⭐131) - Python OpenSSL wrapper. For modern cryptography with ECC, AES, HMAC, Blowfish.
Web-sites / Git
- IACR - The International Association for Cryptologic Research is a non-profit scientific organization whose purpose is to further research in cryptology and related fields.
4. Awesome Competitive Programming
Books / Open Courses for Algorithms and Data Structures
☆: ★☆☆
Name: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Programming Contests, by Nite Nimajneb
Description: This book is free for download (pdf). This book covers various topics relevant to competitive programming.
☆: ★★★
Name: プログラミングコンテストチャレンジブック (Japanese), by 秋葉拓哉, 岩田陽一, 北川宜稔
Description: An absolutely phenomenal book. The contents, organized in a very coherent manner, are nothing short of amazing. ... 培養與鍛鍊程式設計的邏輯腦:世界級程式設計大賽的知識、心得與解題分享 (Chinese Traditional)
5. Engineering Blogs
Individuals/Group Contributors / M individuals
- Matt Warren
6. Awesome Fuse
Open Source
- Fuse Tags with Firebase (⭐14) - Simple Tags app. Adds and retrieves tags from Firebase.
7. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Haskell / Spock Framework
Python / Django
- Django Official Documentation (PDF) (1.9)
8. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / Authentication and Authorization
- Identity (⭐2k) - ASP.NET Core Identity is the membership system for building ASP.NET Core web applications, including membership, login, and user data.
- Prev: Jun 27, 2016
- Next: Jun 25, 2016